Ana Polli recalls her participation in reality shows and her career in the fashion world

Luca Moreira
26 Min Read
Ana Polli
Ana Polli

Ana Polli , a fashion lover born and raised in Florianópolis, is ready to reach greater heights in 2024. With plans to explore new horizons, she aims for work trips to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and beyond. With 100% availability and unwavering determination, Ana is prepared to embark on this new phase with renewed enthusiasm and energy.

Since childhood, Ana Polli has had a passion for fashion, defining herself as a true style chameleon. Moving between creative, Barbie, rocker and other styles, she always adds a personal touch to her choices. Her fashion journey has included a variety of roles, from photographer to creating the brand ” illop “. Now, he is about to fulfill an old dream by launching his own brand, bearing his name.

Having graduated in Fashion from Unisul in 2013, Ana found digital influence to be a new way to express her passion. Inspired by figures such as Ana Gabriela Sales, known as Rica de Marré , Ana Polli seeks to be an authentic influencer, showing reality and refusing to be something she is not.

Recently, Ana faced a remarkable challenge when participating in a reality show, a turning point in her life that began with a simple recommendation from a friend. Despite the challenges, she highlights her authenticity as her greatest strength.

In addition to her work as an influencer, Ana shares details of her routine, highlighting her hobbies and health care. She considers herself an entrepreneur since childhood, revealing a story of determination and overcoming.

Showing herself to be open and sincere about personal issues, Ana reveals her desire to participate in other reality shows and expresses her admiration for TV figures such as Ana Maria Braga, Silvio Santos and Faustão. With her authenticity and passion for fashion, Ana Polli continues to captivate followers and build her brand on the digital scene, leaving her mark wherever she goes.

How do you feel about your plans to explore new horizons in 2024, traveling to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and possibly other places?

I feel excited, I feel like 2024 is my year! This year, I will fulfill an old dream of having a brand with my own name and certainly with a big difference. I intend to dominate the market! After all, I’m an Aquarius and the sky is the limit. I want to take advantage of every opportunity that arises, seize opportunities that make me evolve both as a professional, as an influencer and as a businesswoman. I want people to get to know Ana Polli this year and not just Ana from ‘Ilhados com a Sogra’. I am available for work travel from now on!

How was the transition of your journey in fashion, from working as a photographer and salesperson to creating the brand ” illop ” and now launching your own brand under the name Ana Polli?

I graduated in Fashion in 2013 and since then I have taken several courses in the area, such as sewing, knitting, crochet and photography. I’ve always had a passion for reading and studying trends, and my style is more different and creative, I love colors and daring looks. I’ve worked in fashion e-commerce, I did editorials, I was a salesperson and my last job was as a fashion photographer, I loved everything I did, but it always seemed like something was missing.

When the profession of blogging emerged, a friend who already worked in the field asked me to be her photographer. As I liked photography, I ended up taking a course to specialize and learn how to work with professional cameras. I photographed for some brands and models, but this “career” was short. Soon after, I was called to an editorial with two singers, where I ended up gaining greater visibility and thus began my official work as an influencer.

At that time, having 10,000 followers wasn’t significant, but at the time there weren’t many influencers. When I started in Florianópolis, I was one of the few influencers, and for a few years I was the only one doing fashion fittings in the region. I was the first to innovate in this market here in Greater Florianópolis and even in the South of Brazil. I’ve never heard of another person who started in 2016 doing what I did. I even did some editorials in several other cities in Santa Catarina.

Unfortunately, the pandemic arrived and everything changed completely. With that, I took a break from my work as an influencer and put a dream to work along with a need I felt: opening an influencer agency with two other partners. We opened at the height of the pandemic in 2020, and it was the best decision we could have made at that time. I continued working as an influencer, which is my passion, but for three years, my main focus was the company.

After participating in the reality show, I left society because I believe that everything has its time and phase. I wanted to return to living off influence, which is what I love most, and bring to paper a very old dream of having my own brand with my name.

What was the inspiration behind your decision to become an authentic digital influencer, in contrast to the superficiality found in some industries?

I started my career doing fashion fittings , and my difference, due to my training in Fashion, was knowing how to talk about trends and even the fabrics of the pieces. This made many brands and stores start to notice me and want me to come to them to talk about their collections.

When I entered this career in 2016, I didn’t see all the futility that I see in the world of influencers nowadays. Before, I believe people weren’t so afraid of being authentic. In the age of cancellation, I see a lot of people pretending to be something they’re not, and I notice more empty and greedy people than those who truly love what they do. I believe this is why, even after a few years, we are still undervalued. It’s like the saying goes: good always pays for evil. But that’s how humanity works, and we can’t give up because of other people’s mistakes.

Ana Polli
Ana Polli

What was the experience of participating in a reality show and facing significant challenges during the recordings?

I’ve been completely addicted to reality shows since the first one came out; I watch them all! Since I was young, I had the dream of participating in a reality show, so when the opportunity arose, I didn’t hesitate.

I can honestly say that participating in a reality show is a real surprise, as we don’t know anything before, at least in what I participated in. In fact, I didn’t even know the name of the program, much less who I would be with inside. For me, the first race was completely overcoming, as I have a phobia of the open sea, a real panic that I can’t explain. I believe that those who have also will understand me and know that the first test, which was in the water in a boat, was very tense and painful for me. Everyone knows that in every reality show there are many tests before being called, and I have always been clear about my fear and phobia of the sea. I was very upset at that point, because I made it clear that, if there was a water test, I wouldn’t even try to participate. However, I overcame myself, went in scared and tried my best. In addition to the water panic, I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my hand, which goes from my index finger to my arm, and I couldn’t paddle anymore due to the pain in my hand, the fear and, of course, because the ‘treasure’ didn’t help at all as a stimulus. . During the editing, it seemed funny because of the music and so on, and I loved the editing, I thought something funny came from a sad scene, and it even took the focus away from the phobia a little, but it was difficult times (I think it was hours, as we had no idea of time). I’ve always been ‘afraid’ of showing that I’m weak and of proving that I’m not what I’ve heard so many people say that I am, and in every test, even though I’m always in last place, I win them all! Because I gave my best, and my competition is always with myself; May I be better today than Ana was yesterday, a daily evolution.

Regarding the relationship inside, that’s me: I swallow and apologize just to avoid fights. Fights wear me out, and honestly, I don’t think they lead to anything. Arguing doesn’t make the other person change, especially when it comes to people you know, know the ropes, and know that nothing would help. It’s that old saying: I’d rather have peace than reason. I love love, and I know that it always wins, and it did! Today I no longer have any contact with my mother-in-law, I’ve never seen her again, and I’m much happier that way. So, I believe that the program helped a lot with this, and it was certainly one of the best things that happened for our good. Today, Antonio and I are even more united, thank God.

In addition to your career as an influencer, you highlighted your hobbies such as knitting, crochet and selling in your personal detachment. How do these activities influence your life and work?

I had started a knitting and crochet course, which unfortunately, due to lack of time, I had to stop. In addition to being wonderful pieces, they are so enjoyable to make. We’ll have news about that soon too!

I’ve had a detachment since 2012, I had another Instagram that was deleted, before I even started working as an influencer. At fashion school, we learned a lot about the history of fashion and its evolution, which, in the case of detachment, thrift store, bazaar, regardless of the name, is something that has been talked about for a long time. Unfortunately, the fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world and produces a lot of waste, which we no longer have space for, in addition to contamination from decomposition and other factors. I love thinking about the planet, after all, it’s our home, and everyone should think more about it. In this, I saw an opportunity in which I could help the planet, help myself financially and help someone else who perhaps wanted to buy a piece that I have, but was unable to buy at full price, or perhaps because it has already been discontinued, it is from a collection old, or because you would only use it once. There are countless reasons and countless advantages for all sides. In fact, I think it’s a niche without competitors, as generally what I have in my detachment will rarely be found in another, and vice versa. The same customer can be everyone’s customer. In addition to everything I mentioned, I have always loved ‘selling’. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was little, haha ! I was about 6 years old when I started. I would get a plastic chair from my grandmother’s beach house, an umbrella, tube tattoos , buy bags of popcorn at 1.99 at the time it was a rage, today it doesn’t even exist anymore, and I would sit there selling it. And I sold everything! Once he sold, he used the money to buy more of what he sold and make more money. It was my favorite ‘joke’. And of course, connecting everything, comes my brand.

You mentioned personal issues, like a miscarriage in 2021 and your struggle with anxiety since you were 15. How have these experiences shaped your journey and worldview?

In 2021, I discovered by chance that I was pregnant. I called Antonio (we didn’t live together yet) and told him that I was feeling strange, with chest pain and a significant delay in my period. He said it was all in my head and that I would have my period soon, but suggested that I buy a test, because if it came back negative, it would mean that my period was approaching. I bought the test and, to my surprise, it came back positive very quickly, in a few seconds or less. I called him terrified and he suggested that I do two more tests, as “three tests really confirm it”. I went there and did them all, and they all tested positive very quickly. At that point, I went to his house and we stood there, looking at the turned off TV for hours. He suggested we do a blood test to confirm, and I went. The beta hCG test result was very high, so I rushed to the public hospital, as I had no health insurance and it was a time when the pandemic was getting worse again.

We did an ultrasound and nothing showed. The doctor even mentioned the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. He asked me to come back after 24 hours. When I came back, after several back and forths, we finally confirmed that they were twins. I was excited and happy, but the joy soon turned to worry when I began to feel severe pain. I started bleeding and went through several hours of heavy bleeding. It was a very difficult experience, both physically and emotionally.

A few days later, my grandmother, who I love dearly and who raised me from day one, contracted COVID-19. She was at the height of the pandemic, and I was dealing with the miscarriage. It was a very difficult time for me, but I had to stay strong to take care of her. I urgently went in search of oxygen and, after a lot of searching, I finally got it. It was 30 days without sleep, taking care of her, giving her injections, changing her oxygen, feeding her and making sure she received the necessary care. My mother, who suffers from a rare disease, trigeminal neuralgia, couldn’t help me for fear of contracting the virus.

After so much suffering and scares, I ended up in the hospital with terrible pain, which I believe was caused by all the emotional and physical stress I faced. I went to the hospital in a wheelchair, unable to speak or walk properly. I took several injections of morphine, but the pain persisted. It was a terrifying experience, but it also made me realize how strong I am and how capable I am of overcoming life’s challenges. The pain and loss I faced taught me to cherish every moment and find strength within myself that I didn’t even know I had. And despite all the adversity, I know that there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel and that love and faith can guide us through the darkest storms.

Ana Polli
Ana Polli

What is your biggest desire when participating in TV programs, such as Power Couple , BBB and A Fazenda? And what do you hope to achieve by realizing this desire?

I’m completely in love with reality shows, like BBB, A Fazenda and Power Couple . I watched practically all of them from the first one onwards. I would definitely participate in any of them, but always being myself and maintaining my unique way. If they expect a shack from me, I find it difficult (although I admit that I don’t have a lot of patience, so who knows over time I might end up saying something, especially if they leave me without food – then I’ll freak out! Haha ). They’re going to have to put me to the test.

In life, I am like this, fortunately or unfortunately. Tolerating things and not saying anything ends up hurting me a lot. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so “good”, because I end up not doing things for myself to do for others, and unfortunately I’m rarely valued or recognized for that.

BBB is my biggest dream, as I believe that the visibility it provides can change a person’s life in every way. In Power Couple , I would love to participate, as I would be alongside Antonio , who is my boyfriend, my best friend, the person who makes me feel good, calm and safe. It would be perfect! Furthermore, I could face challenges that would help me overcome myself.

As for A Fazenda, I believe I would get attached to some of the animals. What I don’t like are the very low level shacks, but I would still consider participating for the visibility and opportunities that would arise after the program. However, among the three, it would be my last option.

Who are your main references on Brazilian television, such as Ana Maria Braga, Silvio Santos and Faustão, and how do they influence your career and life?

Since I was little, my biggest reference has always been Dercy Gonçalves – she was and always will be my diva. I have great admiration for Hebe Camargo, who was an example for me. And I’ve been watching Ana Maria’s program since childhood; I’ve always dreamed of cooking there (I even imitate making recipes as if I were on the show! Haha ). In fact, spoiler: my collection will have three models and I will pay homage to my divas by naming them Dercy, Hebe and Ana Maria. I think Ana Maria becomes even more wonderful with age – I love her pearls, she speaks without a filter! They all had this in common, which is why they were and are so authentic, unique and eternal!

I would really like to meet Silvio and Faustão – I’ve always heard that they are sweethearts. Honestly, I would love to meet this whole group that I grew up watching on TV, like Marcos Mion, Luciano Huck, Xuxa, Angélica, Rodrigo Faro, Eliana, Raul Gil and Celso Portiolli. I’m from the millennial generation , that is, part of the old guard. I also love RedeTV’s Women program! and I would love to participate in Poddelas by Tata and Bruna, as well as the podcast by the wonderful Ana Beatriz Barbosa, the psychiatrist.

How do you see the future of your brand in the digital landscape, and what are your plans to continue captivating followers and building your online presence?

I feel like it represents something totally ‘new’, a genuine difference. I’m launching it exactly in the era of the ‘get ready with me’ trend. Most people who start these videos are wearing a robe, and of course being in a custom robe from my brand will create a desire in them to start the video in that piece. I believe it will be a success! I’m super confident. I will continue to be myself. I have a very niche fan community, which I affectionately call ‘rosinhas’, where we always exchange messages. I realize that they like what I post, they enjoy seeing my daily life, the games with Antônio and even the participation of Alfrida , my hamster.

Ana Polli
Ana Polli

Finally, what are your future projects and professional goals for the coming years?

My future project is to expand my brand with more mini collections of new products, making it my main source of income. I intend to continue working as an influencer, as I have loved what I do since the beginning. I enjoy being involved in this work and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon, even though it’s not my main focus. I love talking to my followers, sharing my experiences, venting and offering them the opportunity to share their own stories. Furthermore, I love collaborating with brands that I admire and being recognized for my work, which is truly priceless. I found my passion in the profession of influencer. I am very inspired by Bianca Boca Rosa, who is not only an incredible influencer, but also a successful businesswoman. I believe most of her income comes from selling her own brand, and that’s how I envision my future. I want to travel a lot for work and, with everything going well, I also want to have the opportunity to see other places.

Follow Ana Polli on Instagram

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