Rosangela Marto launches autobiography and narrates reunion with love after four decades and overcoming trauma

Luca Moreira
9 Min Read
Rosangela Marto
Rosangela Marto

After four decades of separation, Rosangela Marto reunited with the love of her life, overcoming challenges and traumas to rebuild her own happiness. In her debut autobiography, Back to My Place, Rosangela narrates her journey of rediscovery, from a broken youthful romance to overcoming an abusive relationship and regaining her self-esteem at the age of 62. The work is a manifesto of hope and resilience, especially aimed at women who seek to reinvent themselves amid life’s adversities.

What was it like for you to meet the great love of your life again after four decades? What were the predominant feelings and thoughts at that moment?

It was a deeply surprising and moving experience, something I thought was unlikely. That moment was a true rollercoaster of emotions, where joy mixed with a hint of fear. I thought that time and changes could have altered what was once so intense. On the contrary, we were more mature to be able to experience this love. Deep down, however, a feeling of gratitude and hope of being truly happy and loved prevailed.

You mention in your book the experience of an abusive relationship and how it affected your self-confidence. What did you learn about yourself during that time and how did it influence your decision to leave?

During the abusive relationship, my self-confidence was severely shaken: I questioned my ability to make healthy choices in relationships. This challenge exposed a painful side of myself: emotional dependence, a constant search for validation and love. However, it was also a period of profound self-discovery. I learned that, despite my vulnerability, I possess unexpected strength and courage. This recognition of my own resilience was fundamental to my decision to leave this extremely toxic relationship, as it pushed me to seek a future in which I could cultivate my self-esteem and reclaim my essence.

The book addresses the importance of hope and fighting for dreams, regardless of age. What were the biggest challenges you faced in keeping those hopes alive and how did you overcome them?

Maintaining hope and pursuing my dreams, regardless of my age, presented significant challenges, especially due to my ex-husband’s constant disdain for my inspiration and creativity. It was like swimming against the tide, with each achievement feeling like an uphill battle. However, faith in a higher power, which I believed was always there to support me, was crucial in overcoming these difficulties. This belief gave me the strength and resilience needed to keep moving forward, even when adversities seemed insurmountable. The certainty that there was a greater purpose sustained me and helped keep the flame of hope alive, allowing me to turn obstacles into steps towards achieving my dreams.

You describe in detail the impact of aging on your life and how it has influenced your journey. How do you make peace with aging and what have you learned to appreciate about this stage of life?

Facing aging has been a journey of transformation and acceptance. Instead of focusing on the losses, I chose to embrace the advantages that this phase of life has offered me, such as the wealth of experiences and knowledge accumulated over the years. The transition to gray hair, which initially might have seemed like a challenge, has proven to be an unexpected source of self-confidence and self-esteem. Facing criticism and strange looks with grace and good humor has been essential to dealing with natural changes, such as wrinkles and menopause. I have learned to value this phase of life as a time of wisdom and self-knowledge, where true beauty lies in the acceptance and serenity with which we live our transformations.

Rosangela Marto
Rosangela Marto

The narrative of your book is rich in nostalgia and references to the 1970s. How did evoking that era help tell your story and what does that nostalgia represent for you today?

The evocation of the 1970s in my book played a crucial role in the narrative, allowing me to relive deeply rooted emotions, almost as if they were engraved in my cells. For a long time, these feelings had been buried, but by bringing them to the surface, I was able to retell my story in a sensitive and authentic way. The nostalgia I experienced represents a precious treasure for me, a feeling of gratitude for having the chance to relive and share these memories. Furthermore, this evocation resonates with many women who follow me on social media, allowing me to touch their own memories and experiences in a meaningful and connected way.

You talk about the importance of having personal space and the search for a place where you can just be yourself. How has this search for identity and personal space shaped your life and your decisions?

The search for personal space and the need to truly be myself transformed my life in a drastic way. This process was like a return to my childhood essence, full of dreams and determination to achieve them without fear of others’ judgment. This journey not only gave me an indescribable sense of fulfillment, but also allowed me to finally pursue my desire to become a writer, a dream that had previously seemed unattainable. Finding this personal space was fundamental to embracing my identity and empowering me to live fully, shaping my decisions and my life in ways I had never imagined possible.

Your book also touches on overcoming a difficult relationship and the experience of living in a country with a different culture and language. How have these experiences informed your view on resilience and adaptation?

I am deeply grateful for the experiences of overcoming a difficult relationship and living in a country with a different culture and language, as they revealed an inner strength I didn’t know I had. These challenges have given me valuable insight into resilience and adaptation. By encountering a new culture, I have had the opportunity to meet incredible people, respect their traditions, and learn from them, which has enriched my life immeasurably. These experiences have not only broadened my worldview, but have also strengthened my confidence in my ability to face and overcome adversity. Each challenge I have overcome and each lesson I have learned has contributed significantly to my personal and professional growth.

Now that you’re releasing your first book, what do you hope to achieve with your story and what message would you like readers, especially women, to take away from reading “Back to My Place”?

With the release of my first book, “Back to My Place,” my greatest desire is to immortalize my story and share its many messages of hope and transformation. I hope the book inspires the rebirth of love and romance, especially for those women who may have lost faith in this feeling. I want to encourage women who face emotional dependence to seek professional help, breaking the internal prisons that prevent them from living fully. My goal is for each reader to reconnect with their essence and discover that happiness is not an illusion, but a reality accessible to all . My message is that every woman deserves to experience true love and the fulfillment of her dreams, and I hope my story serves as a beacon for this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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