Alderico Rodrigues , also known as Moreno, has followed different paths throughout his life, from nightclub singer to shoe salesman. However, a persistent dream always accompanied him: becoming a writer. After decades of notes and synopses stored in his trunk, at the age of 28, he finally decides to dedicate himself to publishing his first book. Born in Mimoso do Sul, Espírito Santo, and raised in Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Moreno is inspired by the people around him to bring to life the characters in his inaugural work, “Thank you for existing!”. This narrative delves into the saga of the Marfez family , a trajectory marked by radical changes and profound conflicts that transcend generations. The book, the first in a series of four volumes, promises a reflection on the human essence, the power of feelings and the consequences of decisions, all seasoned with a pinch of reality in a fictional plot.
How did the idea of writing the book “Thank you for existing!” and why did you decide to publish it after so long?
I have always had a very creative and privileged mind. I preferred to listen to deduce and discover the hidden, essence, or root of everything and everyone around me. Sometimes, the questions came from my imagination and wanting to know more, in a simple and friendly way. This was certainly the culmination of discovering in people what made them different, interesting, bizarre, unusual, with their ways and mannerisms and sometimes strange attitudes…
With this gift of listening since I was a boy, I asked a lot of questions and was a born observer. Even my mobility difficulties caused by polio when I was one year old, which left atrophying effects on my left lower limb, were unable to dampen my spirits. On the contrary, it filled me with determination, courage and willpower, intelligence and a creative mind. At the age of 7, in my homework notebook, I described an accident that had just happened at a gate near my house and wrote: “the woman the train killed, died!” The teacher asked me three times if that was right, and I confirmed all three times. It was enough to get me grounded. The director entered the room, whispered to the teacher, ordered me to go to my seat and they left. Minutes later, they returned and, at that exact moment, I received the greatest gift of my life so far. The director spoke about poetic freedom and cited Sócrates, Machado de Assis and Fernando Pessoa. Thus, I fell in love with my savior literature. From then on, there was never a shortage of a pencil with an eraser and a notebook out of my reach.
Years passed, everything that caught my attention, I wrote on paper, so as not to forget: song lyrics, plays, poems…, but the drawer was full of reminders and notes.
At the age of 28, I was hospitalized to undergo surgery for an ulcer between the duodenum and stomach. I spent 45 days pre-operatively. My sister, aware of my passion for writing, brought me a notebook, pencil and eraser. In the silence of the night, lying in my bed, I read a word from the Bible, I believe Ecclesiastes: “God created life and gave meaning to its life!”. With that word, I got scared and froze, I feared, if I didn’t get out of that place alive, my entire collection and everything that was in my mind would be lost, in anonymity.
So I started writing this saga in which I already had some characters… thank God, I was cured after the surgery and wrote my entire manuscript collection. Then I got a notebook from my son Leonardo, who convinced me to publish the first volume of this beautiful and wonderful saga, “Thank you for existing!” good health and desire to write more and more.
What was your biggest source of inspiration when creating the characters and plots of the book?
My greatest source of inspiration was found in the rich baggage of information that people brought. Each one has their contribution. They all had their role in the universe of the plot, and each character has their space in the beautiful sculpture of history, in fiction.
Can we expect family conflicts and power issues to be recurring themes in the next volumes of the series?
For sure! The scope of the plot opens up and, as other characters emerge, the conflicts become more intense and the cauldron becomes more and more heated!
What was the process of researching and developing the plot like, considering that the story involves different locations and cultures?
Always search. Even living with real characters, in a fictional story, it is necessary to research all segments of the plot. Whatever the information, prior research is extremely important before passing it on to the reader. Research also helps the writer to shape his characters in every way: cultural, dialect, costumes, regional customs…
You mentioned that the characters were inspired by real people around you. What was it like balancing fiction with these real-life references?
It was like putting the stones in their right places on the board, like a game of chess. However, this was transmitted to the plot, according to their temperaments, attitudes, customs, manners, mannerisms, religion, addictions, culture, purchasing power…

The book addresses themes such as betrayal, revenge and the power of feelings. What message do you hope to convey to readers through these themes?
This question is very important for the moment we live in; where “superfluous” is in fashion. The “everything” that “nothing” contains is booming and overvalued. The “nothing” that contains everything is not even mentioned! I quote Psalms, 23: “the Lord is my shepherd and I shall lack nothing!” Because “nothing” contains everything: food, doctrine, proof… Read the saga “Thank you for existing!” to have your own understanding.
What was the characters’ transformation journey like throughout the story, especially given the challenges they face?
If there is any transformation of any character as the plot unfolds, it will only be a temporary deviation from their respective role. After all, each character already has their own pre-defined script to follow faithfully!
In addition to being a writer, you have had other professions throughout your life. How have these experiences influenced your writing and worldview?
Many professional experiences that I have accumulated over the years have been a treasure trove of learning. I also never stopped studying and writing my reminders, which today I call synopses. The good foundation lies in building a promising future in every moment of life. I am proud to have been a shoeshine boy, a shoemaker, a tailor’s assistant, a barber, a medical assistant, a clerk, a window dresser, a shoe store manager and later a shoe store owner, a private driver and a nightclub singer to help make ends meet. And I thank the Lord for this privilege.
What are your future plans for the series and your writing career?
Publish the remaining 3 volumes of the saga that are ready and review the new works that are in my collection. Now, as for my future, it belongs to God. I hope to do my best to continue writing and release new works. But it’s not enough to just write, that’s the least of it for me. The problem is money to cover expenses. Honestly, my biggest fear is what could happen to the writer, what once happened to the singer, you know?