
Latest Books News

Matheus Moori mixes philosophy, poetry and human feelings through new book

The writer and philosopher Matheus Moori presents a moving narrative that combines

Through a new book, Giovanna Mazetto invites children to rediscover the world beyond screens

Inspired by the impact of technology on children's daily lives, writer Giovanna

Angela Cruz debuts epic saga that connects witchcraft and the fight for women’s rights

With a narrative that spans centuries and cultures, The Scarlet Phoenix, by

Social worker and bestselling author Cláudia Castro tackles human trafficking in a hot and suspenseful novel

Amazon bestselling author Cláudia Castro has released her novel In the Arms

Sérgio Coelho explores surrealism in 60 thought-provoking poems published in new book

Ghosts, monsters, dancers and mythological figures meet in a universe full of

André Catarinacho turns games and literature into allies against bullying with “Super Marsh & Mallow ”

André Catarinacho , a screenwriter nominated for an International Kids Emmy in

Raïssa Lettiére explores the mysteries of humanity in her first literary novel

In “The Nap of God” (Ed. Faria e Silva), her first novel,

Intrigue and Greed: The mystery behind the new crime novel by writer and journalist Carlos Carvalho

Family intrigue, unbridled ambition and a crime without immediate answers are the

Israel Pinheiro promotes reflection on Christmas feelings and Brazilian resilience through new book

In "3 Christmases from Recif", writer Israel Pinheiro from Pernambuco explores the

Writer J. Londe rescues the heroic trajectory of Ana Preta, a forgotten figure of the Paraguayan War

In the historical novel Ana Preta, writer and journalist J. Londe relives