Gui Carvalho talks about experience and responsibility when dealing with children’s entertainment

Luca Moreira
8 Min Read
Gui Carvalho (Luiz Santos)
Gui Carvalho (Luiz Santos)

Gui Carvalho , Brazilian model and actor, has stood out both on television and in cinema. Since 2020, Carvalho has played notable roles in Luccas Toon series and films , including the White Adventurer in the popular Os Aventureiros franchise, Daniel in Escola Fantástica and a participation in Roxteen . Furthermore, he also shined in Netflix’s Summer Camp film series, where his performance was remarkable.

Before his involvement with Luccas Toon , Gui already had extensive experience in theater, participating in several musicals that helped shape his career. On social media, Gui stands out for his charisma and talent, frequently recording comedy videos alongside his co-stars, delighting his followers with his fun and engaging content.

As you describes the evolution from the your career since your first roles at the theater until your recent performances in television and node cinema?

That question he does to spend one film in my head. I would describe, all this process, as one evolution constant and arduous always with the learning, the curiosity and the love for the what I I make walking side the side. Since the moment in which I I entered of fact for one class of theater and I started the experience one life of actor, me no I stopped more of think in function from that! But for summarize all those years, I would use to the words dedication, courage, faith and love.

THE what more you attracted us roles what you played in the series and films by Lucas toon , as the Adventurous White and Daniel in School Fantastic?

THE universe in what they they are inserted! I am one child node body of one adult (laughs) , I am passionate put design excited and put all that universe of magic and fantasy that the products children’s always bring for scene. Experience one super hero, today we are the only ones super heroes of Brazil, me he leaves proud and very carried out, of true! I feel as if to the my pranks and universes imaginary from the infancy were if materializing when I record as adventurous.

In relationship to the Daniel, he me send very the experiences and experiences what I I had in mine infancy, the universe where if raisin the series of that character if resembles a little more with the our reality, with one plot more next the reality so always and very pleasurable to record you episodes why always me caught Reliving some childhood memories.

Gui Carvalho
Gui Carvalho

As your experience node theater influenced your work in television productions and cinematographic? You he can quote some aspect specific what believe to have been particularly useful?

Good, the theater he build the actor, he the returns more human and that and fundamental pro your work. Technically talking, in relationship to the my work today to the children’s audience, the theater me assists in versatility of power interpret several type characters , each one with one body different, with one voice sharp and very caricatured. All that and he came from the my baggage theatrical.

You participated of several projects from the Netflix, including the series of Camp movies of Vacation. Which he was the bigger challenge what you faced during these recordings?

Wow productions they are “full team”, productions quick and races. We recorded one long in one week, one long musical! Then, my bigger challenge and give account of all this in little time. Already there was productions where I learned the choreography node set, hours before to record. Then, me adapt the that “modes operative” of produce, he was one big challenge. Today already me I got used to it!

Gui Carvalho (Luiz Santos)
Gui Carvalho (Luiz Santos)

As you balance your career as model and actor with your activities on the networks social? There is one strategy specific what you he follows to to maintain your relevant content and immersive?

There is! I I am always very attentive to the networks, but also I confess what read with my content as one valve of exhaust to me to maintain active in different proposals . Node my day-to-day I experience very from the aesthetics juvenile, already in the networks in parallel, I seek produce contents of comedy and pure entertainment what also is a side of my work of actor what I like very.

Us your videos of humor in the networks social, you often if joint to colleagues of cast. As these collaborations influence your creativity and your relationship with the other actors?

AND wonderful! We think together, we create together and us we help within and outside of scene. We are very partners in relationship the that and we have also one chemical on stage, one tune what no I know explain. I believe what put be very friends, enough​ time, all flows very good.

Gui Carvalho
Gui Carvalho

During big part from the your career, you always been in contact with the public childish. Which they are to the main difficulties and advantages of to work with this age group?

Yes, both node theater and now node audio-visual! THE sincerity and that admiration genuine, pure, that love TRUE of children and the bigger advantage of that work. THE belief of this public in the stories what we count and something surreal also. AND beautiful, that Yes, I get emotional always when I stop for reflect and to analyze the as we play these little ones . Sincerely, with very more advantages of what difficulties!

THE bigger difficulty and you if to maintain being one example for those young people what have you as reference, what you speak when you find in road what when they grow want to be as the people. AND difficult you to be reference, he can until look kinda superb to speak that, but of true, to the children speak that for people and I face with responsibility that fact. I have 7 nephews between 1 and 14 years what if mirror in me, then me I feel in obligation of to be example. You’re welcome then, when if there are thousands of small what you accompany almost 24hrs put day in these times where all to the ages they are connected anyway, I spoke all that for to say what to try be a reference for those small, means abdicate of things and if deprive of others and that’s not and easy, but also no me he does to suffer. To the advantages do worth the pity and are infinitely bigger!

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