Anaiza: The young multifaceted artist who leaves her mark on the music and theater scene

Luca Moreira
12 Min Read

Singer and actress Anaiza, born in Brasília – DF, on 12/23/2006, demonstrated her love for musical theater since childhood. His artistic journey began at the Claude Debussy school, where his artistic skills in acting, singing and dancing flourished.

Throughout her career, Anaiza has participated in a variety of productions, from her first experiences in “Annie” in 2015 to prominent roles in “Descendants” and “Rapunzel”. Her passion for the arts led her to further her studies at Trupe Trabalho essa Ideia in 2017, where she participated in several plays and musicals.

In addition to her work on stage, Anaiza also left her mark in cinema, with appearances in award-winning short films, such as “Tic-Toc” and “O Bolo”, and in the feature film “Estagio 3” (2018), directed by Eric Alessandro.

In 2019, Anaiza moved to São Paulo and joined Estúdio Broadway, where she acted in productions such as “Marias do Brasil” and “Finding Nemo”, under the production of the “Lumiere” Institute. She had the opportunity to work with renowned artistic directors, including Fernanda Chamma, in productions such as “Heathers – Teen Musical”, “Hansel and Gretel – The Musical”, “All Together Now” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

The year 2020 marked an important point in his career, when he won the “Music Live 2020” Competition (MGT Group) and joined the program The Voice Kids on Carlinhos Brown’s team. After these enriching experiences, she released her first EP Cover “Anaiza Canta”, available on several music platforms.

Anaiza also got involved in social projects and presented the first season of the live show “Cantos do Brasil”, from the @artistinhasolidário project. She also collaborated internationally with Venezuelan singer Jhey Pi on the song “Espejo Remix”.

In 2021, Anaiza released her own original song “Inconsciously” and continued to consolidate her presence in the Brazilian music and theater scene. Her talent and dedication have led her to unique opportunities, including classes in the United States with teachers and Broadway artists, courtesy of artistic director Fernanda Chamma.

In her constantly evolving artistic journey, Anaiza proves to be a multifaceted artist, leaving her mark both on stage and in music. Anaiza continued to expand her presence in the Brazilian music and theater scene, launching innovative projects such as the exciting audiovisual project “No Time To Die” and her incredible reinterpretation of Billie Eilish’s music. Her music video, filmed at House of Choices in São Paulo, presented a new pop rock sound, demonstrating her artistic versatility.

Hello, Anaiza! Your artistic journey is truly inspiring. From your beginnings in musical theater to the present day, what moments do you consider to be the most memorable in your career?

The most memorable moments of my career were: my first musical protagonist which was Rapunzel when I was 8 years old, my first professional play Matilda in which I played the protagonist Matilda, my first musical in São Paulo which was Marias do Brasil , my participation in The Voice Kids 2020, the release of my original song Here With You, and my participation in Canta Comigo Teen 2023.

You have had experiences in both theater and music. How do you find the balance between these two artistic passions and how do they complement each other?

Theater and music have always been my greatest passions, but in 2020 I had to choose which of these two paths would be more important to me. Although one complements the other, I chose to follow the path of music, but I continue to do various acting jobs and courses, since as a singer I must also perform. The acting definitely completes the song, without the interpretation and performance I wouldn’t be able to convey and move the audience in the way I want.

Participating in The Voice Kids program and collaborating on projects like “Sing Love” must have been rewarding. Can you share with us how these experiences affected you as an artist and as a person?

These two achievements were definitely remarkable and gratifying not only for me, but for many people who follow me and who support me! My participation in The Voice Kids 2020 was extremely important in my career as it was the milestone in which I decided that I would continue in the business, especially music! Participating in the Sing Love project was very rewarding, I loved having the opportunity to inspire and move so many people who were already old, it was great to be able to bring a little joy, with what I like to do most! It was incredible to see the smiles that formed on the faces of those dear people. Because they were great and exciting experiences, they helped me evolve both in my career and in my learning and as a person,


His original song “Unconsciously” brought a new aspect to his career. What was the experience like creating and releasing music that reflects your own artistic expression?

In fact, the song Inconsciente was written by Caio Meirelles and I was the interpreter. It was great to have worked and given my face to a song that hadn’t been written by me.

Talking about your video “Here With You” in Web3 format is quite intriguing. Can you tell us more about this pioneering approach and what you believe the future holds for the interaction between music and technology?

With the Web3 model, new doors open with new possibilities for all areas, music being one of them. With this new model, music can be everywhere becoming accessible, technology will be present in music more and more. The idea of ​​making my releases in the metaverse was a way to reach a new audience and also propose something different and cool for the audience that already follows me.

Playing Snow White in the musical “The Mystery of Feiurinha” seems to be a unique challenge. How did you prepare for this role and how did it feel to bring a fairytale classic to the stage?

Snow White has always been one of my favorite princesses and certainly one of the most classic and interesting to work with. In addition to having to study the classic character as we all know it, I had to make some changes for the current world, how the princesses are portrayed in the musical Mistério de Feiurinha. It was a very fun and very collective process too, the production team and all the actors worked together helping each other build the scenes and thus bringing the characters to life.


You recently participated in the show “The Musical of Musicals”, recreating iconic Broadway numbers. How did you choose which solos to perform and what was the feeling of bringing such different characters to life?

I chose to perform one of my favorite musical solos and also one that was a little out of my comfort zone to serve as a challenge and a lot of learning. I loved being part of this production, as we can remember and experience iconic musical numbers that we all know.

The “No Time To Die” project, with the re-recording of Billie Eilish’s song, brought a new sound to his work. What was the creative process behind this version like and what do you hope listeners feel when they hear this song?

No Time To Die is actually my favorite song and it’s also by my favorite singer, Billie Eilish. So bringing a totally different identity to both music and my career as a singer was an incredible experience. It was really fun to transform the music I listened to every day and give it a completely different look. Now I can listen to two versions of No Time To Die hahah, mine and the original! When listening to my version, I want listeners to first be surprised because it will be something totally different and then for them to see the music and even the lyrics in a different way of interpretation, which could lead to two different worlds.

Her trip to the United States to improve her dancing, singing and acting skills was a great opportunity. What did you absorb most from this experience and how do you intend to apply this learning in your future projects?

Everything I learned on this trip was extremely important. In addition to learning several different techniques, I learned what the musical theater market is like in the USA. We learned everything from performance, singing and dancing techniques, to how to behave in front of an international audition. We learned the ideal way to organize a professional CV, for example, which is very important when auditioning. We took so many audition preparation classes that we even had a mock audition with international directors and producers, providing lots of opportunities and learning. We had dance classes with the dancers, directors and choreographers of BROADWAY shows, with some even on show!

Looking to the future, what are your artistic plans and goals? Is there a type of project you dream of doing, or an artist you would like to collaborate with?

My biggest artistic plan at the moment is to release my songs, which I am composing and producing myself, the way I always wanted. With the release of Here With You comes the real Anaiza with her defined identity. More releases will come soon. Another big dream is to be able to do a show on my 18th birthday (2024) with my original songs and also others that I have always heard since I was little. Throw a real party for everyone to dance and jump!

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