Project that brings together musicians from Móveis Coloniais de Acaju, Remobília hits the road after album release

Luca Moreira
6 Min Read
Joy Ballard

Born a little before social isolation but consolidated during the pandemic, Remobília is getting ready to meet the public again with the national tour of their first album, “Ponto final”. The project brings together musicians André Gonzales, Beto Mejía, Esdras Nogueira, Fernando Jatobá and Gustavo Dreher, who populated the national indie scene with the memorable formation of Móveis Coloniais de Acaju. The result is a vibrating salute to the paths traveled and a hopeful nod to the new roads to be traveled.

The tour kicks off in the group’s hometown of Brasília. Remobília’s stage debut will be on Sunday, 07/08, on the stage of the COMA festival, one of the main ones in the federal capital in recent years. The following week, on 08/13, they performed in Anápolis (GO), at the Festa Festival Paralelo Sonoro.

In September, the group takes the stage at Cine Jóia, in São Paulo, on the 16th with the opening of the singer and composer from Ceará, Gabriel Aragão. On the 18th, Uberlândia (MG) closes the first leg of the tour with a show at Festival Timbre.

“The feeling of recovery after a long time is a mixture of many feelings. First, the emotion of being next to André, Esdras, Dreher, Jatobá and the whole team, bringing anxiety and euphoria. Being able to meet people, exchange ideas, look them in the eye is something that strengthens us. What transforms us is this contact and this continuity”, says Beto Mejía.

Recently released, the album adds to a sequence of singles already revealed by Remobília over the last few months and the EP “Janelas”, from 2020. Now, songs like the title track (featuring rapper Kimani) and “Dia beautiful” are joined by the previously unseen “Lâmina de knife”, “Our name is now”, “Feito cloud”, “New delirium”, “Sometimes”, “Living otherwise” and “January”. In the technical file, prominent names on the national scene appear, such as Moreno Veloso, Marcelo Callado and Frank Jorge. In common, the compositions deliver the intimacy of the familiar, but with the candor of the chest open to the new. Remobília makes this first work an important statement about love, respect and what makes us human.

“‘Ponto final’ is our first album. It’s a record that talks about conduct. Conduct of love, care and affection, but also anger and revolt. However, it also brings breeze and beautiful days. Not that the tortuous times are over, but reunions are necessary and they are places of power. The reunion always has nostalgia, affection and care. And so we intend to continue walking. Having music and art as a point of escape and refuge. We want to walk alongside those who fight intolerance, fascism, misogyny, racism. We want to look at the writings of life and know that there are other ends besides pain and that music fills us with what we need”, asks Beto Mejía.

The reunion of former members of Móveis Coloniais de Acaju came as an opportunity for a show where André, Beto, Esdras, Jatobá and Dreher would show the repertoire of their individual projects, in addition to iconic songs they shared in 18 years of band. After the break at Móveis, the musicians continued collaborating on their solo works, ranging from the songs of old dances by Mr. Gonzales Serenata Orquestra, passing through Mejía’s children’s world until arriving at Nogueira’s instrumental saxophone journeys. But the group’s reunion show was set for 2020 – and unfortunately, so was the pandemic.

“There was no show. Full stop. No meeting on stage, no physical reunion, distanced, we didn’t make ourselves distant. The windows that framed our virtual contact during 2020 gave our EP its name. The non-existent stage became 4 unreleased songs. The music tied the knots of the distance it wielded. The songs expressed the certainty that we would end that year together. But many are gone. It was 2020. It was 2021. Losses spread. There was no show. Full stop”, summarizes André Gonzales.

The group turned the forced hiatus into a new starting point. Two years later, the songs multiplied and became nine. Other inspirations, different poetics and a renewed perspective mark this wave of compositions, where vaporwave, French house and gaucho rock lead to cutting rhythms, synthesizers, cellos, dissonances. Between 1990s nostalgia and the freshness of the present, Remobília celebrates impermanences to create the new.

The paths taken by the members after the break in Móveis for an indefinite period are multiple and diverse. These new experiences are recombined in a meeting of old friends with renewed eyes, hungry ears and full hearts. The album “Ponto final” is now available on the main music platforms. The tour will have new dates announced soon. Remobília’s circulation project is supported by FAC – Cultural Support Fund of the Federal District.

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