Ana Beatriz Pignataro deciphers mysteries of the Egyptian tarot through a new literary work

Luca Moreira
14 Min Read
Ana Beatriz Pignataro
Ana Beatriz Pignataro

In her most recent publication, Symbolisms in the Egyptian Tarot, launched by Hanoi Editora, philosopher and professor Ana Beatriz Pignataro unveils the enigmas hidden in the cards of this ancient oracle, revealing how its symbolisms deeply connect with the challenges and learnings of everyday life. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Ancient Egypt and explore the mysteries of the five greatest arcana – Death, The Hanged Man, The Wheel of Life, Choice and The Wizard’s Crown – to discover valuable teachings about time, detachment, knowledge, decisions humanities and the search for personal essence. Part of the Commentaries on Symbolism in Great Works Collection, this book not only illuminates the path to deep introspection, but also guides the reader on the journey of building their own inner temple. An essential reading for all who seek to understand the symbolisms that shape our existence and how they can guide us in our personal and spiritual growth.

What was the inspiration behind choosing the five major arcana of the Egyptian tarot as the main focus of your book?

Among so many symbolisms, I chose tarots as the theme of the book due to their depth and direct relationship with those who want to walk towards wisdom. In a certain way of interpretation, they refer to the steps of this journey to understand the mysteries of the human being himself. Furthermore, by delving into these specific symbols, we are approaching one of the cultures that stand out most in terms of symbolic aspects and knowledge of the mysteries of nature: Ancient Egypt.

The great purpose of the tarots was to lead disciples, lovers of truth, great seekers, to the deep laws of nature and, above all, to awaken in us some ideas that are dormant. This is exactly what we explore in this work, through each of the tarots that we will cover.

All Egyptian tarot symbols are equally important and significant. I chose these five because I believe they bring us very practical and necessary ideas for our current moment.

How did you find connections between Egyptian tarot symbols and everyday life?

All ancient symbols have this characteristic: they are communicating realities to us and delivering answers to life, through symbolic language.

I think the way in which, in Ancient Egypt, they represented the hieroglyph that signified the symbol is very beautiful. They used two outstretched hands, in the shape of a cup, representing that the symbol is one that offers something, that delivers a meaning, that provides something very special. The symbol is a bridge that can take us to deep and elevated ideas, showing how to live them on a daily basis.

Can you tell us more about the mix of Egyptian and Greek characteristics in the letters presented in the book?

There are many syncretisms between Greek and Egyptian culture. The Greeks (and especially many great philosophers) were admirers of the wisdom kept in Egypt. Plato himself was in Egypt and it is known that this period was very important in his life and work.

It is common to find several Egyptian symbols adapted in Greece, such as the sphinx itself. The same happens with tarots, which can be found in this way: mixing Egyptian and Greek characteristics. The choice of this version that we use in the book, combining Greek and Egyptian characteristics, is a personal preference of mine, I really like this union of the two cultures.

How does the symbolism of Death in the Egyptian tarot reflect the idea of reaping the fruits of life?

The symbol represents death reaping, harvesting the good fruits of our experiences. The actions and learning that transcended the material nature and entered the spiritual nature of life will be collected.

In all the experiences we live, we have the possibility to choose what we value and dedicate more time to. At each moment, aspects are present that will be erased by death (emotions, resentments, sorrows, pleasures, the way people see us, the goods acquired , etc. ). However, in every experience there is also something we can glean, like a small seed of learning, of depth, or a virtue that we can awaken within ourselves.

What we need to do? Select! Choose better those seeds that deeply touch our soul and not give so much value to things that are so fleeting, as the symbol shows us.

There are lasting lessons that will always be with us, even after death. If our identity is in this, there is no death.

Thus, death can be an excellent advisor for human beings, as the Stoic philosophers told us. When we think about death, we begin to realize which are the most important and lasting aspects of life, that is, where we should dedicate more of our energy.

In relation to the Hanged Man card, how can detachment be interpreted as a path to maturity?

We can define attachment as allowing things, people or events to exert power over us. We are often so attached that other people’s possessions and opinions can determine our emotional states, and even whether it rains or shines can influence how we feel. Deep down, we are enslaved by our attachments.

As Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, teaches us, human pain arises when we confuse reality and illusion, when we seek happiness outside of ourselves — our possessions, people we interact with, status, other people’s opinions, etc. This constant search leads to suffering.

A mature human being is exactly one who knows where his fulfillment lies and realizes that his true security and true happiness lie in being himself and revealing himself more and more through life. That would be a form of maturity. Life will inevitably lead us to this, and it is this inexorable movement that is being represented by the symbol.

The person who has let go to some degree, in addition to being very happy, is very free, as they know that they do not depend on anything to achieve fulfillment.

Ana Beatriz Pignataro
Ana Beatriz Pignataro

How does the Wheel of Life in the Egyptian tarot symbolize the alternation between light and shadows in the human journey?

The alternation between shadows and light, represented in this symbol, is equivalent to the alternation between ignorance and wisdom, unconsciousness and consciousness. It shows the flow of life that always alternates moments of adversity (darkness) and finding answers about how I should position myself (light).

All of us, although we often don’t want to accept it, need adversity, experiences we don’t know how to deal with, conflicts and trials. We generally consider these things to be evil, however, they were seen differently by the ancients.

Without these experiences, we would not have the need to expand our latent capabilities and potential. Thanks to them we become broader, with more power over ourselves and our circumstances.

It’s as if life, through its constant movement of alternations, always asks us the same questions again, through complex experiences: how are you going to develop yourself more? How can you have more will, more love, more intelligence in every circumstance of life? These are the answers we need to find. When we are in a darker place, we need to increase the light power more. When we are in contact with adversity, we also need to develop more light, more awareness.

When analyzing the Choice card, how do you discuss the root of human decisions?

We all have two tendencies within us: a tendency towards heaven and a tendency towards earth. The symbol in question reveals that every decision we make is defined either as a function of our animal soul or our human soul. We commonly think that, when deciding on something, we analyze the paths, options, advantages and disadvantages of each of them and, based on this analysis, we make our decision. We think that, when deciding something, we will analyze option A, weighing its advantages and disadvantages, and we will do the same with options B, C and D, if any.

However, what the symbol teaches us is the opposite of this logic: our decisions are made not based on paths or options, but based on who we are. If the human soul prevails within me, I will make a choice; if the animal soul prevails, I will choose something else. Our decisions, therefore, are made based not on circumstances or things, but on ourselves. Every decision is actually about who we are.

In other words, all our decisions could be summarized in this single big question: “To be or not to be”, as Shakespeare told us. All decisions and choices are ultimately about ourselves. It’s a question of identity: who is moving inside me? Being or “not being”? That is, in fact, the only relevant question.

What is the role of the connection with one’s own essence in the interpretation of the Magician’s Crown card?

In short, the symbol reveals to us that the greater the contact and connection with our being, the greater the ability to harmonize life. Not because our problems will disappear, but because we will have a greater capacity to respond. We will continue to face coexistence, time, economic and all types of tensions. But we will also have more will, creativity, discipline, intelligence and sensitivity, which will give us more depth and vision to harmonize any challenge in life. Therein lies the great untapped power of the human being.

How do you see the relationship between the symbolic teachings of the Egyptian tarot and the construction of each individual’s inner temple?

Life is always teaching us through its own language, which is symbolic. We want to better understand this language so that we can dialogue more deeply with life, enriching our inner life with the lessons we can gather from each experience. This is the construction of our inner temple: that high and elevated place within ourselves, where we can see more broadly and clearly. It is a state of consciousness.

What message or learning do you hope readers take away from your book “Symbolisms in the Egyptian Tarot”?

I wish that each of us can dialogue more deeply with our own soul, making each moment of life more symbolic and meaningful. For a moment or a day to be special, it does not depend on what happens in it, it depends on the position of our consciousness. I hope that this reading can provoke some changes in the angle from which each reader is observing life, and that the perception of it is with more and more brightness, color and beauty.

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