Bárbara Cruz opens up about her experience and her discoveries in art: “a constant challenge”

Luca Moreira
6 Min Read
Bárbara Cruz (Gy Alvez)

At the age of 12, Bárbara Cruz from São Paulo has an impressive career. Her adorable face has already graced the packaging of children’s products and renowned magazines. She conquered the artistic world as a model at just 9 months o l d and is now taking a new step by playing her first antagonist on television.

In the seventh year of primary school, Bárbara is a typical teenager who loves playing volleyball, going out with friends and exploring social media. She h a s also ventured into the world of the arts, studying tap dancing, hip hop and theatre.

The young actress is currently part of t h e cast of SBT’s first soap opera in partnership with Prime Video, “The Childhood of Romeo and Juliet”. In this plot, Bárbara takes on t h e role o f Rosalina, Julieta’s antagonist, a studious, spoilt character full of passions that bring fun and confusion to the story. This is yet another exciting stage in Bárbara Cruz’s promising career.

How was the transition from being a child model to an actress in the soap opera “The Childhood of Romeo and Juliet”?

Modelling was a very important career step for my development. Acting is a constant challenge because you have to surpass yourself a t every shoot and fulfil the expectations of the character and automatically o f all the directors.

What was your biggest challenge in playing Rosalina, the antagonist of the plot?

In scenes where the character has to be arrogant and provocative, that’s when I have to concentrate and dedicate myself to conveying this side of Rosalina i n a natural way.

Apart from acting, do you have any other activities you like to do i n your spare time? How do you manage to combine everything?

I like chatting to my friends, going for walks in the shopping centre, taking photographs, etc. I try to organise myself so that I don’t miss out on what I need to do, such as my studies and work. It’s essential that I dedicate myself to my studies and get good grades.

Bárbara Cruz (Gy Alvez)

Tell us about your experience in tap, hip hop and theatre classes. How did these activities contribute t o your performance in the soap opera?

These are activities t h a t I call liberating, because they make you loosen up and become very resourceful, so I think it helped a lot when I entered the world of cameras.

What’s it like acting in a production that’s a partnership between SBT and Prime Video? Did that bring any additional pressure?

It’s something incredible and great just to think that many people around the world will be able to see my work and be inspired by it is very gratifying, without a doubt it’s an even greater responsibility.

What’s your favourite part of playing Rosalina in the soap opera?

My favourite part is being able to create the character with a personal touch and showing it to the camera with the character’s features, which is fun for me.

Bárbara Cruz (Gy Alvez)

How do you prepare yourself emotionally to play more intense and dramatic scenes?

I try to concentrate so that I can study these types of scenes more to avoid problems with the text and facial expressions.

What do you like most about your character? Are there any similarities between you and Rosalina?

I like Rosalina’s personality, even if there are s o m e bad points, there are some good points that I can identify with. For example, h e r   style of dress and when she’s having fun, she loves going out, both to see her friends a n d to go shopping, w h i c h I love.

At just 12 years old, you’ve already achieved a lot in your artistic career. What are your plans and dreams for the future in acting?

I want to carry on doing soap operas, acting has certainly given me a very special feeling. However, I am interested i n a c t i n g i n cinema and theatre.

What would you like to say to your fans and to everyone who has accompanied you on this artistic journey?

Firstly, thank you so much for your love, attention and dedication. So many fans across the country who h e l p publicise my work is something extremely special. I’d like to tell them to never give up on their dreams and to always be persistent.

Follow Bárbara Cruz on Instagram

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