Miss Happiness Elisa Ponte says that satisfactory sex helps with happiness: “People who are more sexually active are happier”

Faith King
3 Min Read
Miss Happiness Elisa Ponte says that satisfactory sex helps with happiness: "People who are more sexually active are happier"

Happiness Coach reports on the benefits of an active sex life No one disputes that sex is pleasurable, but the practice can also bring benefits to your emotional health. Happiness coach Elisa Ponte says that people with an active sex life are happier. “One of the forms of oxytocin production, known as the love hormone, responsible for promoting social union and well-being also occurs during sexual activities. .


Sex is linked to the state of happiness because you feel loved, relaxed and with the stocked love tank”, he comments. The writer explains that the sexual act releases substances linked to well-being in the brain. “The association of oxytocin with love occurs due to the fact that the hormone is released from certain stimuli and contexts that, in some way, are related to our affectivity. These are moments in which we experience the presence of touch, smell and the construction of bonds.” “Not surprisingly, one of the situations in which there is the greatest release of oxytocin is during sexual intercourse. Another reaction caused by oxytocin is the improvement in social interaction. The hormone may also be capable of stimulating socialization behaviors”, he adds. Being more willing to get in touch with the people and experiences that surround you is a result of oxytocin’s ability to reduce fear and anxiety and promote improved mood, says Elisa, about the body’s responses to oxytocin “The effects of the release of oxytocin in the body, for example during sexual activity, the hormone is involved in the process that leads to ejaculation and orgasm.” According to the specialist in positive psychology, oxytocin increases pleasure in intimate contact. “It is believed that oxytocin increases libido, acting in conjunction with testosterone, in men, and progesterone, in women, in addition to facilitating vaginal lubrication and reaching orgasm.” According to the expert, there are several reasons to have sex routinely. “Sex is health, well-being, pleasure and brings you a lot of happiness. People who are more sexually active are happier.”

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