After 14 years, Serginho Orgastic recalls his participation in BBB and reveals what the feelings were like during confinement: “when someone was eliminated, it seemed like it was forever”

Luca Moreira
17 Min Read
Serginho Orgastic
Serginho Orgastic

For many, Big Brother is an entertainment program, but for those inside the house, it is a journey of self-knowledge, maturity and connection with the outside world. We spoke to Serginho Orgastic , a notable participant in one of the show’s most iconic seasons, to delve into the depths of his experience and the impacts it had on his life and career.

This journey of self-discovery was punctuated by memorable moments, from lively parties to endurance challenges that tested their limits. But the experience wasn’t just limited to the festivities. Serginho shared close bonds with other participants, such as Michel, whose friendship was crucial to his journey.

Expressing his authenticity in an environment as exposed as Big Brother Brasil was also a challenge for Serginho. Despite the uncertainties, Serginho strived to be genuine and show not only his unique aesthetic, but also his emotions and thoughts. And the impact of his participation was not limited to the program alone. Serginho received messages from people whose lives were positively impacted by his authenticity and courage.

Today, Serginho maintains a close relationship with his fans and continues to share his journey, both professional and personal. For Serginho, Big Brother Brasil was not just a television program, but a unique opportunity for growth, connection and impact. His journey inside the house continues to resonate in the lives of those who followed him, showing that being authentic and courageous can change lives.

How was your experience within ‘BBB’? What impacted you most during this period?

I consider my experience there as a whole, you know? Because confinement revealed many things to me, both qualities and defects. I don’t think there is a specific moment; there were more discoveries. I was there to understand myself, understand myself. I joined when I was 20 years old, and I didn’t consider myself fully an adult, so to speak. I always had a very young spirit, I lived with my parents, so I had never been away from home and my parents for so long. It was a period of great maturity for me, very remarkable. But, since you want to know about a specific moment, one scene that stood out to me was when I jumped naked into the pool. It was pretty fun.

Could you share some of the most memorable moments you experienced inside the house?

Memorable moments were the parties where I stayed until the end, especially when Lady Gaga played. At that time, Lady Gaga was at the beginning of her career, singing her hits, which was very popular. Songs like ” Bad Romance” and “Poker Face” made parties extremely fun and memorable for me. Another memorable aspect was my iconic conversations with Michel, which lasted into the early hours, covering all possible types of topics. These conversations really left an impression on me. Furthermore, my first endurance test, in which I spent 12 hours, was a great challenge. I never imagined I would be able to hang from a roller for so long, riding on a giant roller with water falling on me. I was surprised it lasted 12 hours; Of course, the winner stayed much longer, but for me it was iconic.

What was the dynamic of coexistence like with the other participants? Were there any special friendships that stood out to you?

I always got along very well with everyone there, mainly because I wasn’t the target of votes. For months, no one voted for me; I was practically invisible in that regard. I have always strived to maintain a good relationship with everyone. The only time I was voted, 10 days before the end of the program, I ended up being ninth place, with just two votes, which resulted in my leaving.

My relationships were good even with people with whom, theoretically, I would have more difficulties, like Dourado, for example. Despite some disagreements, we had moments of mutual help, like when he gave me a foot massage after I was injured. Of course, we had our disagreements, some even public, but, overall, I got along well with almost everyone.

Among the people with whom I had the strongest connection were Michel, Cacau, Dicesar and Morango. Michel, in particular, talked to me the most and became a great friend. These friendships were fundamental to my experience in the program, bringing moments of comfort and understanding.

Serginho Orgastic - Di Ferrero
Serginho Orgastic – Di Ferrero

His lively personality and emo style stood out during the program. What was it like for you to express your authenticity in an environment like ‘BBB’?

It was a challenging experience as I wasn’t sure how I would be received by the audience and other participants. As an openly gay man with an eccentric look, I was used to living in a bubble, going to places where I felt accepted and understood only by the emo community, of which I was a well-known figure.

Participating in Big Brother Brasil, a national program with a diverse audience, meant leaving my comfort zone completely and exposing myself to judgments and opinions from a much wider spectrum of people. There was constant concern about how my image and personality would be interpreted by Brazil, whether they would be able to see beyond my appearance and understand who I really was.

Despite these uncertainties, I strived to be as authentic as possible, showing not only my unique aesthetic, but also my emotions, thoughts and essence as a human being. This opening process was gradual, but in the end, I felt that I managed to establish a good connection both with my fellow inmates and with the public. I was well received and welcomed, which I consider a personal victory to this day.

During your participation, you created close bonds with some participants, like Michel. What was that friendship like and how did it impact your journey on the show?

Michel played a crucial role in my experience inside the house. He welcomed me in an incredible way, and there’s a quote from Biel that I’ve never forgotten: “Who doesn’t want to have Michel as their best friend?” And he really became my best friend in there. After Big Brother, naturally, everyone went their own way, with their own lives. We even considered the idea of living together after the program, something that even Bial mentioned during Michel’s elimination, about how I would cope without him. This friendship was very meaningful to me, especially because I felt welcomed by someone straight, since, at that time, most of my friends were gay. Having Michel, who welcomed me so well, liked me and respected me (and the reciprocity was true), was incredible. He holds a special place in my heart, even though we no longer have contact today. I believe he no longer lives in Brazil and has moved on with his life, possibly married or dating. But, inside the house, Michel was a very important person for me, offering company and support. The only time I cried on the show was when it came out; I didn’t even cry when I was nominated for the wall, but his departure left me in tears.

The relaxed and funny moments inside the house have always captivated viewers. Could you share one of those moments that you liked the most?

I believe that the moments that most captivated viewers were when I started to speak openly about different topics. As someone with a very open mind, he did not hesitate to touch on topics such as sex, life, sexuality, desires and intimacy. These conversations, often warmer and more intimate, took place while we picked up Smirnoff ICE from the pantry. I imagine that the public appreciated these dialogues, as I have always been someone who liked to discuss all types of subjects in a relaxed, natural and healthy way.

I used to bring people together in conversation circles to talk about anything and everything, which created very relaxed and fun moments. As I mentioned previously, parties and all collective activities were also part of these important moments. In the end, it all added to the complete experience, which I think is what people enjoyed watching.

I’ve always been very talkative, I’ve never been one to keep quiet. He was constantly engaged in conversations, interacting and bringing up new topics for discussion. This dynamism in approaching different subjects, I believe, was one of the points that maintained the interest of viewers.

Serginho Orgastic
Serginho Orgastic

His partnership with Dicesar Ferreira was also widely commented on. What was that relationship like and how did you support each other within the house?

Being with Dicesar was incredible, as having a gay friend in the house was really good. Dicesar was already a well-known personality; he was a very famous drag queen. I, on the other hand, didn’t know Dice in person before the program. On the first day, he asked me a question that really impacted me. He asked, “Do you like drag queens?” To which I replied that I loved it. So, I mentioned some of my favorites, including Dimmy Kieer . That’s when he introduced himself, saying, “Nice to meet you, I’m Dimmy Kieer .” I was shocked and surprised, exclaiming, “What? Is that you?” It was a very special moment.

Dicesar was a great partner and a lot of fun. We always got along, we never had fights and we always supported each other . He also knew how to give me constructive scolding, like “Serginho, don’t do that, you’re making a mess”, or encouraged me to make the bed or do laundry, things I didn’t know how to do. He was a very important part of my experience there. Dicesar is truly an icon.

What was it like for you to deal with the pressure of the game and the eliminations of the friends you made during the program?

Deletion is incredibly difficult to deal with. For those on the outside, it may be difficult to understand, but inside it is a world apart. Nothing that happens outside has any relevance inside. We live together, we face trials to get food, to achieve our goals in the game. It’s a very intense partnership, and when someone is eliminated, it feels like someone died. When we leave the wall, everyone cries, as if it were a final goodbye, because we know that we will never return to that world. It’s an extremely strong experience, being inside is something unique. I wish this experience for everyone, because it is incredible. I can spend hours explaining it, but you will never be able to fully understand it if you haven’t experienced it. Seeing friends leaving that world we created together is very complicated. Michel’s departure was the one that affected me the most.

Now that some time has passed since your participation, how do you evaluate the impact that ‘BBB’ had on your life and career?

Big Brother was fundamental for me, especially in the financial part. Coming from a family with resources, the program provided me with financial independence. 14 years ago, I built my own path, and that is something very rewarding. But it doesn’t come down to that. I still receive messages to this day from people whose lives were impacted by my participation. Many parents, hundreds over the years, have come to me to say that they have begun to accept their children because of the example I set, showing that regardless of appearance or sexual orientation, we are all equal. Many gay men also reported that they accepted and understood themselves better because of what they saw in me. I still receive these messages to this day, from grandmothers, mothers and even gays themselves who came out to their families because of me. I didn’t do anything extraordinary, I was just myself, but it had an incredible impact. This may sound cliché, but even though I didn’t win Big Brother, I won the people. I know I changed a generation in some way, and that makes me extremely happy. Furthermore, on the financial side, I gained my independence and was able to share my experience with people. I love Big Brother, and I would do it all over again, with no regrets.

Serginho Orgastic
Serginho Orgastic

Finally, what has your relationship been like with fans and the public after the program? What else have you received in feedback?

I’m still impressed to this day by not being able to go unnoticed, always being recognized, stopping on the street to take photos or receive compliments. This is amazing and it doesn’t feed my ego, it makes me happy. Contact with the public is still very high, I can’t go unnoticed anywhere. I’m always taking photos with lots of people, whether in a club with 20 or 30 photos, or in a bakery with 5. This shows that people like me and I feel wanted, which is very gratifying. The public accompanies me to this day, through new generations and new moments, whether on Instagram or other platforms. This is reflected in the evolution of my work and my achievements, including in the business aspect, such as the farm hotel that I own. I work with my image and with big brands, and people follow my evolution, both professional and personal. The feedback is always incredible, with people praising new projects and appearances in advertising, like recently on Netflix. It is very rewarding to maintain close contact with the public in everything I do.

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