Krawk releases new single “Estrela Bet Freestyle” with a unique mix of rhythms

Luca Moreira
10 Min Read

Rapper Krawk returns in full force after a successful tour of rhyming battles in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraná. Her newest single, titled “Estrela Bet Freestyle”, is now available on all digital platforms, accompanied by an engaging video clip on YouTube.

The song “Estrela Bet Freestyle” represents a new chapter in Krawk’s career, showing an innovative facet of his musicality by exploring influences from French ElectroTrap and Italian AfroTrap. With light and irreverent rhymes, the track promises to conquer even more fans with its unique proposal. This is the third song from his next album, entitled “Trajadão De Fé” or “TDF”, which promises to surprise the public with his new sound experiments.

Krawk, just 26 years old, is one of the greatest revelations of Brazilian urban music and his journey began in the rhyme battles, where he reached third place nationally in 2017. Since then, the artist has been solidifying his musical career and gaining a legion of followers. faithful. His previous albums have racked up millions of plays and his social media presence is impressive with millions of followers and monthly listeners. With “Estrela Bet Freestyle”, Krawk will certainly continue to shine in the Brazilian music spotlight.

How did the inspiration to create “Estrela Bet Freestyle” come about and how does this song differ from your previous productions?

Estrela Bet Freestyle came about as a joke we have on the team: we take things from our daily life and put “freestyle” in front of it and it becomes a song, like “Sábado Freestyle”. The track stands out for its beat, which is the “afrotrap”, which has been gaining strength and we are exploring it and the result was very positive.

On the new single, you explore influences such as French ElectroTrap and Italian AfroTrap. How was the experimentation process with these styles and how do you believe they add to your musicality?

Exactly! In the single I sought to explore the influence of Italian and French Afro trap a lot. It was a work of a lot of experimentation and adaptation, and a very curious one as well. We didn’t know what the public’s reaction would be, but the result was better than expected, we had a lot of positive feedback, a lot of people commenting and liking it.

Tell us about the creative process behind the composition and performance of “Estrela Bet Freestyle”. What were the main elements you wanted to highlight in this track?

Man, the creation process was 100% freestyle! All the song’s phrases came up during its recording, nothing was written in advance, everything was done on the fly.

The clip for “Estrela Bet Freestyle” has a direction signed by Mayra Merlyn. How was the collaboration with her and what was the idea behind the visual production?

The direction was done by myself as well as the script. May [Merlin] was in charge of photography. It was a really fun process, we shot it and I wrote the script afterwards. Then it was just a matter of positioning the people in their proper places and in three takes we had a really fun sequence shot, there was no secret.

“Trajadão De Fé” is the title of his next album. What can fans expect from this new work and how does it differ from your previous albums?

“Trajadão de Fé”, which we use in the abbreviated form “TDF”, is the title of the next album – which has a huge meaning, because it is the name of a song that did very well, there was even a fan getting a tattoo, so it has a giant weight, in addition to being a message of protection, you know? I treat this album like a prophecy, of everything I like, that I imagine for the future and that I dream of conquering. Of course I mention my victories so far, too, but it revolves a lot around things I still want to live, you know?

Throughout your career, you consolidated yourself in the music scene and conquered a loyal and engaged audience. How do you perceive this receptivity from the public and how do you think your music connects with people?

I think it goes beyond my music, people connect with me for my personality, for the closeness I share whether in lyrics or social media, so the public sees the truth in what I sing, because they accompany me daily. I show people what my life is, my truths, my style, my attitude, so it ends up not being just for the music.

Your career began in rhyme battles, where you won third place nationally in 2017. How did these experiences influence your trajectory and your musical approach?

Yes definitely! My career started in rhyme battles, and, in a way, I became one of the icons of battles, right? Just look at the numbers on YouTube. So I always emphasize this, because I am proud of my career and the battles influenced my musical approach in many ways, especially in live performances – it was in the battles that I learned to dominate the available space, whether on stage or in the street , to connect with the public, to be just as aggressive when necessary. The battles were and are a great school!

In addition to “Estrela Bet Freestyle”, you recently released “Deus é Bom” and collaborated with BC Raff on “Nikeboy 2”. How do these songs fit into the narrative of the album “Trajadão De Fé”?

It’s like I said, TDF is a prophecy, but it’s not just made up of things I want to happen, but it celebrates and highlights everything that’s been and has been. In “Deus é Bom” this is clearer, I thank him for all the achievements, as well as in “Nikeboy 2”, where I imply that I don’t have the car I wanted, but I thank him for having mine to drive, in addition to comment on various obstacles overcome. In this way, I make clear my vision and my gratitude, and that everyone, even on opposite sides, can walk the same path, you know? These themes and guidelines have been paving the way for what I call “prophecy”, so both gratitude and mission go hand in hand on the record.

What are the themes and messages you seek to convey in your lyrics? How does rap become a form of expression to address important issues in your songs?

I try to address various themes and messages, I like to sing a lot about the moment I’m living, if I’m in love, I make love music, if I’m sad, I make something more melancholic, if I’m happy, I make a song with the energy up there. Anyway, I don’t stick to a specific theme or any specific subject, I really try to address things that I’m living, that I long for, everything can become music for me.

What are your future plans after the release of the album “Trajadão De Fé”? Can we expect more tours, collaborations or new musical experiences?

I think “TDF” closes a loop for me. After him I want to sing other things, I want to make an album just of love songs, I want to talk about love! It’s something that I haven’t explored that much yet and that I feel I have the aptitude for. For this project I already have concrete plans!

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