Ixã talks about the success of the single “Meu Amor” and relationship with DJ Alok

Luca Moreira
13 Min Read
Ixã (Photo: Stephanie Carvalho)

Hugo Pantoja, better known as Ixã, is one of the most prominent Brazilian artists of 2022, after an unpretentious and unforgettable meeting with DJ Alok, with whom he released the song “Meu Amor”. The partnership, which was announced in March and has already become the soundtrack of special moments, has already reached almost 4 million views on YouTube, placing the young man among the big names in the scene.

However, Ixão’s contact with music came long before this connection with the star. Born in Porto Velho, Rondônia, the singer composed his first composition at just nine years old, the same age when he got his first instrument, the guitar, which became his faithful companion. He moved to Acre at age 13 and at 15 he came into contact with the Huni Kuî village, the largest indigenous community in the state, where he felt music pulsing through his veins, participating in indigenous festivals and school music festivals, where he always took his guitar to share moments and collect memories with colleagues.

Since then, living with his indigenous family, the singer-songwriter was baptized in 2016 as Ixã, the name he artistically signs today. Inspired by real connections and invigorating moments, he currently enjoys different rhythms such as POP, MPB and Folk that shaped the artist’s unique musicality.

The connection with Alok happened in a solemn way, through leader Mapu Kuî, who was part of the DJ’s project about the corners of the forest, launched last year. It was meant to be, and on the last day of Alok’s stay in the community, lying down with his eyes closed, DJ says he heard “the voice of an angel” and when he opened his eyes, he saw Ixã.

The DJ, in love with the boy’s talent, soon proposed a partnership that began a few hours after what happened in the community at dawn, in the morning the two were together in the studio. After the national release of Ixã, “Meu Amor” reached more than 9 million streams, giving the young artist more than 2 million listens in a very short time. Still in 2022, Ixão’s work gained gigantic proportions, when he participated as a guest of Alok in programs such as Faustão na Band, Caldeirão and Encontro com Fátima Bernardes, in addition to participating in a series of shows on the DJ’s tour.

At just 20 years old and with the aim of sending a message of love through his art, Ixã starts 2023 on the right foot and pursues his solo career. In recordings influenced by indigenous musicality, he promises to talk about good feelings and, above all, love, a feeling capable of changing the world. Check out the interview!

Despite already having a long history in music, it was last year that you gained greater prominence due to the partnership with DJ Alok in the song “Meu Amor”. What was it like working alongside him and especially the story that led you to this song?

It was a unique and inspiring experience to work alongside Alok who guided me through every step of the song “Meu Amor”. It certainly wouldn’t have had the success it achieved without his production. It was fantastic and inspiring to work with an artist like him, who is the best at what he does and who has an extremely unique sensibility.

Currently the song already has almost 4 million views in the YouTube video alone. In your opinion, what made people identify so much with this single in particular?

I believe it was a combination of things. Firstly with the song itself, adding lyrics and melodies that bring a strong and sincere truth, linked to the beautiful clip produced by Thiago Jenne (a.k.a. Hair). But mainly, for the true story that was happening through this music: an artist the size that Alok is, believing, opening opportunities and collaborating with an artist like me, who never imagined it was really possible to believe in his dreams and live them through music .

Although he broke out recently, music has been with him for a long time, since he was nine years old when he wrote his first composition. Could you tell us a little more about your first contacts with art and when did you decide to take up art as a profession?

Art has always moved me from a very early age, whether through the soundtrack of a movie and even a happy or sad story could easily move me. Being a person who admires the romantic from a very young age and creating my songs talking about love made me always want to be closer to art. When a little older, at the age of 16 and after writing many songs, I started working as a Ghost-writer for a production company in Porto Velho, until then as a composer only, but really seeing myself in the profession started when Alok joined in my life.

One of the paths that elevated his experience was at the age of 15, where living in Acre, he came into contact with the Huni Kuî people, the largest indigenous community in the state. What lessons did he learn from those moments he was there?

In recent years, I have experienced many important things with my native family. I learned to be open to rebuilding precepts I believed in, I went through several situations in which I found myself questioning who I was and many other moments stating what I should be there: a son, a good friend and a good listener. I learned through pain and especially through love, that life is not always made of joy, but it is important to take it with that feeling. I noticed living with them, that despite how difficult it may seem, you have to lead a happy life to be able to walk. I could also feel how I could help the struggle of the people around me and without a doubt, the most transforming and great experience I had was seeing life in a simple way, realizing that to be happy, we just need each other.

Ixã (Photo: Stephanie Carvalho)

The year 2016 ended up being marked by his baptism in the community, when he was given the name Ixã by the indigenous family. How was this transition from Hugo Pantoja to the Ixã that we know today?

I am very grateful to the name Ixã, for all the positive charge and honor of taking that name with me, in addition to using it to do what I love in this land, which is my music. I never stopped being Hugo Pantoja, building my romantic compositions, remembering my childhood and all the love I received from my family that gave me that name. However, Ixã was where everything changed. From an internal transformation of looking inside myself, to being discovered by Alok as Ixã. That’s why I’m proud to carry both names and I know that both are fundamental to the development of my art.

Currently, his music sails between the rhythms of Pop, MPB and Folk, creating the uniqueness that we hear in his works. How was the process of building your artistic profile and what are your biggest inspirations?

I like to write about themes that I believe in and that are part of what touches me in life. My goal is to pass all of this on in a way that also touches those who listen to me. Pop music, Mpb, Folk and Worldmusic are part of what I always liked to listen to and these rhythms left a strong impression on me. Today I have been inspired by some artists who move me in a very special way, they are: Mapu Huni Kui, my father, Armandinho, Maria Gadú and Gilberto Gil.

In a statement given to the magazine “Rolling Stones”, DJ Alok told a little about your meeting and said that “the crowd says that Ixã was discovered by Alok. He won the lottery, actually I won”. In response, how do you consider your friendship with the DJ to be today?

In that sentence he, once again, was very generous with me. Alok changes other people’s lives for the better without asking for anything in return and that inspires me a lot. Today we still keep in touch whenever possible, even if the rush at work has limited it a little, but I always accompany him, just as he also accompanies me. We were very happy seeing each other’s achievements.

Well, the invitation ended up being made and in a few hours you were already in the studio. How did your creative process go?

It was a quick and beautiful process. “My love” would not be what it became if it weren’t for Alok’s presence in the production. And, still not believing what was happening, Alok asked me to play the song a few times and then requested some changes that made everything perfect in the end. Soon we recorded it, and then he produced all the arrangements, harmonies and beats over the top. I didn’t even imagine how the song would turn out, but when I heard it for the first time, I understood perfectly the mastery of what he managed to do: unite our two hearts in this song. This is one of the reasons that make this song even more special for our careers.

Ixã, today, you, in your early 20s, have achieved something that many artists in Brazil dream of and that many fail to achieve throughout their careers – recognition and success for their art. In that case, would you like to end the interview by asking what do you consider to be the true meaning of music in your life?

It’s a way of transformation, not only emotionally, but a way for me to help other people. It gives me hope that I will always carry with me, being extremely grateful for everything that art has given me. Therefore, as I had this opportunity that many never had, I assumed that my music can never be done in vain. I want to create melodies and lyrics that carry a positive message to my listeners, because our time here on earth can be short and if I have the opportunity to use it to bring other people the most beautiful things I see while I’m alive, so I want to do.

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