Young Best embarks on a fascinating journey through the utopian universe created by Selma G. Santana in “O Mundo de Best e a Cidade da Fonte Tríade”. In this second volume of the saga, the protagonist dives into a futuristic scenario where technological vehicles are guided by artificial intelligence, studies with human DNA advance every day and sustainability is a priority. While uncovering secrets and facing challenges, Best is faced with profound questions about ethics, cooperation and love of neighbor, in a captivating adventure that invites readers to reflect on the search for a better world.
Selma G. Santana’s work is full of criticism and playfulness, conveying powerful messages about the importance of ethics and solidarity. Throughout the narrative, mythical beings serve as metaphors to connect reality to the protagonist’s journey, and it is through these encounters that Best learns important lessons. The scenario is permeated by a constant search for the well-being of planet Earth, where freedom of expression goes hand in hand with ethics, and each voice is heard and respected, regardless of cultural or social differences.
How did the inspiration to create the utopian world of Haiag and the themes addressed in the book come about?
It arose when observing the events in our “real world” and from my point of view (in my still limited view, I do not claim absolute truth, because it is immeasurable), trying to bring the answers and reasons for some distortions in the system in which we live in all aspects: individual, social, political, economic, ecological.
What is the role of the protagonist Best in this journey of consciousness evolution and how does she face the challenges along the plot?
Best’s role is to lead the reader to reflect, question himself, seek in his core the best version of himself and experience it. The plot traces an epic journey through a world that makes her compare the way of life of those who live there with that of her species, the human. The protagonist’s peculiar curiosity makes her face challenges with determination. In the adventure through the eighth parallel, she traces stages, adapting new senses in addition to the five characteristics to be explored.
Adjusting his own frequency to that of Haiag’s planet brought comfort to Best. Going through the aura catalyst and facing the reverse acceleration sent her back to extremely painful and challenging memories, but it didn’t make her give up on her purpose.
How do the mythical beings and the metaphors used in the story contribute to transmitting deeper messages about ethics, solidarity and love of neighbor?
The characters bring to the story themes and situations within the world in which they live in an evolved way, showing the protagonist how to achieve such a balance. The character HEllyhas – the great alchemist of transmutations, welcomes the human Best, who has a burning desire to obtain knowledge to share with humanity. The alchemist sees sincerity in the young earthling’s intentions and is willing to teach her her trade, alchemy! Not only the periodic table, but mainly the manipulation of the chemistry of human biology, bioenergy, the philosopher’s stone and the transformation of metal into gold, that is, the cutting of rudimentary feelings into wisdom and Universal logic.
Other characters such as Malta+, Plácido, Eldar elf, Loilófica fairy, Mestre Jaacobh, BelBelém and even Persenildo, the curandeira’s surly Persian cat, are introduced in the story to contribute to a transcendental journey in search of the best performance of the protagonist.
Best intends to show humans that it is possible to be happy, that this transformation depends on choices, intentions and determination, and that everything is available to everyone, without exceptions – just by intending such transformation, inner stoning with sincerity in the heart. “The Heart, the doorway to the Source.”
What does the Triad Source represent in the narrative and how does it influence the main character’s journey of evolution?
The Triad Source represents the connection with our best version! It represents biological technology, a machine that in perfect working order generates extraordinary strength. Best, when ingesting the water from Fonte Tríade in the tea house of Edifício Gaveteiro, realizes that it is not just what he sees in the mirror, it is much bigger. The young woman begins to have a broader vision of what existence is. The triad: brain, pineal, heart, if well used, are a means of transportation to the source that gushes logic, wisdom and knowledge of everything from the All That Is.
How are criticism and playfulness used in the story to convey important messages to readers?
The ludic always enchants, always manages to touch and reach the human being at any age, phase and circumstances of life. I take themes that I consider essential for the transformation of our society in a way that makes the reader travel inside history in a fun way. At the same time, in a reflective way, the themes lead him to reach his core with reflections that become strands, ways to reach his most intimate self and question himself about the meaning of existence, realizing that his individuality is part of the construction of one all.
I believe that it will only be possible to achieve the transformation of a society completely starting from each one of us, because any revolution must be done from the inside out and not the other way around. In a playful way, I can establish parallels, distortions within any society that seeks happiness. I can present the contradictions that make this desire far from being achieved, so that I can present (in my view) possibilities for transformations, because I believe that by transforming people, we can transform the world.

What is the core message you want to convey to readers through the book?
The central message is an invitation to the reader to become aware of the importance of their actions, which can jam or make the system run. It is an invitation to the reader to experience his “IntelligentMe”.
How can literature be a powerful tool to transform people and the world, as you mentioned?
I believe that we are biological technologies and we can program our brain. Our education system could implement something like this: an academic grid, where children have access to physical and virtual books aimed at ethics, freedom with ethics! Starting now, the results will show a few years down the road. From this generation aware of their actions within any system, children will be born who are more assertive and prepared for a cooperative world, a better world.
What are the main themes and values you seek to convey in your stories, in addition to ethics, solidarity and love for others?
That there is an immeasurable force permeating everything and everyone, which in essence is pure love and light. There is a fraction of that force within each being, waiting for permission to manifest itself through us. This force is elegant – it does not invade, but waits to be invited in.
Each one of us is an important part of the role that this immeasurable force wants to play, to play through us, within the greater universal stage! Of the importance of being open, letting that force be the director, conducting the script from a panoramic perspective.
Show the reader the possibility of having a broader view of the meaning of existence, so that we could revolutionize the world, not a revolution of raising ideological flags and weapons, but an intimate revolution, starting with ourselves. We would definitely have a better world.
How was your trajectory as an author and how did you find your true vocation in literature?
Playfulness has always been present in my life, I daydreamed and while dreaming, questions came to mind – the answer was present within my ideal vision of the world.
I always wanted to put on paper and share my ideas and inspirations, but shyness was present and stuck me. Luckily, life brought me challenging moments, I had to break this barrier and I decided to share what one day I thought might not be accepted as something that could touch my neighbor.
I confess that I have been surprised by the comments and reviews from readers who have donated their time to read the work “O Mundo de Best”, which I intend to turn into a fifthology. “The world of Best and the city of Fonte Tríade” is the second volume and I am currently finishing the third volume that I intend to launch early next year.
What are your future plans as a writer and what can readers expect from your next works?
Finish writing the work “O Mundo de Best”, compile all my poems and publish them. Concomitantly with the third volume of “O Mundo de Best”, I started another book (it is not a series), where I address other themes, involving the daily life of some businessmen.
I also used a little of my knowledge in Public Management to bring to paper a humanitarian, self-sustaining project, focused on educating and valuing human beings from the womb (which is already ready). But, for the time being, it remains only on paper. I would love to introduce you to any private or public institution that is interested in making the world a better place to live.
One of the most significant moments in Best’s career is the encounter with Fonte Tríade, a crystal monument in the shape of a brain and a heart. This symbol represents essential values for the evolution of the young protagonist, such as unconditional love, intelligence, creativity and conscience. Selma G. Santana points out that everything that happens in the story is like a good dream that can come true, especially in a world that yearns for more empathy and understanding. “The World of Best and the City of Fonte Tríade” is an engaging and inspiring read, which invites readers to delve into reflections on how to make the world a better place.
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