Through a new book, Gabrielli Casseta promotes a journey of faith and sacrifice amid war and darkness

Luca Moreira
8 Min Read
Gabrielli Casseta
Gabrielli Casseta

In a world devastated by war, where humanity lives in darkness and fear, historian Celina Bazzi discovers a box full of golden dragonflies, which leads to the writing of All My Dragonflies, a work by author Gabrielli Casseta . With an epistolary narrative, the story unfolds through letters that reveal the impact of Milchamah , a conflict that has plagued the people of the continent of Aware for 50 years . Amidst a scenario of despair and destruction, the author uses elements of Christian horror to symbolize sin, evil and the darkness of the human soul. Alongside characters such as Joana Watanabe, a missionary with the mission of protecting the sacred book El Berith , the reader is invited to reflect on the importance of faith in times of adversity. In this first volume of a trilogy, Gabrielli Casseta leads us through a plot of battles, sacrifices and difficult choices, where the voice of God reveals itself as the only light capable of guiding those willing to face the darkness.

By choosing the epistolary format, you give voice to the characters in an intimate and direct way. What was it like to construct this narrative and why did you choose this style to tell this story?

In 2021 I read the short story Evidence of Betrayal, by author Taylor Jenkins Reid , which is narrated through the exchange of letters between two characters and I was enchanted by the format. I chose it because All my dragonflies It would just be a series of posts for Instagram and letters were a short way of bringing texts to that specific network. However, the story grew so much that I needed to turn it into a book (actually a series *laughs*).

Your work uses fear and darkness to symbolize sin and the challenges of humanity. How do you believe horror can be a powerful tool to convey messages of faith?

Horror stories are about the struggle between good and evil. If I believe that Jesus is the ultimate good, why not show him conquering darkness? Horror elements are great metaphors for our sins and demons. Showing that they can be defeated by God emphasizes the victory of light over darkness, even if part of the journey is scary.

The continent of Aware bears deep scars from Milchamah . Do you believe that the war in its history reflects aspects of the realities we live in today?

Of course! I have never lived in a war environment, but I live, like every Christian, a spiritual war. I wanted to portray the difficulties of this war that we live within ourselves in an impactful way. After all, I fight my monsters every day. Just like many people do.

Joana Watanabe deals with a conflict between her faith and her feelings. What was it like to create this character and how can her journey inspire readers who also face dilemmas in real life ?

This is the most common conflict for every Christian and I have experienced it a few times. So, writing to Joana was almost like a confession. I know that the church does not talk as much as it should about the main theme of the book – unequal yoke – and that just as I had no one to teach me about the subject as a teenager, many girls and boys still do not have anyone to do so. I wrote the book for these people who, like Gabi in the past (at 17 years old), are lost.

Gabrielli Casseta
Gabrielli Casseta

The box full of dragonflies is a mysterious element in the plot. What does this symbol mean to you and to the construction of the story?

Dragonflies are the main magical element of the story. They carry the written letters to Malkiur (the deity in my book who represents Jesus). For me, they are a reminder of the importance of prayer.

Your characters live in extreme situations, but still dedicate their lives to welcoming and protecting faith. What does this mission represent within your own vision of human purpose?

As a Christian, I believe we were created to serve God and our fellow man, regardless of the circumstances. My characters do just that.

This is just the first volume of the saga. What was it like planning a story that unfolds across three books and what can readers expect from the next chapters of this journey?

It was easier to plan than to write. I sent an audio message to a friend telling her the whole idea and after talking for more than 30 minutes, I realized that this story needed to be a trilogy. As for the next books, readers can expect lots of action scenes and more battles against monsters, romance and some twists.

Even with a fictional setting, All My Dragonflies carries very real emotions and dilemmas. Is there anything in the story that was inspired by your personal experiences or reflections?

Almost everything! In general, each character has some trait and/or dilemma that I live or have lived. Joana’s story is especially true. I saw the consequences of an unequal marriage very closely within my family and felt the need to warn young people like me about this issue.

One of the central points of the book is the idea that God’s voice must be heard before the heart. How do you see this issue in practical life and what message do you want to convey with it?

I will answer with a verse that summarizes what I think about the subject: Jeremiah 17:9, NIV “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can understand it?” The message I wanted to convey with the book is that it is always better to trust God than our feelings.

Your book brings a message of light amidst the chaos. What do you hope readers take away with them when they finish reading it?

That no matter how sinful the person is or how dark the situation the reader is living, the Holy Spirit of God will be with him.

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