In “3 Christmases from Recif”, writer Israel Pinheiro from Pernambuco explores the complex feelings aroused by Christmas, a date marked by joy and unity, but also by loneliness and pain. Through three short stories set in Brazil, Pinheiro addresses themes such as hope, longing and mourning, bringing to light everyday difficulties with optimistic endings that pay tribute to the resilience of the Brazilian people. The book, which was born in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, is an invitation to reflect on human bonds and the power of the date to heal lonely hearts.
You have transformed moments of solitude and reflection into stories that touch readers deeply. What motivated you to capture the emotional complexities of Brazilian Christmas and transform them into such captivating narratives?
All the stories in the book were conceived in the context of the pandemic, perhaps at the most critical moment of restrictions on social interaction and physical contact. For me, the exercise of imagining better days and more pleasant realities was very important. The hope that we would overcome such atrocious times was my greatest motivation.
The book addresses difficult topics such as grief, anxiety and everyday challenges, but always with optimistic endings. How do you balance the intensity of these emotions with the message of hope that permeates the stories?
This is quite curious. And looking back, today I realize that being optimistic often means simply believing that things will stop getting worse at some point. The balance comes from my personal belief that there are no definitive defeats for those who choose to fight against hopelessness day after day.
The stories in 3 Christmases from Recif are rooted in the experiences of the Brazilian Northeast, with rich dialogues and local slang. Why was it important for you to value and portray this regional identity in the Christmas context?
Because I consider myself a typical Northeasterner. And I believe that, as a writer, I have the aesthetic duty to faithfully portray the diction, syntax, symbols and geography of my region.
Each story reflects very real and current situations, such as the challenges of the pandemic and the impact of social media. How were these themes received by the public when you initially shared them on Instagram?
The effusive reception left a lasting impression on me, and it was an intensity I really didn’t expect. Throughout Christmas Eve, I received very touching testimonies; people really got involved, cried and smiled at the conflicts that the stories contain.

Writing can be an act of acceptance for both the author and the readers. What was the process like of using writing to connect people in a time of isolation and bring comfort during difficult Christmases?
It was, above all, an experimental project. I confess that I had my doubts that it would work, and I also thought many times about not going ahead with the idea. But in the end, the effort achieved its purpose: it alleviated the loneliness of so many loved ones who were, prudently, isolated during the strangest Christmases of our lives.
Resilience is a characteristic that you highlight as part of the essence of the Brazilian people. How did this trait manifest itself in your life and influence the messages you wanted to convey with the book?
Here, once again, I evoke my condition as a Northeasterner. We are the resilient Brazilians par excellence. Often misunderstood, debased in our affections and reviled in our choices. Despite this, we continue to produce our essential and hopeful art, guardian of the quintessence of the national soul.
Christmas is a time of much reflection and redefinition. What do you hope readers take away with them after delving into the tales of 3 Christmases from Recife?
Above all, I hope that it will be an enjoyable read. A revisit to the best Christmas memory and a glimpse into the permanence of the date and its signs.
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