Fernando Gomes opens his heart regarding the fans’ return: “a sense of accomplishment”

Luca Moreira
8 Min Read
Fernando Gomes

Country music has always held a special place in the hearts of music lovers across Brazil. With engaging melodies, heartfelt lyrics and relatable stories, the sertanejo genre resonates with people from all walks of life. In recent years, a sertanejo pop singer has gained prominence, captivating audiences with his unique sound and romantic messages that touch listeners deeply.

Fernando Gomes he began his career as a singer when he was still a child, at just 8 years old, performing even at graduations. His talent was undeniable, but it was by dedicating himself to sertanejo pop that he gained a loyal following, especially women, who are delighted with his first recorded song, entitled “Alguém Ideal”, available on all music platforms.

What sets Fernando apart from other country singers is his ability to connect with audiences, especially women. The singer’s passion for country pop, as well as his romantic message, have earned him the respect and admiration of both his peers and his fans. Fernando’s success is a reminder that men too can appreciate and celebrate the power of love and romance, and that their stories and voices matter just as much.

How was your journey from starting to sing as a child to becoming a notable pop country singer?

It was a lot of challenges, a lot of road, perrengues, learning and a lot of dedication. The life of any artist is a lot of struggle, while people are having fun, we, working, with the greatest love in the world. I think that’s the word that moved me here, love for music.
What were the challenges and highlights along the way?

Remarkable moments were meeting a lot of people that I’m a big fan of in the music business. Idols like Slash and Duff from Guns N` Roses, Djavan, Fábio Jr., Milionário & José Rico, Chrystian & Ralf, among many others, are things that mark us. They are inspirations. Some of the challenges were singing for large audiences, on different stages, theater, concerts with an open audience, etc. Always gives a nice butterflies in the belly.

His song “Alguém Ideal” has conquered many listeners and especially the female audience. What is the inspiration behind this song and what message would you like to convey through it?

I wrote this song when I was 17 years old, after a teenage heartbreak, it stayed in the fridge for a long time, and I finally exposed this outburst. I want people to connect with music reflecting what they experience in their relationships, of not being valued, but never losing hope in finding someone special, someone ideal.

You mentioned that your music reflects your own experiences and emotions. How do you think this authenticity contributes to connecting with your audience and creating an emotional impact in your songs?

I think what moves music is this connection, it’s talking about our everyday experiences, because somehow, we’ve all experienced similar feelings.

Fernando Gomes

Female audiences have responded positively to her songs and romantic messages. How do you see the role of love and romance in country music and how do you feel about being a representative of this genre to a diverse audience?

I think that there are still few romantics in the world of music, and I hope to be able to continue taking this theme into my songs, because I think that in addition to having fun sertanejo and partying, it is also necessary to talk about love, in a world so shallow in all the senses, in which we live today.

Besides heartbreak, what other themes do you approach in your songs? How do you select the stories you want to tell in your songs?

Within my songs, I want to address the feeling of desire and passion, the troubled relationships that weaken over time, and the challenges of life in general, always with good vibes and energy, always with a positive message! I select the stories that make sense to me, and that are real, and if they are not my compositions, I like to imagine myself in the song living what the music says.

How would you describe your unique musical style, which combines country and pop elements? What artists and influences have inspired your music?

My inspiration comes from Bruno Mars, Fábio Jr, Bon Jovi, U2, The 1975, Keith Urban, Zezé di Camargo & Luciano among others. I’m bringing a new look to the sertanejo world, with a more modern face, that takes a Pop / Country / American Rock footprint without losing the essence of the good old sertanejo.

The respect and admiration of his peers and fans is evident. What is it like to receive this recognition and how do you deal with the expectations and pressures of the music industry?

The pressure of the music industry is a burden that every artist carries, we have to be patient and work hard to achieve the expected results, but without losing our essence as an artist, which is the most important thing. About the fans, there is no price to pay to receive this affection, because I know what they feel, I’m a fan too, and I’m a real fan, to hug, to try to meet, talk and thank you for the work that the artists do.

So when I receive a compliment, or when they talk about the energy I transmit to them from the stage, it’s a feeling of duty done, and I see that I’m on the right track. The audience really feels what the artist transmits or not to them. I feel honored to be able to have this connection with them, and feeling that energy back is surreal!

What are your future plans regarding your music career? Do you have a special project in mind or a collaboration you’d like to do?

We have a lot of work to do until the end of this year, to completely release my EP with 5 songs, clips to be recorded, and some surprises that I can’t talk about yet. A dream that I have one day to be able to fulfill is a Feat. with Fábio Jr or Zezé di Camargo, it will be a big dream come true.

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