Tuono releases new single inspired by love and overcoming: ‘Anna’

Luca Moreira
5 Min Read

Tuono‘s new single, “Anna”, is a song that talks about a love he lived and the importance of appreciating the experiences that make us grow and overcome challenges. The song has a positive vibe, inspired by Reggae and Pop, and will be released on 03/10, arriving first on the artist’s streaming platforms and, shortly after, on the YouTube channel.

Tuono hopes to convey positive energy to listeners and inspire them to value the experiences that life gives them. The singer hopes that people feel good when listening to the song and that they can identify with the lyrics, either because they have already experienced something similar or because they hope to find a love like the one he describes in the song.

The lyrics of the song were inspired by a love that Tuono lived, in a woman with a charming smile and very charismatic. Creating the song was a simple and natural experience for the singer, who composed the song while playing the guitar and singing the melody. Check out the interview!

How was the writing process for the song “Anna”? Could you share with us how the inspiration for the lyrics of the song came about?

Anna was a love that I lived, and for a long time she stayed here in my heart (laughs), owner of a beautiful smile, very nice people. That was the inspiration, the song itself has been made for about 5 years, but I hadn’t found the right time to release it. The process was simple, I had the idea of the beginning of the lyrics and I started to play the guitar and sing, then I wrote it down.

Regarding your music, did any personal experience or event in particular influence your composition? How was the process of creating the melody and song arrangements?

You mean my music in general right? Yes, it’s a real reflection of my life, my experience and observations, for example when I wrote a few times about anxiety it was because I really was in crisis. The process of creating the song was as I said above, there wasn’t such an elaborate process this time, because the song was born as it is, it was literally singing for it to be born.

What was the biggest challenge you faced while creating and recording “Anna”? How did you overcome these obstacles and find inspiration to complete the track?

I record everything in my room, and I still don’t have an acoustic treatment, so the workshop next door generates a lot of noise (laughs), so this is certainly the biggest challenge, waiting for the right moment to record and hoping not to have noise.

In addition to the message of love and hope present in the lyrics of “Anna”, discuss the importance of valuing relationships and experiences that make us grow and overcome challenges, what is your intention in transmitting positive energy through music and how you hope this will can influence the mood of your listeners?

The song is in the key of G major, which we usually use for happier and more hopeful songs, the idea was to create a melody that stays there in the mind but not in a boring way, but in a positive way, bringing joy in those moments of the day that are heavier. I sincerely hope that whoever listens to Anna has the same experience that we have when listening here, that song that does good, I want to hear people changing the name to the name that best represents the feeling, instead of Anna it can be Gaby, Carla, Júlia.

What are the biggest musical influences that contributed to the development of your unique style of Reggae and Pop? What artists and genres do you listen to to inspire and influence your music?

I consider myself an adventurer in some aspects of music, I think it’s the second reggae that I do in my work, this time I was listening to a lot of Big UP, more precisely their DVD, and that’s what inspired me in general in the production of Anna.

Follow Tuono on Instagram

*With Regina Soares

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