9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards

Patrick Oliver
3 Min Read

9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards.

Actress Nívea Stelmann and actor Guilherme Berenguer presented the 9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards

The place chosen for the 9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards was at the famous hotel in the city of Tarrytown, 20 minutes away from Manhattan – Castle Hotel – commonly known in Brazil as “Castelo de Caras”, under the direction of Marcilia Luzbet.

This award, which has been a benchmark for professionalism and credibility in the Brazilian and Portuguese community in New York since 2005, honors Brazilians and Portugueses who have excelled in their fields. And so, this luxurious event featured distinguished guests from all continents, where, with a red carpet, they paraded their stories and dreams.

9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards
Marcilia and Luka (singer)

The mentor and organizer of this luxurious event is businesswoman MARCILIA LUZBET, who has lived in New York for more than two decades and is also responsible for Luzbet Produções, which, in addition to this great award, puts on shows by great Brazilian artists within the United States.

9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards.
Marcilia Luzbet


Since the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French to the Americans and commemorates the alliance between the two countries during the American Revolution, it has since become a symbol of freedom, justice and democracy. Thus, it was chosen as the trophy for this edition to align with this same feeling that both Brazilians and Portuguese share.

9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards
Alejandra Geithner, Marcilia Luzbet and Harry Geithner

Among the award winners, we highlight the singer and composer from Rio Grande do Sul (south of Brazil), Luka, who achieved worldwide success with the song “Tô nem Aí” with her distinctive voice and authentic musical style. And also the couple Harry Geithner (actor, director, filmmaker) and Alejandra Geithner. Both are responsible for the non-profit foundation – Minority Arts and Media Foundation – where they work to create opportunities and give a voice to minorities.

9th edition of the Portuguese Brazilian Awards
(left) Aline A. Cohen, Luka, Evelyn Montesano, Guilherme Berenguer, Marcilia Luzbet, Nivea Stelmann, Uiara Zagolin

Finally, the event, which brought together professionals related to the areas of Business, Art, Journalism, as well as Law, Literature, Medicine, Sports, and Education, ended with a delicious and elegant candlelit dinner.

Source: Press Office / UZ Studios & Production
Photos: Publicity / Denny Silva (Bulleya Photography NY)


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