Gasoline drops 14.01% in July and ethanol drops 8.34% in Brazil

Luca Moreira
5 Min Read

The latest Ticket Log Price Index (IPTL) survey, referring to the end of July, showed that the average price of a liter of gasoline dropped 14.01% compared to June and was sold at R$ 6.50 at gas stations. from the country. Ethanol, on the other hand, closed the period at R$ 5.50 and was 8.34% cheaper compared to the previous month.

“With the reduction in the ICMS rate, announced at the beginning of July, the price of gasoline was already recording drops of 5.46%, compared to June, in the first days of the month, according to the Ticket Log survey. At the end of the first fortnight, the decrease in the value of fuel reached 10.22%. The drop of 4.93% for the price of gasoline in the transfer to refineries, announced on the 19th, also contributed to the reduction of 14.01% accumulated in the month. Let’s wait for the effects of the new reduction of 3.88% announced, valid as of today for gasoline, sold at refineries, which should impact the pump price in the first days of August. It is worth mentioning that, analyzing the parity with the international market, with this current reduction we still have a situation of national price above the international parity, with a window of 7 cents for gasoline, according to sector entities”, highlights Douglas Pina, Director -General of Mainstream of the Fleet and Mobility Division of Edenred Brasil.

All five regions of the country showed a drop in the price of gasoline, especially in the Southeast, where the value dropped 18.01% and closed at R$ 6.18. Even so, the lowest average for the liter was registered at gas stations in the South Region, at R$ 6.09, with a decrease of 15.30%. With the value 11.94% cheaper, the highest average for this fuel was found in the Northeast, at R$ 6.79.

Ethanol has been registering a low average price since the previous month and, at the end of July, it was also cheaper in all Brazilian regions. In addition to registering the lowest average among the other regions (R$ 4.72), the Midwest stood out with the most expressive decrease for the liter (-13.02%). The highest average for ethanol was found in the North, at R$ 5.89, with a decrease of 6.00%.

In the highlights by state, there was no increase in fuel prices and, even with a 10.40% reduction, the most expensive liter for gasoline continues to be sold at gas stations in Piauí, at R$ 7.23. The Federal District registered not only the cheapest gasoline, sold at R$ 5.95, but also the most expressive reduction for fuel, of 23%, compared to July.

São Paulo leads the ranking of the cheapest ethanol in the country, sold at R$ 4.21, with a decrease of 9.91%. However, the most significant reduction for this fuel was registered at gas stations in Rio de Janeiro (15.60%), which went from R$ 6.16 to R$ 5.20. The most expensive ethanol was found in Pará, at R$ 6.35.

“Reflecting the reduction in the price of gasoline, registered by IPTL throughout the national territory, the fuel presented itself as economically viable for more Brazilian states, compared to last month. Ethanol is more advantageous only for those who supply in São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso”, concludes Pina.

The IPTL is an index of fuel prices based on supplies made at Ticket Log’s 21,000 accredited service stations, which is highly reliable due to the number of vehicles managed by the brand: 1 million in total, with an average of eight transactions per second. Ticket Log, Edenred Brasil’s fleet management and mobility solutions brand, has more than 30 years of experience and adapts to customer needs, offering modern and innovative solutions in order to simplify daily processes.

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