Regina Pocay points to conscious breathing as a help to free yourself from addictions

Luca Moreira
9 Min Read
Regina Pocay
Regina Pocay

In a fast-paced world, breathing is often relegated to the background. However, its conscious practice emerges as a powerful tool in overcoming addictions and dependencies. Recently, the daughter of renowned singer Martinho da Vila shared her journey of freedom from cigarette addiction, highlighting the fundamental role of conscious breathing in her journey. This practice not only helps in overcoming addictions, but also provides a series of benefits for the body, mind and spirit.

Integrative therapist Regina Pocay highlights that, by focusing on breathing, we can reduce stress, strengthen the immune system and promote greater emotional balance. Mindful breathing is more than a relaxation technique; It is a powerful tool that connects us with our own being and helps us in the search for a healthier and more balanced life.

How do you suggest someone begin exploring the practice of mindful breathing, especially those who are struggling with addictions and addictions?

Breathing is an internal resource that everyone has the ability to access at any time. Awareness brings to light the desire and it is from this desire that one can begin to practice. The conscious breathing technique is safe and completely possible for anyone to do. However, looking for a therapist who has mastered the technique is always an excellent alternative. The big difference with this practice is that the effects are immediate, that is, by mastering the basic breaths, the results are already noticed.

Can you share your experience on how conscious breathing can become an integral part of a healing process?

Every time we face challenges, our body is overcome by a series of emotions such as fear, joy, sadness, surprise, contempt, disgust and anger. Realize that most of our basic emotions are negative, therefore, they put our body on alert.

Breathing is the only physiological process that we can control and therefore we can voluntarily regulate our emotions. Using simple conscious breathing techniques daily, we regulate our internal system and then enjoy the benefits of a balanced life.

What have been the most significant benefits you’ve seen from incorporating mindful breathing into your own daily life? Can you give us specific examples of how this practice has impacted your physical, mental and emotional health?

The greatest benefit that I have noticed in myself in the more than 20 years that I have practiced and taught conscious breathing techniques is self-knowledge. My ability to perceive is like a radar that is constantly signaling to my emotions the best way to act in a given situation.

I could give several examples, however, the most recent is my ability to control menopausal hot flashes using breathing techniques. This gives me autonomy and security to go through this important phase of a woman’s life with enthusiasm and awareness.

How have you noticed that the practice of conscious breathing influences your ability to deal with stress and anxiety in everyday situations?

Absolutely everything I teach, I experience. And I notice in myself an increased ability to deal with stress and anxiety in everyday situations. Our body is intelligent and consists of several processes to keep us alive. We have the autonomic nervous system, which is a system that regulates certain processes in the body, such as blood pressure and respiratory rate.

It works automatically – autonomously as the name suggests – without conscious effort. But since the breath I can voluntarily control, I choose to use it for the benefit of this system. Our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) controls several physiological processes in our body and conscious breathing acts directly in regulating them.

When we inhale, I activate the sympathetic Autonomic Nervous System, that is, I activate my state of alert, and when we exhale, I activate the parasympathetic Autonomic Nervous System, which produces a feeling of tranquility. By intentionally controlling these systems, I bring balance to my body and thus have more autonomy to deal with stress and anxiety situations.

Could you share your insights into how conscious breathing contributes to regulating blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health?

When I use slower breathing practices, in addition to promoting greater oxygenation in cells, I can regulate my internal rhythm and consciously slow down my heart rate, which can help reduce blood pressure, regulate heartbeat and even improve mood.

In addition to the physical benefits, how do you see the role of conscious breathing in regulating emotions, especially when dealing with intense emotions such as anger, sadness or fear?

Whenever and as I connect with my internal rhythm, I also connect with its regulation, which promotes almost immediate readiness to act and not react to emotions.

You mentioned the square breathing exercise as a useful tool for calming the mind and promoting greater emotional balance. How has this breathing pattern been helpful in your own experience?

Square breathing is one of the techniques I use most due to the various benefits it provides: it helps stabilize mood and bring mental clarity and focus to the present moment. It can be performed sitting, lying down, standing or even walking slowly, meaning it can be practiced daily.

Whenever I can, I like to explain how to do it: with the image of a square in your mind, inhale calmly through your nose, counting to four, retain the air for a count of four, exhale for a count of four and retain the air again for a count of four. Repeat this cycle at least 5 times and feel the benefits of this practice.

Considering that mindful breathing can be practiced anywhere and at any time, how do you suggest people integrate this practice into their daily routine?

Every habit takes time to be assimilated. Generally, I recommend 5 minutes of breathing in the morning and 5 minutes before going to bed. Once incorporated into the routine, conscious breathing becomes part of the daily life of a person who wants to improve their quality of life and expand their consciousness, as the benefits are perceived in daily actions. The person feels more willing and vital to carry out their routine.

What, in your opinion, is the role of conscious breathing as a tool to face life’s challenges and promote general well-being?

In my opinion, conscious breathing plays a crucial role in facing life’s challenges and promoting overall well-being. Practicing mindful breathing can help reduce stress, increase mental clarity, improve emotional regulation, and promote a sense of calm and inner balance, as we’ve already said.

By intentionally focusing attention on our breathing, we can learn to respond more effectively to stressful situations, cultivate resilience, and significantly improve our quality of life.

Lastly, how do you plan to share your experience with conscious breathing to inspire others to explore this practice in their own lives?

Through breathing circles, an enriching self-care experience where I teach some breathing techniques. In individual consultations, which work as a private teacher to teach the technique applied to the client’s specific needs and, also, through content, with books and articles where I share rich material to expand this simple and powerful technique, capable of conducting a person to unimaginable levels of emotional autonomy. As I often say: breathing is movement!

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