With more than 110 thousand views in just a few days, Zé Vitor and Evandro conquer the scene with their debut album

Luca Moreira
10 Min Read
Zé Vitor e Evandro

The country music genre continues to be one of the most expanding musical movements in Brazil. And amidst the emergence and consolidation of diverse talents on the national scene, the duo Zé Vitor and Evandro emerge, who, maintaining the essence of “modão” in their productions, aim to captivate the hearts of the country public.

Originally from São José do Rio Preto, this duo emerged from an “unexpected” meeting, almost as if it were predestined. During a recording session for a project prior to their musical plans, they sang a song unpretentiously, a cappella, and were surprised by the result. The performance not only impressed the artists themselves, but also caught the attention of Latin Grammy winner Orlando Baron and Management TK Produções. José Vitor Amaral, known as Zé Vitor, and Evandro Rodrigo Dias joined forces with these teams, planning to revolutionize the country scene by mixing classic and contemporary elements. This approach already gives the project uniqueness and has generated great repercussion on social media, despite having released few tracks so far.

Zé Vitor has over 30 years of experience in music and is the author of hits such as “Brinquedo de Corda” and “Vai Sentir Saudade”. The singer, who also masters the guitar and viola, began his career in the 90s and has since supported himself through music. His inspirations include artists like Rene and Ronaldo, as well as Chitãozinho and Xororó.

In turn, Evandro, with two decades of experience in the music industry, followed a slightly different path. With vocal skills that range from classical to popular, he began his journey singing at the Baptist Church, soon realizing that this would be his path. Influenced by Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and opera singer Luciano Pavarotti, Evandro merges his passion for contemporary music with his love of classical music in his work with the duo. The duo’s first DVD, “Zé Vitor & Evandro – Ao Vivo em Rio Preto – EP.1″, features five new releases. The single ” Quando Bater Saudade Aí “, part of the DVD and released live on September 15, reached the mark of 110 thousand views on YouTube in just 10 days.

What was it like when you realized you wanted to pursue a music career together as a duo?

We met in a studio that, until then, had no relation to our career as a duo. We decided to sing together, in a really relaxed way, and we were surprised by the result. We realized that that day was already written in our history and that from then on, we had the purpose of participating in people’s lives through music. Everything started to point in the same direction, our synergy working together, the emergence of great partnerships in the process… and this made it even more evident that we were doing the right thing.

What are the main influences that shaped your sound and musical style as Zé Vitor and Evandro?

Evandro: Country music has always been very present in our lives. From the classics, like Chitãozinho and Xororó, to a more recent generation, like Victor and Leo and Guilherme and Santiago. In my case, I also draw inspiration from Italian artists, whom I greatly admire. Among them the opera singer Luciano Pavarotti and the tenor Andrea Bocelli.

How did it feel to have caught the attention of Orlando Baron and Management TK Produções right after that unusual meeting in the recording studio?

Zé Vitor: I have worked professionally with music for over 30 years. Even so, my greatest achievement, without a doubt, is the construction of this work. It’s surreal to think that a person with as much experience as Orlando trusted in our ability as a duo. It was a mix of sensations between gratitude and relief, knowing that we were heading in a positive direction. I believe that this trust was also motivated by the affection we have for each other. Our cooperation is visible. That’s something I’m proud of too.

You mentioned the presence of classic and contemporary elements in the duo’s work. How do you balance these different aspects in the musical creation process?

We prepared everything with our listeners in mind. We try to reach a consensus on what we think they will like and what they expect from our work. We believe that always thinking about the public as the receiver of the message, it is possible to balance any style and achieve satisfactory results. Surprising those who accompany us, we please ourselves as a result.

Since Zé Vitor is more focused on guitar and viola, and Evandro has a broad vocal trajectory, how do these individual differences complement each other in your musical journey?

Zé Vitor: Our styles complement each other. It’s like a puzzle with two pieces that fit together perfectly, and I believe this connection is so strong because, in addition to all our individual qualities, we have something in common that no difference can overcome: the love for art. We take this as our objective and continue with our work. I admit that it has worked very well.

How would you describe the process of creating the first DVD, “Zé Vitor & Evandro – Ao Vivo em Rio Preto – EP.1”? What were the biggest challenges and biggest achievements during recording?

Evandro: Recording the DVD was a dream come true. I started my career playing at weddings and I didn’t imagine that in a few years I would be developing this very special project. I can define the process with the words partnership and professionalism. The greatest achievement, I believe, was seeing everything developed with such quality. With the help of such experienced people in this field. The biggest challenge I think is understanding how to deal with such a large project. We had a lot of help, but this was the first time we had both dealt with something like this. The strategies are different, the logistics too. But, with all this collaboration between us, everything became easier.

The single ” Quando Bater Saudade Aí ” reached many views in just a few days on YouTube. What was your reaction when you saw this response from the public?

We felt that our wishes were being fulfilled and that, above all, our listeners were receiving exactly what we wanted to convey. The reception of this track came in the form of affection for us, as it was clear that those who follow us have really enjoyed our work.

What are the expectations and plans for the duo’s future after the release of the DVD?

We want to continue being faithful to our style to reach more and more people who identify with our tracks. The DVD was the kickoff of a much greater purpose, not only for upcoming releases, but for a career that goes beyond digital platforms. Our goal is to leave a mark, so that people remember us as great artists of our time. That’s gratifying for any musician.

How do you see the role of your music in people’s lives? Is there a specific message you want to convey through your songs?

Our mission with music is that we are, in fact, participants in people’s lives. It’s about ensuring that our songs are part of important moments, so that they create unforgettable memories through our sounds. We would like listeners to keep our lyrics and melodies in their hearts, because everything we do is always thinking about them.

In terms of evolution and artistic growth, how do you see the duo’s trajectory in a few years?

Zé Vitor: I imagine that our partnership will take us to new horizons. I hope we become a reference in our work, an inspiration for new and old artists on how to carry out well-made projects that really touch listeners in some way. Our expectation is that, in a few years, some of our tracks will become big hits that marked some stage in the lives of our listeners. At this point, we will have achieved our purpose.

Follow Zé Vitor and Evandro on Instagram

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