Pietra Quintela joins the cast of “Tudo Por Um Pop Star 2”

Luca Moreira
1 Min Read
Pietra Quintela

Written by Thalita Rebouças, the film has already started filming and will hit theaters in 2024

With extensive experience in television drama and cinema, Pietra Quintela has just joined the cast of “Tudo Por Um Pop Star 2”, a new film from Panorâmica Filmes, co-produced and distributed by Star Original Productions.

Written by Thalita Rebouças and starring Gabriella Saraivah, Bela Fernandes and Laura Castro, the film began filming in September, in Rio de Janeiro. “I really like the story, I’m a fan of the first film and I loved receiving the invitation to participate in “Tudo Pop Um Pop Star 2”. During the recording, you can already see how wonderful the result will be, celebrates the actress.

Pietra Quintela

In the film, Pietra will play an influencer and producer, who is producing the iconic pop star’s show. “I can’t give away too many spoilers, but I can say that I will play myself. I am very happy with the opportunity, even more so now that I am convinced that it is the film set that enchants me”, she declares.

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