JP Mantovani recalls his career in reality and talks about the lessons that the media brought

Luca Moreira
22 Min Read
JP Mantovani
JP Mantovani

JP Mantovani , known for his participation in reality programs such as A Fazenda 8 and Power Couple 5, shares his experiences and reflections on the challenges faced behind the scenes and the importance of interpersonal relationships.

During the interview, JP highlights the influence of his previous experiences, including his law degree and his studies in philosophy, psychoanalysis and political science, in preparing him for the psychological challenges of reality shows. His balanced and rational approach proves crucial in dealing with the pressures of the game and maintaining strategic relationships, such as the alliance formed with Deborah Albuquerque and Bruno Salomão in Power Couple .

Additionally, JP shares insights into balancing media exposure and personal/professional life, highlighting his ability to balance multiple endeavors and prioritize time with his family. When reflecting on his personal growth during reality shows, JP emphasizes his inner strength and faith as fundamental pillars for facing challenges and staying true to his principles.

As for the future, JP reveals his plans to expand his career on television, with projects such as a football review and a Sunday program in partnership with Ticiana Gucci. Additionally, he shares his views on the role of digital influencers in today’s society and discusses his investment plans in businesses such as a car dealership and a meat shop. With a strategic vision and unwavering determination, JP Mantovani is ready to face the challenges ahead and continue his successful journey in media and business.

What was your experience like participating in reality programs such as A Fazenda 8 and Power Couple 5?

Look, it’s a very open question, right? Because there were many experiences, not only inside, but outside, right? I was more raw when I started in 8th grade. But I’m already focused on reading; I read a lot. I have a degree in Law, I studied and took courses in philosophy, psychoanalysis and political science. I already like these subjects a lot. I’ve read works by great writers, like George Orwell, author of “1984” and “Animal Farm”, which are wonderful books. They were written in 1940 and talk a lot about society, predicting what it would be like in 1984. Orwell, due to his vast intellectual background, understood very well what society would be like. He discusses a lot about totalitarian governments and totalitarian powers. This is similar to a reality show, where there is a director who has totalitarian power. You are being watched all the time, you eat rationalized food, and you are subject to various forms of oppression. You’re there, stuck somewhere, and you have to do certain things.

I was already somewhat psychologically prepared for this. And when I joined, everyone said: “You have to study, you have to study.” But I ended up not studying much. I saw some videos, but I realized that what makes the difference are the people inside the reality show. This is what will define the context of the game, right, knowing how to deal with people, with the chess pieces. So, I didn’t worry too much about it. I have a profile of perhaps not taking emotions to extremes, I am a very balanced person. I am not one for extremes, nor for extreme joy, extreme sadness, anger, hatred or passion. I’m more rational. Inside, I have my reactions to my feelings, but I don’t need to express them in extremes.

Despite this, the experience was very enriching, an experience under strong psychological pressure. The two reality shows, A Fazenda and Power Couple , had their details. In Power Couple , participating with my wife was a really cool experience. We ended up getting to know each other even more, and we remain strong to this day.

In Power Couple , you formed an alliance with Deborah Albuquerque and Bruno Salomão. What was it like building this partnership and what were the challenges faced?

Yeah, I think the game’s pieces are what make the game, that game was unique because of those characters, those couples. Our alliance was very good for the game. I’ve known Débora for about 15 years, I hadn’t seen her in a long time. I met Bruno there, I really liked him, he’s a really nice guy, really cool. We had a cool affinity, even due to our age and life experiences, including intellectual ones. They started the game fighting with everyone, they came in to cause trouble, didn’t they? They were fighting with everyone and we were a little away from them, still afraid, walking on eggshells. They were first analyzing the game, the people, right? Then she started telling everyone that we were allies, and people considered us as friends, allies. It was a natural thing, we ended up helping them, because everyone was kind of against them. We made this friendship, this bond of friendship, and we really stood up for each other. It was really cool, it was really fun.

In the end, there was a downturn in our history, right? Because we wanted to be with them in the final. A week before the final, when only Matheus and Mari were left, we saw that they were going to be alone. We thought: “We can’t leave them alone. Let’s pull them into the conversations, here, otherwise we’ll give them the prize.” When we said that and started to pay more attention to them, that they were going to be alone, Bruno and Débora simply turned their backs on us. We weren’t understanding, we started to not understand. They started saying that they had more affinity with another couple, I don’t know what.

We were upset about this, because a friend who is a friend doesn’t leave us like that. And when we left the decompression cabin, we saw that they had spoken badly about us at times, right? That was on purpose, right? To make us pop, and we really did. We gave what we had to deliver, our meaning. At that moment, that was it. From then on, we no longer supported them, because we came in third place. Then we had to wait for the final. We weren’t rooting for them anymore, they were. We were pretty upset about that. The friendship itself interfered with our friendship that we had inside, which I thought was really a friendship, but I realized it was more of a game thing. We ended up moving away naturally, but it was very positive for the game, for us to get to where we are. We came out third and they came second. Our alliance was very important for both us and them.

What were the most memorable moments for you in each of these programs?

Oh, just participating was already very memorable. Because we always go one step higher, gaining greater visibility than we already had. Simply put, the experience inside is incredible. Very memorable indeed, with fights, fun moments, victories in tests… it’s really cool, man, really enjoyable. I liked all the details, so it’s difficult to choose just one. The entire experience was special, and taking the tests was sensational. In Power Couple , the dynamics of collecting money and betting add a unique flavor, even with the bad parts, such as arguments and challenging dynamics. But we never lost our balance, even when faced with people who were unbalanced or who tried to destabilize us. And that, in reality, is what makes the difference, but in a reality show? The public loves a shack, a bullshit. I’m not like that in reality and I couldn’t be fake inside. So for me it was too much. The Farm was also incredible, with its tests, overcoming, discussions… My biggest fight was with Mari and Douglas, but today we are super friends. It’s worth every second inside. I stayed in both realities until the end, so it was an intense six months, full of good experiences, and thank God, I left with the image of a balanced person.

What is it like to balance media exposure with your personal and professional life?

I think the adaptation is very smooth. Brazilian is Brazilian, right? We are the famous Brazilian “turn around at 30”. You have to do a thousand things at the same time, or have two or three professions or businesses. I learned from an early age, man. My father is a business administrator, my mother was too; She was an art education teacher, but went into business. They had several businesses of their own and worked their entire lives. I also always had this taste for business. I started working as a model when I was 13 years old and then continued studying, I studied law and graduated. I was a lawyer, I worked as a model, I was an actor. When I took a theater course, I did theater, I did everything at the same time. I started investing in cars. I still have a store that buys and sells cars. I also have an investment company. You applied it to the bag, right? I really like the economic part, I study the classical Austrian school of economics in depth, in addition to the practice itself. I really like that part, so I never let it take me the wrong way. As it says in that book, the famous “Celebrities SA”, that you, being on TV, having a media outlet, can leverage your own business. You have to know how to use this to your advantage. It’s very cool. I have always done well in several companies. I have already joined as an image partner, I use my image to boost my business. So, for me there is no difficulty at all. Nowadays, at almost 45 years old, I manage to balance my work time very well with my family, my daughter, my wife, Ellie Martins. And with my family, who always lives nearby, I have always organized the logistics to make everyday life easier. For me, this balance of time and health, being with the people we love, was very important, because time passes very quickly. When you focus too much on work, you later realize that you missed some of that time that could have been quality time with your family and friends. I managed to balance this easily, it’s not even something that worries me.

What would you say you learned about yourself during these reality experiences?

I learned that I am a balanced, strong, firm guy. I’m rarely shaken by worldly things, especially people. I am a Christian, and a fundamental basis for me, something that has become almost a personal motto, is understanding that being a Christian is not just being a ” nice ” person. Being a Christian means recognizing that we are sinners by nature, failing before God, and that we need Him to achieve redemption. My goal in life is to seek this redemption with God. My relationship is direct with Him, so earthly things, understanding myself as a sinner and recognizing human fallibility, do not easily shake me. I don’t judge others, because everyone has their own path and struggles.

In the context of reality TV, this experience only reinforced what I already knew about myself: I am a balanced person. I respected everyone, I never got involved in discussions that attacked someone’s personal side. This stance comes from my understanding and my faith, which teach me to look at my own faults before judging those of others, always seeking personal improvement before God.

JP Mantovani
JP Mantovani

Do you have plans to participate in other television shows or reality shows in the future?

For the future, I adopt the perspective that only God knows what will happen. It all depends on opportunities, experiences, and focus at the moment. As for being on a reality show again, I’m open to that. If I receive an invitation and have availability, I would definitely consider it, as I believe that you always leave a reality show in a better position, both in terms of image and professionally.

Currently, I am involved in television projects. Between 2010 and 2015, I managed a photo and video production company while working with Ana Hickmann on Record’s “Tudo é Possível” program. My production company served some advertising agencies and worked with large companies. I’m bringing this experience to two new projects:

– Football Review with Bia do Riso da Bola: I am developing a project together with Bia, which organizes solidarity football known as Riso da Bola, a charitable event with many years of history. The idea is to create a review about football, and we are in the process of choosing the channel or production company to carry it out.

– Program with Ticiana Gucci on TV Barueri: Ticiana Gucci, who already has a nighttime program on TV São Paulo, is interested in developing a Sunday program with me. We are working on this idea and hope that something concrete will happen this year.

So there are a lot of plans afoot for the future, especially in television, which promises to be a very active and exciting year.

How do you see the role of digital influencers in society today?

I don’t see things from the top down, I prefer to analyze things from the bottom up. I see the influence of one person on another as something fundamental. I believe it is essential that the content shared is decent and enriching, seeking to highlight human virtues. Of course, there is room for humor, as comedy has its value. There is a market for everyone. However, I don’t appreciate influencers who resort to clowning or bizarreness, although I recognize that there is an audience for everything. My inclination is more philosophical, so I tend to follow artists, historians, thinkers and philosophers that I admire.

I don’t consume content like pornography, for example, as I consider it a waste of time. I respect those who like it, but it’s not for me. My focus is on people and topics that interest me, such as cars and motorcycles, a sector in which I work buying, selling and customizing vehicles. I like influencers who share these interests, and I try to do the same, talking about family and other positive topics.

The problem, in my view, is the excessive consumption of negative content, such as gossip, which I consider harmful. Everyone likes a bit of gossip, it’s true, but it’s important not to let ourselves be consumed by these narratives and avoid talking about other people’s lives. A digital influencer’s focus shouldn’t be this. I see the role of the influencer in a positive way, each one acting in their own segment, which I consider important. Today, with the ease provided by platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, it is easier to find content aligned with our interests, although I personally don’t see much value in the famous “dances”.

Besides television, what other areas would you like to expand your career into?

I already consider myself pre -retired. I own some assets, such as furniture, and I have investments. I’m about to turn 45, aiming for retirement at 60 or 62, which means I have about 17 years left. However, my goal is to grow significantly, both in television and in my personal endeavors . I’m focusing my efforts on some specific projects, such as the football review program I’m organizing and a Sunday program that’s in the plans. There is a lot to expand on.

Additionally, I am involved in several businesses, including my car dealership, which is already operational. I am planning to open a meat store with a partner who has a strong presence in the sector. This year promises to be very positive, both professionally and financially, God willing.

What are your future projects and professional goals for the coming years?

I’m currently focusing on some exciting projects for this year. One of them is the project with Bia, from “Riso da Bola”, to create “Resenha do Riso da Bola”, a daily program from Monday to Friday. We will have the participation of former players to discuss football in a serious and relaxed way, with space for games and fun.

Additionally, I am developing an entertainment program for Sundays, with a variety of quality cultural and musical content. I am also involved in managing my car shop, where I buy, sell and customize cars and motorcycles, especially Harley-Davidson motorcycles, a personal passion.

Another venture I’m working on is opening a meat store. We are finalizing the details with my partner, Piá, to offer high quality meat at fair prices, with a main focus on delivery service throughout São Paulo.

Furthermore, I am supporting the solo career of my wife, Ellie Martins, who spent 20 years in the group Rouge. Now it’s time for her to follow her own path, with original projects. We are starting the production of a solo album with seven songs, under the guidance of renowned musician Marco Devita , my cousin. We are excited about the work that has been done over the past five months, and we hope to introduce a high-quality product soon.

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