Singer Angélica Duarte reveals her latest track, “Barriga de Lanche”, inviting listeners to embrace acceptance of their bodies in an image-obsessed world. With a touch of good humor and a subtle critique of contemporary aesthetic pressure, the song is a celebration of authenticity. In a psychedelic clip directed by Caio Riscado, Angélica transforms insecurity into a declaration of love for gastronomic delights, marking a new artistic phase where she takes on musical production. This release represents a turning point in aesthetic maturity for the artist who, in 2021, presented her first solo album, “Hoje Tem”.
“Barriga de Lanche” is a song that addresses body acceptance in a humorous and critical way. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind the song and how it reflects your own journey of personal acceptance?
I made this song while waiting for a snack that I ordered for delivery. It was really spontaneous… I was waiting for the proposal and when I looked in the mirror I saw the volume of my belly. I was wearing colorful shorts that showed off my curves and I wondered if people out there would think I might be pregnant. Well, when I asked myself about this I hummed the chorus “Snack Belly/The zipper doesn’t close/I’m not elegant/And I’m not even modern.” I recorded the idea on my cell phone and had dinner. A few days later I started drafting a lyric that in principle wasn’t about self-acceptance. It took me a few weeks to finish the song, I believe that during that time I reflected a lot on the aesthetic pressure I suffered throughout my life.
The song suggests a change in perspective regarding self-image and the pressure for beauty standards. How do you see the influence of social media and aesthetic procedures in this search for perfection?
I think that social media takes the place that magazines and television used to take, it is up to us, users, to choose carefully who to follow and what to believe. Much of what is shown on the internet does not reflect what is real, and some people don’t seem to realize this. We are always selling our best moment, relationship, look, but there is a lot of anguish behind the click. As Black Alien would say “taking a photo is easy, I want to see who takes a picture”.
“Barriga de Lanche” marks a new phase in your musical career, where you take on musical production. What was the process of creating and producing this song like and what can we expect in terms of style and sound on your next album?
I have been producing my own work, almost always in partnership, since the release of my album Hoje Tem, which is entirely written and arranged by me. The new thing about Barriga de Lanche is that I’m working from home, with more autonomy. I decided to take on the full production of the next album because I have in mind what I want to present, and with the resources I gained by setting up my own studio, I can polish each track in my own time. The new single indicates the sound of the album to come.

The pressure for aesthetic perfection often falls most cruelly on women. How do you hope your music and message will impact your listeners, especially women who may be going through similar challenges?
I have received a lot of positive feedback, not only from women, but from many people who felt embraced by the song’s speech. It is clear that there is a strong identification of the female audience with the speech, and I hope that the music reaches more and more women as we all need to reflect on our punitive paths to reach what is considered “ideal body”.
The music video for “Barriga de Lanche” is described as a “psychedelic catharsis of goodies”. How does this vision relate to the message of the song?
The best thing in life is snacking.
You mentioned that the song writing process began when you ordered a burger and fries combo. How did this everyday experience turn into an inspirational song?
The music arrives at unexpected moments, I think I needed to talk about it, and mainly, live this issue. I don’t think we need to give up physical activity, healthy eating or anything like that, but there is paranoia when faced with unhealthy rules. It is urgent that we feel comfortable in our own bodies, and this is so rare. I don’t know anyone who is 100% happy.
In addition to self-image, the song also seems to touch on themes of happiness and indulgence. How do you balance the message of acceptance with the idea of enjoying life and pleasures?
Balance is the word. A person who incessantly seeks the perfect body is not in balance. A person who eats compulsively doesn’t either. We need to find this measure, and I believe this is a challenge for all of us.
You mentioned that you notice excessive self-criticism regarding body image, especially among women. How do you hope this song helps people feel more comfortable in their own skin?
Making them dance. Releasing endorphins. Bringing a very important topic to the world in a fun and light way.
What was the experience like recording and producing music at home? Do you think this has influenced your approach to music in any way?
Yes, I have recorded a lot of instruments that I wouldn’t dare record if I were paying studio time. This process has made me very happy and the result can be seen in Barriga de Lanche and in the last singles I released as well, Grudinho, Kero Kero and Outro Verão.
Finally, what do you hope listeners take away after listening to “Barriga de Lanche” and watching the music video? What is the main message you would like to convey?
Being happy is not being standard. Happiness is in us and not in our figure. A lifetime without fries probably isn’t worth it. The world is too cruel to people, and especially to women. Today we order a snack, tomorrow a salad. Let’s celebrate bodies and people. Let’s celebrate diversity.
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*WithRegina Soares