First Actor with Down Syndrome at Disney: Noah Matthews Matofsky Makes History in ‘Peter Pan & Wendy’

Luca Moreira
9 Min Read
Noah Matthews Matofsky
Noah Matthews Matofsky

Noah Matthews Matofsky , the first actor with Down syndrome to star in a Disney production, spoke about his participation in the film “Peter Pan & Wendy”, a historic milestone for the film industry. In an interview, Matofsky shared his excitement at winning the role of Slightly and his surprise at discovering the importance of this achievement for representation and inclusion. He recalled the experience of filming alongside stars such as Jude Law and Ever Anderson, and highlighted the challenges faced during filming, especially due to pandemic restrictions.

The actor highlighted the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in cinema and talked about the special ceremony with the Cree community to bless the production. Matofsky also reflected on the positive reception from the public and his role as an ambassador for Down Syndrome UK, emphasizing his mission to inspire others with Down syndrome to pursue their dreams. He believes it’s time for major studios like Disney to reflect the diversity of society on screen and hopes his participation serves as an example for inclusion in cinema and in real life.

The year 2023 became a major milestone both in yours acting career and for the history of one of the world’s biggest movie studios – you became the first actor with Down syndrome to take part in a Disney production , in this case, the live-action “Peter Pan & Wendy”. When you accepted the role of Slightly , were you aware of this groundbreaking position?

Honestly , I had no idea that the role would be only groundbreaking ! All I could think of was ‘I got the part ! This is unreal ! I’m going I’m be in a film ! it was really a dream comes true . I couldn’t believe it actually . it was only once we arrived I’m film in Vancouver that the producer took me to one side and said this is actually quite a big deal . Then I realized I could be a role model for others people with Down Syndrome . It’s good I’m see someone like you on the big screen . It’s about time Disney and all the big film companies move with the times and represent everyone.

One of the major shifts in this new generation of Disney productions is the correction correction of various stereotypes and concepts that were not previously viewed as problematic by society . What it was like working on this adaptation of the classic 1953 story , especially considering it already had a big fan base?

Well , not everyone was happy about the changes but of course you can’t stay stuck in the past. Of course , there should be lost boy and lost girls, of course there should be diverse representation and we should be respectful of different cultures . Before we filmed the scene with Tiger Lilly, her Cree community invited us I ‘m special First Nations ceremony on the sacred land of her ancestors I’m bless the film . it was only amazing . David Lowery the Director did a great job of making a modern day inclusive film.

Noah Matthews Matofsky
Noah Matthews Matofsky

During the filming that took place in mid-2021, you had the opportunity I’m act alongside other cinema names like Alexander Molony , Ever Anderson, and the actor Jude Law, who has also been acclaimed for several award-winning productions . What was it like share the set with this team ?

Well I was pretty amazed at the others actors in the film . Alexander Malony and Ever Anderson were great fun I’m hang out with on sept. We even went whale watching together in Newfoundland . it was pretty cool to act with Jude Law too. We filmed a huge scene with him on the pirate ship – that was pretty epic ! Yara Shahidi was in it too as Tinkerbell but I only met her for the first time at the premiere as she was filming mostly with green screen in LA.

In preparation for your character , you went through various activities , from learning to sword fight I’m delivery several lines during the movie . What was the most challenging moment and what was the moment when you felt most at ease during the recordings ? Is there any behind-the-scenes curiosity you can share ?

We made the movie during lockdown and me and my mum had I’m quarantine for 2 weeks in the hotel room before we could go on set, so all my script rehearsals were just with my mum!We were only nervous about the first day on sept. I had never ever been in a film set before and this one was huge !!! it was only exciting I’m actually be in Neverland!My very first scene happened I’m be the last scene of the movie with Mollie Parker and Alan Tudyke – pretty cool! Ooh and I got a trailer with my name on the door.

Before we started filming the crew feel us into the woods for a treasure hunt only we could get I’m know each other . The director had made us carved wooden necklaces as the treasure . it was pretty cool!

Noah Matthews Matofsky
Noah Matthews Matofsky

We learned that in addition I’m being an actor , you also have a vast encyclopedic knowledge about movies . What drew you to the cinema and when did you decide​ pursue acting as a profession ?

I LOVE films . I love black and white films , foreign films , animation … you name it. I love them all ! My naming ceremony was in a cinema so maybe it started then !

Currently , Disney has been around for 100 years and has produced dozens of movies . In your opinion , is there is a right time to promote inclusion and set good examples ?

The time is now ! There is only much talent out there , let’s see everyone represented on the big screen !

Noah Matthews Matofsky
Noah Matthews Matofsky

Undoubtedly , besides this incredible opportunity I’m be the first actor with Down syndrome I’m participate in a Disney production , this production also serves as a great example for all people who also have this syndrome . How do you hope your participation might encourage studios I’m pay more attention I’m these issues , and how has the audience received your work ?

It has been the best year of my life sincerely the film came out 12 months ago. I have had only much support from around the World. I am now an ambassador of Down Syndrome UK and I was invited I’m be the keynote speaker at the Down Syndrome Congress in Florida. Boy was that great ! I want to continue to spread the message that having an extra little chromosome shouldn’t hold you back . I want I’m tell people to follow their dreams !

Follow Noah Matthews Matofsky on Instagram

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