Passionate about travel, writer and reviewer Tania Moschini believes that traveling is the essence of life. This passion inspired the launch of his book “And now, where to go? Travel reports with lots of laughs and emotions”, a collection of chronicles that portray funny and emotional moments lived around the world. With a light, optimistic and relaxed writing, Tania shares her experiences with her family.
Throughout the more than 40 chapters that make up this work, the author takes readers to different places, from Japan to the Pantanal. Through her texts, we are transported to countries like China, Chile, England, Italy, Peru, Germany, among others. She even takes us on trips that have not yet been taken, but are still planned, despite previous setbacks resulting from the need to impose limits on the decisions of one of her daughters.
The stories are always narrated by the writer herself, with the constant presence of her husband, her great partner in these adventures, and her three daughters. “And now, where to?” it is also an autobiographical work that addresses universal situations in life, such as the company of the first love, the formation of a family and professional growth, all intertwined in the travel reports.
The author portrays, for example, the family conflicts generated by the search for independence of one of her daughters in another continent. She also describes the feelings of being at her parents’ side in adult life, as if she briefly returned to her childhood innocence. However, these familiar narratives are deftly intertwined with comedic events that will amuse and delight audiences.
Born in Três Passos, in Rio Grande do Sul, Tania Moschini currently resides in Cuiabá, in Mato Grosso. With a degree in Literature and qualification in Portuguese and French, she dedicated almost four decades of her life to work in technical areas and management of state departments. For 17 years, she served as an advisor and proofreader at the Court of Auditors of the State of Mato Grosso. After retiring, Tania started offering proofreading and ghostwriting services, in addition to dedicating herself to literature, with the launch of her book “E agora, pra onde?”.
The title of your book, “And now, where to go?”, suggests a search for new destinations and experiences. What inspired you to write about your travels and share those stories with readers?
Many years ago, I got into the habit of recording my leisure trips. These records contain reports of funny, moving stories that I thought were worth sharing with people and, at the same time, show that, even when it seems that things are going to get complicated, we can have fun and enjoy the journey of a light and relaxed way.
The book is a mix of travelogues and family stories. How did you balance these two elements when writing the work?
The trips I refer to in the book always took place in the company of someone close to me (almost all of them my husband, by the way). This closeness, this closer interaction, allowed us to experience many emotions together, which, in a way, made us renew the intimacy, the pleasure of being together, having fun with the events and, mainly, laughing a little. with the other. Traveling is also that: the opportunity to revive feelings, rediscover small pleasures, so important in relationships and that everyday life often prevents us from doing.
What were some of the funniest and most heartwarming moments you experienced during your travels? Can you share one of them with us?
Among the many stories I tell, I highlight a moment of great emotion experienced by me during the presentation of the show “The Lion King”, in London, on the only trip to Europe that my brothers and I made with my parents. I watched the play alongside my father, on his 86th birthday, and I felt something that moves me even today, when I remember it. I think it was because I knew that the possibility of experiencing all that again was tiny. It was unforgettable and that’s why I made a point of registering and sharing.
In addition to providing entertainment, the book also addresses universal life issues such as raising a family and professional growth. How do these themes intertwine in your travel narratives?
In fact, it wasn’t my original intention. But I think this stems from the fact that the stories are sometimes inserted in the family context, sometimes in the professional context, due to the circumstances of the trips. And, inevitably, as we are light-hearted and always make a point of valuing the bright side of events, the stories ended up conveying messages of optimism, lightness and relaxation, which I think is great. It’s my face. And the face of my co-protagonists.

You mention in the release that the work is not a travel guide, but a way to share the sensations experienced during your adventures. What is the main message you hope to convey to readers through these sensations?
Really, what I really want with this book is to share the sensations I experienced during my wanderings around, and that people have fun, that they relax with the reading, in short, that they feel the same lightness, the same pleasure and, who knows, even a little of the emotion I felt experiencing the stories and writing the book.
The message I want to pass on to readers is not to wait for the “perfect trip”. Every trip can provide pleasure, the destination is not more important, but the state of mind. What really counts is venturing out, making yourself available for new experiences, letting yourself be carried away by improvisation and your heart. With the best company, even if it’s just us.
How was the transition from a career in technical areas to dedicating yourself to writing? What led you to explore this new professional path?
In fact, due to the fact that I really like to write and that I find it easy to do so, in all the years that I worked as a public servant, I ended up being asked to perform, among other tasks, those related to the production and revision of documents in my work environment. work. As a result, when I retired, the transition was light and natural, as I only needed to redirect the focus of my activities. And, what’s best: now, I make my great pleasure my profession. Does it get any better than this? Who doesn’t dream about that, right?
Besides “And now, where to go?”, do you have plans for future literary works? Could you tell us a little about your future projects?
Yes, I am already in the process of producing another book of chronicles, this time not related to travel. They are reminiscences focused on everyday life. I believe that by mid-2024 it will be completed.
I also have, available for sale on the Hotmart platform, the online course “Portuguese to leverage your career”, more aimed at people who work on the front lines of customer service, who feel the need to improve their ability to communicate with the public, both in writing as well as in speech. It is a very practical course, very light and accessible. My intention is to turn it into an e-book, too.
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