Written by judge Newton Carneiro Primo, new novel emphasizes the urgency of love in times of intolerance

Luca Moreira
8 Min Read
Newton Carneiro Primo
Newton Carneiro Primo

The new novel “Love in the midst of dissension” , by judge Newton Carneiro Primo , delves into the turbulence of a society affected by the pandemic and political polarization, offering a narrative that transcends the boundaries of fiction to reflect on social, political and existential issues . The story follows Tatiana, a recently separated public prosecutor, and David, a professional colleague, whose relationship unfolds amid the chaos of the health crisis and ideological war. As they face the challenges of everyday life, both are confronted with their own secrets and internal conflicts, on a journey that explores themes such as mental health, diversity, politics and spirituality. In this portrait of human anguish in the face of global transformations, the author invites readers to contemplate the search for love and understanding in times of division and uncertainty.

What was the inspiration behind the creation of “Love in the midst of dissent”?

I was inspired to write the novel at a time of conflict because the country passed, from the middle to the end of the pandemic, where political-ideological dissent exploded in Brazil, dividing people and alienating family and friends.

How do you see the role of art, particularly literature, in addressing social and political issues?

Particularly, I understand that literature should focus on the human experience, reflecting the author’s creative freedom, respecting their imagination and inspiration, without ideological constraints. Evidently, however, when a sensitive social situation is portrayed in fiction, this will reflect the engagement of one or another social or ideological banner.

Tatiana and David’s characters face personal and external challenges. How do these challenges reflect current issues in society?

The protagonist couple has a very strong synergy. Together they develop their spirituality and in this way they can reach a level of self-knowledge. It turns out that the path is thorny, as he has a serious mental problem and is overprotected by his mother. This factual and difficult picture coincides and is identified, in many points, with the ups and downs that the country faces as a result of a virulent ideological war. At this point, they advance to the understanding that above all there must be respect, harmony, embodied in love.

How did the pandemic and the political-ideological context influence the development of the plot and characters?

A work can be inspired, among others, by a fact, a person, or a political context. In the case of O Amor em Meio ao Dissenso , the work was inspired by a very complicated political-ideological context, seen at the height of the pandemic in the country. In this way, characters and plot were constructed based on the issues and themes that permeated this context and that, in a way, persist to this day. Opposing sides debate very intensely, based on different ways of seeing the world, sensitive topics such as political radicalism, extremism, homosexuality, abortion, spirituality, themes that are all incorporated into the novel.

Can you tell us a little about the importance of spirituality in the novel’s plot?

The novel has a certain density, in that it presents a superficial layer, which is factual and political-partisan dispute, and other deeper layers, identified with a philosophical and spiritual vision of the story, based on the context and scenario portrayed. With this, the work takes the reader from the surface to the deeper layers, offering a spiritual perspective to disagreements that are actually peripheral, when we understand that, deep down, what one side and the other want is the same: the good, justice and above all love. In a symbolic way, David lives with a mental illness that is related to a poorly understood sensitivity. This opens up the spirituality that the reader is invited to explore.

Newton Carneiro Primo
Newton Carneiro Primo

What are the key messages you hope to convey to readers through this work?

Above all, love, which leads to understanding, fraternity, respect for different ways of thinking and the construction of a better and more inclusive world.

How do you see the relationship between love and tolerance, especially in times of division and polarization?

Love is almost indefinable, because at the same time as it seems abstract, it is the most dense and powerful thing there is. It is in us to a greater or lesser extent and we need it to mobilize ourselves in life, in the world. We cannot give up its creative and restorative power. On the other hand, tolerance is, in my opinion, an incomplete and inadequate term. How are we supposed to just tolerate each other? It’s not healthy. In fact, what the other person needs is, at the very least, respect and consideration and this can only be achieved with love. But we will only be able to understand this perfectly when we are able to see ourselves in other people.

What were the biggest challenges you faced in writing this novel?

As it is a slightly denser novel, from a psychological point of view, the characterization of the characters required a lot of me, as, for the most part, they have a complex issue to deal with. Furthermore, revisions are also quite time consuming, given the need to polish and improve the text.

How do you believe readers can apply the lessons learned from “Love in the Midst of Dissent” to their own lives?

I believe that the reader, by having contact with the story of David and Tatiana, as well as with the dramas involving the couple and other characters, will be able to reflect on themes of extreme importance and, based on a more accurate reflection on the meaning and reach love, meditate a little about yourself and others. How can we exclude certain segments when what we strive for inside and outside religion is equality? How can we relativize life and fraternity when what we want is a world without prejudice and more inclusive?

Could you share a moment or scene from the book that is particularly meaningful to you?

“– Although we have a line of thought, we tend to pick one thought from here, another from there. Do you know what I think? That what we are really doing is seeking the essence of things. If everyone could understand how what they are looking for is essentially the same, there wouldn’t be so much divergence in the world.”

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