Elaine Fricker: An Entrepreneurial and Inspiring Journey for Every Woman

Luca Moreira
17 Min Read

Businesswoman Elaine Fricker‘s story is a true source of inspiration for women around the world. Born in São Paulo, she soon settled in Rio de Janeiro, where she built a solid reputation as a prominent figure in Rio’s vibrant business scene.

Her journey into the business world began when she was a child, when she watched her grandmother undertake in São Paulo, at a time when opportunities for women were scarce. Growing up alongside her, Elaine closely witnessed her grandmother building her own businesses, conquering her space in society and in the business market. These experiences were a great source of inspiration for Elaine, leading her to decide to follow in their footsteps. Determined, she devoted herself to her studies and, eventually, returned to Rio de Janeiro with the aim of becoming an entrepreneur. That’s how she opened her first business.

Newly arrived in the capital of Rio de Janeiro, Elaine invested the money she had in a hand-embroidered bikini atelier. With dedication and building a solid network of contacts, she was able to take her brand to influential people in the entertainment world, which boosted the growth of her business. Over the years, after carrying out extensive market research, Elaine decided to expand her ventures even further and opened a charming café bistro in Ipanema. This new venture further solidified his name in the business scene of Rio de Janeiro.

When did you realize that you wanted to follow in your grandmother’s footsteps and enter the business world?

I was always fascinated by my grandmother’s determination and courage to face the challenges of the business world, and I dreamed of following in her footsteps.

In high school, I decided I wanted to study business administration at university. I knew I had a lot to learn before I could be an entrepreneur like my grandmother, but I was determined to follow my dreams.

After graduating, I started working at a large company as an administrative assistant. There I learned a lot about how companies work and how business is conducted. However, I knew I didn’t want to spend my whole life working for someone else. I wanted to be my own boss and build something I could call my own.

With determination and perseverance, I thought it was time to open my first company, the bikini studio, and soon I started working with my first clients. I worked long hours, often sacrificing my free time, but I was excited to see my business grow.

In the early years, things were tough, but I never lost my resolve. I learned from my mistakes and adapted to market changes. Over time, my business grew and became successful. That’s when I felt prepared to open businesses in different areas.

How was your transition from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro and how did it affect your career?

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit from a very young age. I was born and raised in São Paulo, where I built my career as a marketing manager in a large company. Although I loved my job, I felt I needed a bigger challenge to grow professionally. It was then that the opportunity arose to transfer me to Rio de Janeiro, to lead a new team at the company’s branch.

There was hesitation on my part at first, as I didn’t know many people in Rio and didn’t know what it would be like to live in a different city. However, I knew I needed to take risks to reach my career goals. I accepted the challenge and moved to Rio.

The move to Rio de Janeiro was difficult at first, as I felt isolated and disconnected from my network in São Paulo. However, I dedicated myself to meeting new people and getting involved in Rio’s business community.

I quickly realized that the Rio market was different from São Paulo and I needed to adapt to succeed. I studied the local market and partnered with other companies to expand my network. I also got involved in networking events and gave presentations at business conferences to stand out in Rio’s business community.

Over time, I began to see results from my efforts. My team at the company’s branch grew in size and efficiency, and she was invited to serve on important business councils in the city.

I found that the move to Rio de Janeiro not only challenged her professionally, but also personally. I learned to be more independent and confident in my leadership skills. Today, I am happy for having made the decision to move and face this new challenge, as I believe that the experience made me a better and more adaptable professional.

What was the inspiration behind your first business and how did you lead it to success?

I’ve always been passionate about carnival and samba culture. I grew up in a Sambista family and I always saw my family involved or parading in samba schools. Also, I’ve always enjoyed dancing and entertainment in general. As an adult, I noticed that there was a huge demand for embroidered clothing and bikinis for samba schools and entertainment events.

That’s how I, together with my family and children, of whom were extremely important and helped me a lot in this process. Together with them, I decided to open my own embroidered bikini atelier. I invested in high-quality sewing equipment and hired a team of talented seamstresses and embroiderers. I also invested in marketing, publicizing my work through advertisements in fashion magazines.

My family, children and I have worked very hard to develop unique, high-quality pieces that have captured the attention of many customers in the entertainment world. We stand out for our creativity and ability to create custom pieces that meet the specific needs of each client.

Can you tell us more about how you expanded your business and got into real estate?

After years of success with her embroidered bikini atelier, completely changing sectors with my restaurant which brought me a lot of networking, success and satisfaction, I decided it was time to expand my business. I have always been an enterprising and visionary person, and I knew that I could apply my knowledge and skills in other sectors.

That’s how I decided to enter the real estate market. I knew that the sector is very competitive, but I also knew that there were many business opportunities. So I started studying the real estate market and learning everything I could about buying and selling real estate.

I started my foray into the real estate market as an investor. I used my communication and persuasion skills to get the purchase or good investment in real estate. I invested heavily in my new company, hiring a team of talented realtors and investing in marketing and advertising. I have also applied my passion for fashion and interior design to the decoration of the properties we sell or rent. We work hard to offer our clients exclusive and well-decorated properties that have caught the attention of the most demanding buyers.

We have gained a prominent place in the Swiss and German real estate market. We stand out for our personal and attentive approach to the client, working closely with each client to find the perfect property for their needs, we value our work ethic and commitment to excellence.

In addition to your business, you are also involved in social projects. Can you tell us more about this?

Yes definitely! For me, being a successful entrepreneur means more than just building a business empire. Because of this, I also care deeply about the community and believe it’s important to give back whenever possible.

Since the beginning of my career, I have been looking for ways to contribute to society. I started with small actions, like donating to local charities, but I soon realized that I could do more.

That’s how I decided to donate part of my company’s profits to a non-profit organization. Doo para organization aims to provide resources and support for at-risk youth, offering job training, counseling and financial aid, providing opportunities for low-income youth who are often excluded from society.

In addition, I am also involved in various social campaigns such as fighting violence against women and protecting the environment, cancer hospital, people on a non-normative neural spectrum, orphans and the elderly.

My business and social activities go hand in hand. I believe that as a successful businesswoman, I have a responsibility to use my platform to do good. I see it as a way to give back to the community that has supported me on my entrepreneurial journey and leave a positive legacy for future generations.

How do you balance your career and personal life?

Balancing career and personal life has always been an important concern for me. I understand that while it is important to be successful in your career, it is also essential to take care of our mental health and personal well-being.

Since the beginning of my career, I have established clear boundaries between my professional and personal life, of course I am not always able or able not to cross that line. I set work hours and strive to stick to those hours, allowing me time for hobbies, family, and friends.

Also, I believe it’s important to have a healthy balance between work and play. I try to make sure I take regular breaks during the day, making time for myself, travel and sports.

Another way I find to balance my personal and professional life is by delegating responsibilities in my companies. I am careful to select reliable team members to manage tasks and make important decisions, allowing me more time to focus on my personal life.

Finally, I focus on maintaining a positive mindset. I see challenges as opportunities to grow and develop, I believe my mindset is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving work-life balance.

How important is networking to your career and how have you cultivated it over the years?

For me, building a strong and reliable network of contacts was critical to my career success. I have always understood that a well-established network of contacts can help open doors to new business opportunities, provide valuable support and advice and help overcome challenges, not only professionally, but also personally.

Since the beginning of my career, I have focused on building meaningful and lasting relationships with people from different industries. I attend networking events, conferences and trade shows, looking for opportunities to connect with people who share the same interests and professional goals.

In addition, I believe it is important to keep in regular contact with my contacts. I send follow-up messages and do periodic check-ins to keep the connection alive. Building and maintaining authentic relationships is critical to maintaining a strong and active network.

I understand that a network of contacts is a two-way street. I strive to offer support and support to my contacts in a professional and personal way when possible, such as providing referrals, recommending services, or sharing knowledge and experience.

Through my efforts to build a strong network of contacts, I was able to establish valuable partnerships, close important deals and learn from the experiences of other professionals in different industries, in addition to making great friends for life that I know I can always count on. The network of contacts I have is one of the biggest reasons I have been able to achieve so much success in my career.

Your birthday party will be an important event for your reintroduction to Rio’s high society. What is the message you want to convey to the people who will participate in this event?

For me, the birthday party is more than just a reintroduction to Rio’s high society, it’s an opportunity to encourage philanthropy and share my successful journey with friends, family and business colleagues. I want the party to convey a message of gratitude and celebration for all I’ve achieved so far, as well as a positive vision of the future.

I wish to convey a message of humility and appreciation to everyone who has supported me on my journey, from my family and friends to my business colleagues. I want to emphasize the importance of working hard, persevering and never giving up on your dreams, even when the going gets tough.

Also, I want the party to convey a message of hope and optimism for the future. Remember that we must help, without seeing who. To give back my success to the community in which we live. Help those in need, as we are able to do that. That’s why I always ask for adoptions as a gift to institutions that help people who need some kind of care.

Ultimately, I hope the party is an opportunity for my guests to have fun and connect with each other. She believes it’s important to maintain a healthy balance between work and play and wants her guests to know that celebration and social connection are essential parts of life.

Overall, the message I want to convey at my birthday party is one of solidarity, gratitude, hope and celebration, which inspires your guests to believe in themselves and their own dreams and the world we live in.

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