In the book “Flying in search of where we came from,” author Carlos Alexandre Braga guides readers on a journey through Brazilians’ most valuable wealth: the Amazon. In this work, the largest tropical forest in the world holds answers to ancient secrets and solutions to nature’s greatest enigmas.
The plot begins with a mission from the Order of the Knights Templar entrusted to Alex, a young man with strong humanitarian values, and Maria, interested in studies on mystical and historical themes. United by love and friendship, the protagonists are tasked with finding the portal key that will reveal where the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life are located.
With this narrative of action, mystery and romance, Carlos Alexandre Braga challenges the public’s perceptions of fiction and reality. The author incorporates historically known themes, such as the arrival of Pedro Álvares Cabral in Brazil, as he inserts mythological elements about the existence of humanity.
Amid the characters’ adventure, “Flying in search of where we came from” also brings up crucial discussions for society. The book highlights issues such as the preservation of indigenous lands, the defense of the environment, the reconnection with ancestral wisdom and the problem of illegal mining. This book is the first volume of a trilogy that will seek answers to the philosophical questions: “Where do we come from?”, “What are we?” and “Where are we going?”
About the author: Carlos Alexandre Braga, Superintendent Inspector of the Metropolitan Civil Guard of the city of São Paulo, has a solid career at the institution, which he joined in 1987. In addition to his work in public security, Braga has a degree in Law, a postgraduate degree in Public Security and master in Regional Development. As an author, he published technical and legal works, as well as participating in three poetry collections. “Flying in search of where we came from” is his most recent book, planned to be the first volume of a trilogy that addresses issues inherent to human existence.
The plot of your book “Flying in Search of Where We Came From” combines historical, mystical and ecological elements. What was the main source of inspiration behind this complex narrative?
The main inspiration was to answer the question, focusing on preserving the Amazon rainforest, which I consider to be the largest garden in the world. Therefore, we must preserve it as if it were part of our life. But the beginning of inspiration is a story in itself.
His book addresses important issues, such as the preservation of indigenous lands and the problem of illegal mining. How do you see the role of literature in raising awareness about these social issues?
I believe that through literature we can generate awareness and reflection in people about the real importance of preserving life on planet Earth.
This is the first volume of a trilogy that seeks to answer philosophical questions about human existence. What are the other two questions that will be addressed in the next volumes, and what can readers expect?
“WHO WE ARE?” and “WHERE ARE WE GOING?” I want to create stories in which readers can reflect, form opinions and decide on these topics, giving the public the importance necessary for a prosperous and fulfilling life.
You are also the author of technical and legal works. What was the transition like from writing these types of works to fiction, and what challenges did you face when exploring a different literary genre?
A writer is always a writer regardless of the topic. But I faced challenges, as it is much more difficult to write a work of fiction than a legal book. However, it is a very rewarding process, as you are free to write your story however you want. I overcame the challenges, preparing myself with courses, reading a lot and doing a lot of research. It’s an indescribable feeling to see your work finished in a printed book.
In addition to being an emotional story, the book also addresses important social issues, such as the preservation of indigenous lands and the defense of the environment. How are these themes explored in the plot?
These themes are explored with a mix of action, mythology, enigmas, mysteries and legends, making the reader reflect as if they were part of history and one of those responsible for preserving life.

The search for the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life is a central theme of the book. What do these elements represent in the narrative and what is their importance for the characters?
The search for the Garden of Eden brings reflection on where we came from and the beginning of life. The tree of life is what we all seek to know about our existence, whether it ends here in this life, or this life is just the beginning of everything.
“Flying in search of where we came from” is the first volume of a trilogy. What are the philosophical questions that this trilogy aims to answer and how do they relate to the events of the first book?
1 – “Where do we come from?”, 2 – “Who are we?”, 3 – “Where are we going?”. In this first book, readers will be able to find their own Garden of Eden, that is, their personal Eden, which can be inside each of us.
The protagonists, Alex and Maria, are driven by humanitarian values and interests in mystical and historical themes. How do these characteristics shape your journeys through the story?
These characteristics form the profile of the characters, and, based on this, they develop and improve throughout the story, carrying out their missions. They also show the importance of life and its connections in this world and in others that will be discovered in the next books.
How did your career as Superintendent Inspector of the Metropolitan Civil Guard of São Paulo influence the writing of this novel? Are there elements of your professional experience that are reflected in the story?
The most important characteristic that I believe influenced the writing was the struggle for collective life goals. But I believe that readers should discover this while reading.
The trilogy promises to explore fundamental questions of human existence. What can readers expect from the next volumes and how do they connect to the story presented in “Flying in Search of Where We Came From”?
You can expect revelations to great mysteries discussed to date, but mainly this conclusion will be left to the reader. The connection with the reader will occur at the end of the reading, with the reader being able to reflect on what they did to improve where they came from and, consequently, improve their life. The main thing is for the reader to know that his plane, called life, only allows one pilot to lead him to success: himself.
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*WithRegina Soares