Nina Tomsic is featured in the productions “No Ritmo de Natal” (Globo Filmes) and “Da Ponte Pra Lá” (HBO)

Luca Moreira
12 Min Read
Nina Tomsic

At 23 years old, Nina Tomsic has already had an impressive career spanning 15 years on stage and 5 years in the audiovisual world. She is currently studying a Bachelor’s degree in Stage Acting at UNIRIO. Her notable achievements include performances in the play “Paz Sem Rosto”, internationally awarded by the arts center “Hellerau”, in Dresden, Germany, in 2016. Additionally, she is the founder, actress and director of “Grupo Chão”, a group theater research.

In the audiovisual field, Nina Tomsic participated in the cast of the series “Filhas de Eva” (2021, Globoplay), the 7pm soap opera “Quanto Mais Vida, Melhor!” (2022, Globoplay), and recently starred in the series “A Vida Pela Frente” (2023, Globoplay). Currently, Nina is shining on stage with the play “ENSAIO IR EMBORA”, in its second season at Sede Cia dos Atores, in Lapa, with performances on Saturdays, at 10 pm, and on Sundays, at 9 pm, until September 17th .

About her current show, Nina describes: “Ensaio Ir Although is a play for everyone. From those who have to deal better with setting limits, to those who have lost loved ones. It’s a play that invites the audience to see themselves in the difficulties of leaving, of places, of situations, of relationships, and of letting go too! It’s a play to laugh, cry and leave feeling light!”

Furthermore, Nina Tomsic is immersed in new projects, including the film “No Ritmo De Natal” from Globo Filmes and her role as the protagonist in the series “Da Ponte Pra Lá” from HBO.

With 15 years of theater experience, you have had the opportunity to play a variety of roles. Which character or play has been the most challenging and rewarding for you so far, and why?

I think all my characters have challenged me somewhere to this day, which is wonderful, but definitely the character I loved playing the most was Ingrid Terrare (The More Life, the Better!). It was my first character on TV, I started recording in the middle of the pandemic, I arrived opposite Giovanna Antonelli and Jussara Freire, it was a very big challenge, but delicious, and I did very well. I had a lot of fun recording.

“Paz Sem Rosto” was awarded an international award by the arts center “Hellerau” in Germany. How was the experience of having your work recognized globally?

This trip felt like a dream. To this day, I have a hard time believing that in this lifetime I went to theater with my best friends in Germany. And all at 15 years old. It was truly a surreal and wonderful moment. No wonder I carry these friends with me to this day. I really wanted this reality to be possible for many people who do theater in Brazil.

You participated in several successful audiovisual productions, including the series “Filhas de Eva” and the soap opera “Quanto Mais Vida, Melhor!” What was the biggest difference in your approach between acting in theater and on screen?

They are definitely different performances, but I usually say that being someone who trained as an actress in theater makes me a much better audiovisual actress. Because theater is collective, you are part of every part of the process, you learn things together, and in audiovisual the functions are much clearer and divided for each person. It’s difficult for me to join a film team and just be an actress, when I come from a theatrical experience of being an actress, but being a director and set designer and writing my own texts and creating the visual identity and producing the projects… lol! But this helps me to be an actress who knows how to change on stage, look people in the eye, listen, give ideas, create together, bring theater knowledge to the camera.

As the founder, actress and director of “Grupo Chão”, what is the vision and objective behind this theater research group, and what projects do you have planned for the future?

We are a group that is very interested in exploring our language, that is, the “how” to tell stories. We were incredibly lucky to bring together four people with such complementary artistic opinions, who admire each other so much and work so well together. In the last 6 years of company we have delved a lot into the topic of grief. Our research ranges from the loss of people, to mourning cycles that end, or small moments in life when you lose something, and we always like to bring our research to what is more human, that everyone will understand and identify with. somehow.

You have a solid career in theater and are conquering your space in audiovisual. Can you tell us a little about how you got involved in both areas of activity?

I’ve always done theatre, since I was a little girl. I really don’t remember my life before theater. I started with classes at my first school, then I went to free courses, until I graduated from UNIRIO, where I am graduating. As I have always been obsessed with theater, I always really wanted to get involved in all the projects I could, and this made me meet a lot of cool people and open a lot of doors. The first opportunity to do audiovisual work came through a great friend, Daniel Belmonte, who I did at the O Tablado theater. And from then on I started to be called for tests and gain more space, because I always dedicated myself a lot to each participation. I think the best thing about this profession is being whole and valuing every opportunity we get to do our work well.

Recently, you starred in the series “A Vida Pela Frente”. What caught your attention most about the script and the character you played?

I think the fact that it is a story inspired by real events. And especially seeing friends like Leandra Leal, Rita Toledo, Carol Benjamin and Maria Barreto being childhood friends and today creating this beautiful project together. The power and sensitivity they brought to this memory is impressive.

Talking about your theater career, you are currently performing in the play “ENSAIO IR EMBORA”. Can you tell us more about this production and what message it conveys to the public?

Yes! We are now in the last weekend of the second season (September 16th and 17th) at Sede Cia dos Atores. The piece is a reflection on the end of cycles, going through the simple difficulty of saying “no” to everyday situations, sometimes when we can’t leave the places we are, and ending with ways of dealing with people who have left our lives. . It’s a big talk about goodbyes. And all of this was done with great lightness and guaranteed laughter, on an open-air terrace looking at the stars. It’s a delightful play to watch!

In addition to acting, you are studying a Bachelor’s degree in Stage Acting at UNIRIO. How do you balance your academic studies with your artistic career?

Look, it’s difficult. But I really love the course I take. And that keeps me feeling nostalgic and wanting to continue. For me, UNIRIO is my space for error, for learning, for testing, for doing what I’ve never done, to prepare myself for the job market, which often doesn’t give you that time. So whenever I need to go away for a period to work, I make a point of coming back the next time and, even if I only take a few subjects at a time, I’m in there studying.

How do you see the role of the performing arts in today’s society? What is the importance of theater and audiovisual in our culture?

Life only makes sense when we communicate. Telling stories is the oldest and most efficient form of evolution that human beings have. Theater is a place of meeting and listening, which for me are the most essential things these days. I would say it is mandatory for every human being to go to the theater. Whether watching or doing. And while theater has the power of a unique encounter, which only happens that way at that time, audiovisual has the preciousness of being eternal. To keep the memory of a time. If you want to study the evolution of a society, watch his films. Listen to their music, see the art that is being produced, it will all be there. Because art is the only place where we talk about what we feel. And sharing feelings is the only way forward.

What are your future plans in acting? Are there any projects or roles you would still like to be a part of?

Clear! I have thousands of plans and expectations. I have a huge dream of doing international projects, just like I did an Argentine film called “The Search for Martina” this year. I have dreams of doing more soap operas, because I love them so much. I would really like to pursue my career as a director in the future and carry out my own projects. And since I was a little girl, I have had the dream of having a theater. But for now I just hope for the luck of working with incredible people on beautiful projects, as is happening!

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*WithRegina Soares

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