Discover the story of Bia Carboni, a young Brazilian woman who saw her dream of living in the United States come true. Currently living in Orlando, Florida, Bia shares her daily life on social networks, showing the challenges and achievements of her new life. From watching High School Musical and dreaming about the American “high school” to the change itself, she reveals the hardest part of adapting culturally, facing the reality that is not always like in the movies.
Motivated by the desire to inspire others and share her unique experience, Bia started documenting her daily life on social media. With a large increase in influencers, she found a way to show the reality experienced in the United States, especially in New York, one of the most present places in her feed. She recounts the best experience she had during her adventures in the city that never sleeps, exploring every minute and creating unforgettable memories.
However, not everything is roses. Bia shares her first impressions upon arriving in the country, facing some cultural differences and perceptions about the reception of foreigners. She reveals her personal experiences and the importance of planning and research for those who want to change their lives and live in the United States. In addition, she discusses her work on social media and how she sees the possibility of making a living from this activity, sharing her future plans to return to vlogging and explore more mature content.
Despite missing her family, friends and Brazilian food, Bia highlights what she likes most about living in the United States. Security, justice and the opportunity to build a good life, regardless of profession, are aspects that enchant her in this country. Finally, she offers valuable tips for those who also want to embark on this journey, emphasizing the importance of planning and preparing to face the challenges of life in a new country.
Currently living in Orlando, Florida, you often share various parts of your day to day in the United States through social networks. How was your move to the country and what was the hardest part of getting used to it culturally?
Since the day I watched High School Musical, I dreamed of living in the United States. Then one day when I was 13, my father broke the news that we had been transferred to Orlando. I was very happy with this news, as I would finally realize my dream of living abroad. The hardest part was realizing that not everything was like in the movies. Unfortunately, people don’t stop in the middle of class to sing, haha!
Nowadays, with the great increase of influencers on the internet, there is no lack of topic options to talk about. What motivated you to start documenting your everyday life on the networks?
It was exactly my dream of experiencing “high school” here that made me imagine that many teenagers my age also wanted to experience it. So, I decided to show my day to day to inspire people and show the reality that I started to live.
Without a doubt, one of the places that appear the most in your feed is New York City. So far, what’s been the best experience you’ve had during your adventures?
I love to travel and, whenever I can, I pack my bags and go out there. But, without a doubt, New York has a special place in my heart, there you can feel life in motion. A few months ago I went with my boyfriend to spend just the day there. We went in the morning and came back at night, and it was an incredible experience because we didn’t want to miss a minute. So we spent over 12 hours exploring New York, visiting all the sights and browsing the shops. It was a lot of fun and definitely worth it.
Speaking of the cultural side of the population, many people often say that Americans are more intolerant of foreigners, especially at reception compared to Brazilians. What were your first impressions when you arrived in the country for the first time?
Here in Orlando, I often feel like I’m in Brazil, because there are Brazilians everywhere, and my family was very well received everywhere. However, when I lived in Utah, I noticed a significant difference, so much so that I couldn’t stay there for long.
Despite having 169 thousand subscribers on YouTube, the channel has been stopped for almost 6 months and its contents have been more focused on Instagram. Do you plan to invest again in the video platform vlogs in the future?
I am going through a period of transition in my life, leaving adolescence behind and becoming an adult woman. This transition isn’t always easy, so I stopped posting. But now things are clearer in my mind and I intend to invest again in more mature content for my followers, who grew up with me and are going through similar situations. Coming soon, focusing on sharing my journey through this stage of life here in America. I have very interesting plans coming up, with videos every week, showing in a deeper way everything I experience here.
Regarding work on social networks, it is estimated, according to the Brazilian magazine “Valor Econômico”, that in 2022 around 10.5 million Brazilians already made a living from their social networks. Speaking from your own experience, do you believe that this reality is really possible?
I still don’t live this reality, because it was never my main focus. My only objective was to share my life, but now, more mature, I realize that if I dedicate more time and effort, I can make a living out of it. Here in the United States, social networks provide significant financial support for influencers. There were months when Instagram paid me $1,200 just to post reels.
For Brazilians who want to live in the United States, what tips could you give them, especially regarding the life changes they should be prepared for?
The first thing is to understand that life here is not like in the movies or how you see it on Instagram. Here, you can have everything, but for that, you have to fight and work hard. Time passes differently and missing family and friends in Brazil is something that weighs heavily. Good planning and a lot of research are key. Those are the secrets to preparing properly.
What do you miss most about Brazil and what do you like most about living here in the United States?
I really miss my family, my friends and the wonderful food in Brazil. What I like most here is that it is a safe and, above all, fair country. It doesn’t matter if you are a cafeteria worker or a lawyer, here you always have the opportunity to have a good life, a good car, a good house, nice clothes. Also, the most important thing is that no matter who you are, you will always be respected for who you are.
Follow Bia Carboni on Instagram