Yasmin Sancris comments on her career in musical theater and the “Star Festival 2023”

Luca Moreira
8 Min Read
Yasmin Sancris

Yasmin Sancris is a 14-year-old prodigy, resident of São Paulo, SP, who is conquering the artistic scene with her talent and dedication. Recently, she stood out in the fourth season of Rede Record’s “Canta Comigo Teen” program, reaching the position of finalist. His captivating and emotional performance captivated the judges and the audience, demonstrating his vocation and promising career in the world of music.

Yasmin, who has experience in singing, theater, musical theater and dance, is a multifaceted artist who continues to improve her skills through regular classes and participation in various events and artistic productions. With an unwavering passion for art, she has achieved recognition on various stages, including the recent victory in the “Star Festival 2023”, a prestigious musical competition promoted by B&P Produções.

In addition to her notable participation in “Canta Comigo Teen – Season 4”, Yasmin also shone as the protagonist Gabriella in the theatrical production of “High School Musical” in 2023, presented at Teatro Gamaro by Teen Broadway. His talent and stage presence left a lasting impression on the audience.

With a promising future in the artistic world, Yasmin Sancris continues her journey of improvement, participating in in-person and online courses to develop her skills and technique. Her dedication is evident in her constant pursuit of artistic excellence, consolidating herself as a rising star in the Brazilian art scene.

What was your experience and emotions like when participating in the fourth season of the program “Canta Comigo Teen”?

It was simply the best experience of my life! It was an immense joy that I entered the program, and a huge surprise that I was among the finalists. It was a journey of a lot of learning within the program, and I am very grateful for everything I experienced. Furthermore, I met incredible people who I admire a lot and want to take them with me forever.

Reaching the finalist position in “Canta Comigo Teen” is certainly a milestone in your career. How did this experience influence your musical journey?

In addition to all the learning, I believe that this has strengthened me a lot as a person and artist, precisely because it is a huge achievement for me. This event made it possible to participate in several events and other achievements, which indicates that this is just the beginning of many projects that are yet to come.

You have a broad artistic background, including singing, theater, musical theater and dance. How do these different forms of expression complement each other in your artistic career?

I’ve always been passionate about different types of art, and since I was little I’ve been exploring this gigantic world and falling more and more in love. I believe that knowing a little bit of everything, it is possible to expand my knowledge and be able to express myself better through the art forms on which I focus most, such as singing and acting, for example.

Yasmin Sancris

We know you played the protagonist Gabriella in the stage production of “High School Musical.” What was that experience like and what does this role mean to you?

It was an unforgettable experience! After all, this was my first musical theater role. I’ve always been passionate about High School Musical and I’ve always wanted to get into musical theater, as I only practiced singing, dancing and theater separately, and the combination of these three things enchanted me. That’s why I feel that my entry into this world was with a flourish. I am currently performing in the play: “O Mistério de Feiurinha”, where I play Feiurinha at the ViradaLata theater. It’s been incredible!!!

Winning the “Star Festival 2023” is a remarkable achievement. Can you share how this achievement has impacted your confidence and outlook in the music world?

Winning the Star Festival was one of the greatest achievements of my life. This award represents all my effort and dedication to be where I am. My life perspectives have changed a lot, as I have realized even more that I am capable of going even further.

What are your main goals and aspirations in your artistic career in the short and long term?

For now, I intend to seize as many opportunities as possible so that I become increasingly more experienced. I’m sure I want to work with what I love most: music, acting and dancing. Now I’m in the process of recording a song. Stay tuned… news coming soon.

Yasmin Sancris

You mentioned that you continue to improve your skills through regular classes and participation in artistic events. Can you tell us a little about your practices and training routine?

I’m currently taking weekly singing lessons and a regular musical theater course at Teen Broadway, which have been very important for my development. I’m cast in the musical: Heathers and I’ll be Mrs. Fleaming. Study is the basis of everything. I’m dedicating myself a lot. Furthermore, I have been asked to sing several times at my school and at various events.

How important is art and music in your personal life? How does music influence your emotions and experiences?

Art is the place where I feel safety, pleasure, and where I feel free. It’s the space I found to express myself by being who I am and doing what makes me happy with people who have the same passions as me. Since the beginning of time, human beings have tried to express themselves in different ways. Art brings people together, connects and makes the world a better place.

You are a talented young artist. How do you balance your artistic career with your study commitments and personal life?

With a lot of dedication, discipline, and most importantly, support from my family, who is willing to help me in everything.

For young people who dream of pursuing a career in the arts, what advice would you give based on your own journey?

My advice is: Always look for references, but never compare yourself, as each artist must be authentic in their own way. Seize every opportunity and never give up!

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