In the plot of “Tudo Igual SQN”, the main character, Carol, enjoys an affectionate and collaborative relationship with her mother, a partnership that actress Gabriella Saraivah also values in real life. While she expands her acting career in the United States, her mother, Juliana Saraivah, manages her career, and this dynamic works harmoniously.
Gabriella, who graduated from high school in the US and has already starred in an unreleased feature film titled “The Other Zoey”, has plans for more international projects on the horizon. She expresses her identification with the character Carol’s mother-daughter relationship and comments: “My mother and I have always been a great couple, both professionally and outside of work. It’s always good to have someone who cares about me beyond the professional, someone who I really trust it to help me make good decisions.”
Despite living in California for just over three years, Gabriella states that she does not intend to abandon her career in Brazil and continues to return to the country for acting work. She shares: “I do have the dream of becoming an international actress and doing what I love around the world. But I go to Brazil every year. I went in February and I’ll be back soon for another achievement.”
On the national scene, Gabriella already has a solid career, with credits that include her participation in several prominent productions, such as “Éramos 6”, “Juacas”, “Apocalipse”, “A Cara do Pai”, “Dancinha dos Famosos”, “Chiquititas” and “Avenida Brasil”. On social media, she has an impressive fan base, with more than 14 million followers.
Working together with agent Ieda Ribeiro, who has also launched other notable talents such as Bruna Marquezine, Matheus Costa and Mel Maia, Juliana Saraivah plays the role of businesswoman in the United States, while maintaining her fundamental role as a mother. For Gabriella and Juliana, the secret to working successfully as a family is to maintain respect and separate business moments from family moments.
Gabriella and Juliana’s story is a testament to perseverance, from the days when they sold truffles door to door to Gabriella’s international recognition. Their journey to learning a new language and starting a career in the United States was not an easy one, but this mother and daughter are determined to repeat the success they achieved in Brazil through their company, Saraivah’s Arts.
The relationship between the protagonist Carol and her mother in the series “Tudo Igual SQN” seems to be a reflection of her real life. What is it like for you to work in partnership with your mother in your acting career?
Having someone you trust working with you is amazing. My mother and I have a good relationship as a family and we create great strength by working together. Always being very open with everything, my mother taught me financial responsibility from an early age and how to take care of my money by making choices that will be beneficial not only for the present but also for the future.
You have made significant strides in your acting career in the United States. Could you share a little about your experiences, such as completing high school and working on the film “The Other Zoey”?
It’s not easy to leave your home country where everyone speaks your language and where you already have a more established career and move to a place where you’ll start everything from scratch, but I can say that the experience has been incredible! I graduated from an arts high school, I learned a lot both English and artistically. It was very special to be able to record The other Zoey and experience what it’s like to be on a foreign set. I met actors that I admire and I was even more certain that I want to be an international actress.
Living in the United States does not mean that you are putting aside your career in Brazil. How do you plan to balance international projects with possible work in Brazil?
It is often necessary to stop and analyze the opportunities that have arrived and select those that will help me reach my goals and add to my career. I come to Brazil at least once a year to record a special project, this year for example is my second time here, this time to record “Tudo por um Popstar 2”.
You already have a career in Brazil, participating in several successful productions. How do you compare your experiences between working in Brazil and the United States?
I don’t like to compare my Brazilian career, which I’ve been building since I was very little, considering that my first soap opera was when I was 7, with a career outside my country of origin. It takes a lot of perseverance to keep trying in the midst of failures and to always be looking to improve your accent and English itself.
In addition to acting, you also accumulate a specific fan base on social media. How do you deal with this online presence and what do you think most connects you with your followers?
I really like using my networks to share my daily life, fitness life, leisure, work and one of my favorite “virtual hobbies” is making motivational videos talking about subjects that are present in our daily lives. I believe that a good part of my followers also like it and can connect with me.

His mother, Juliana Saraivah, is an essential figure in his career, working as a businesswoman in the United States. How do you manage to maintain a healthy balance between your professional roles and family relationships?
We know how to separate professional and personal moments well and this has been acquired over time. When we are having lunch with our family, for example, we leave work matters aside and enjoy the moment.
The decision to move to the United States to pursue his career was challenging. How did you find the determination to face this new phase of your life and career?
Something I always heard was that incredible things usually won’t be easy, for you to get where you want you will need to be strong and leave your comfort zone. I won’t say it was easy, but the dream of going further and my mother’s support were essential.
The relationship between you and your mother is not only in terms of career, but also in the challenges faced, it seems to be a source of strength. What are the fundamental values that you share and that you consider for the success of this partnership?
Appreciating small things, honoring your family and not giving up because of any challenge that comes your way are 3 great lessons I learned from my mother.
From your first career steps, including selling truffles and performing monologues, to achieving stardom, you’ve come a long way. What are the main lessons you learned on this journey?
Be patient and understand that nothing happens at the wrong time, prepare, study, improve your knowledge so that when the right opportunity arrives, you will be ready to grab it tooth and nail. Understand that challenges are part of your evolution and maturity will make you appreciate more when you reach your goal.
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