Cacau Colucci talks about changing her life in marriage, motherhood and involvement in animal protection

Luca Moreira
20 Min Read
Cacau Colucci
Cacau Colucci

Cacau Colucci , known for her remarkable participation in Big Brother Brasil 10, opened her heart in an exclusive interview about her journey from reality to the exciting phase of motherhood. With her husband, delegate Bruno Lima, by her side, Cacau shared details about how they dealt with the repercussions of the pregnancy, revealing intimate moments and challenges faced.

In addition to remembering his journey from Big Brother to his foray into the world of acting and digital influence, Cacau revealed details about his relationship with Bruno Lima, highlighting their mutual admiration and the challenges of reconciling careers and personal life in light of the arrival of their first child.

When talking about values and principles that guide his personal and professional life, Cacau highlighted the importance of contributing to significant social work and leaving a legacy of good education and values for his son.

Finally, Cacau shared her perspective on taking care of mental health and emotional well-being in the face of media exposure and public opinions. Cacau Colucci’s revealing interview offers a glimpse of the woman behind the headlines, highlighting her inspiring journey of overcoming, love and authenticity.

Regarding the announcement of your pregnancy, how did you and your husband, Bruno Lima, deal with the repercussions in the media and on social networks?

Man, we were very happy with the news. It was something we really wanted, to have a child. However, we were almost giving up. We decided not to do insemination after two years of trying to make it happen naturally. We waited three months to announce it to the media, because, as we know, the first months of pregnancy are more risky, and we preferred to wait a little before telling people. It was a conscious decision. We received many messages of affection and welcome, which was very gratifying. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good heart, and there are those who are against it. The internet can be a cruel place, but we have received a lot of support. People followed the entire pregnancy, the birth and continue to follow Arthur to this day. This is very special.

Could you share with us a little about your experience participating in Big Brother Brasil 10 and how it influenced your professional trajectory?

About Big Brother, wow, it completely changed my life and my professional trajectory, didn’t it? I have a degree in Literature from a public university, but I have never worked in the field. At the same time as college, I worked at events and later opened my own events agency, providing models and receptionists for fairs and conferences. I joined Big Brother around that time and ended up leaving my agency. From then on, I did a lot of work, a lot of VIP appearances. At that time, there wasn’t much work on the internet, nor Instagram. So, I attended a lot of parties, parades, took photos for magazine covers and traveled a lot. Afterwards, I was hired by Record for Escolinha do Gugu, I took an acting course and I have DRT. I worked as a reporter at Rede TV! I currently have my podcast. My life took different directions, it changed completely, both professionally and personally. I participated in many TV shows and advertisements, including in the internet era.

The experience within Big Brother is crazy. No matter how much we try to explain, we only need to be there to understand. It gives the impression that you have been there for much longer than you actually are. You wonder if people are watching, if the program is exciting, there are several doubts. This ends up leading people to talk too much and relax. You have no contact with the outside world, so you doubt everything. It’s a very intense and unique experience, it’s difficult to get a full view of the game, as you only see your own eyes. Besides, the editing of the program is also unique. You end up making alliances that can be wrong and this can harm you in the game. It’s like a game of chess, each edition is different. Your participation in Big Brother can be considered a success or not, it depends on many factors besides yourself. Other people’s staleness can be your worst enemy inside, blinding you a lot. But it is a unique experience that will last a lifetime. You know yourself better, you know your limits, your mistakes, defects, qualities and weaknesses become more evident. It’s a strange place, because when you’re inside, you’re publicly exposed, but when you come out, you’re afraid of how you were seen. I do not regret anything.

What is it like being married to delegate Bruno Lima and how do you balance your careers and personal lives, especially with the arrival of your first child?

Well, the first contact I had with Bruno was admiration, you know? I saw him on the internet. I saw him saving little monkeys from wildlife trafficking, right? So I said, guys, I’m going to marry this man, I prophesied to myself. Attraction has a lot to do with wonder, doesn’t it? So, first, I admired his work, then I went to meet him. She must be a very beautiful person, with character, with heart. It’s still beautiful, so I think it’s really cool to be proud of the person you are. I think Bruno deserves all the admiration, all the reverence, because the work he does is fantastic. This kind of person deserves to have real fans, you know? Because he does relevant work for society, for animals. We come from completely different worlds, as I said. I came from Big Brother, Carnival, events, and Bruno came from the world of the police, he is not a police chief, but from many completely opposite worlds. Until we reach a common sense, I’ll say it like this, no one can stop being what they are, but everyone has to give in a little, understand each other, to be able to live in harmony, right?

That’s what marriage is, isn’t it? But today, I’m in a different moment, right? I wanted more peace of mind, as I have already done everything I wanted to do in my life. Today I have more peace to be able to build a family, dedicate myself more to my son. I’m very accomplished professionally, I built my nest egg, as I said, I didn’t follow my acting career so firmly, but I ended up realizing myself a little on the internet, on social media. And I had to speed up a little too, so much so that we came to the interior to have a calmer, more peaceful life. I had my son when I was 30, so I planned to become a mother later so I could take care of him as I wanted, with more peace of mind, following his every step. Every woman knows what’s best for her and what she wants, right? So today we live very peacefully, we think very similarly, we have the same desires, you know?

I really support Bruno’s career, as I said, I admire him so much. The first thing that brought us together was the animal cause. We met at Carnival, which is a shared passion, so we come from opposite worlds. But we have a lot of things in common, especially now that we are in a calmer phase. And Arthur came to seal all this love. Of course there is no perfect couple, right? We have our disagreements, but we are very, very happy, in general.

The first time I saw Bruno was on Instagram, you know? He posted a video saving little monkeys from wildlife trafficking. I said, besides cats, save pets, I’m going to marry this man. I prophesied, right? Then we met at Carnival, I paraded, right? I paraded for 7 years at a samba school. I say that it all started at Carnival. But our first point in common was the animal cause, right? I’ve always been a godmother of animal institutions, I’ve always liked it, I’ve always helped. But Bruno and I come from opposite worlds, right? I came from events, Big Brother, he from the police, not a police officer, very serious, right? So it took us a while to find harmony in the relationship. We had some disagreements, differences in the beginning, right? But that was changing. Each one giving in a little, understanding the other. And the desire to be together was greater than all that. And Arthur came to seal all of this, right? We are crazy about it and I feel super fulfilled. I became a mother at 39, so I did everything I wanted to do. I lived a lot, right? So we came to the interior to have a quieter, calmer life. I always planned to be a mother later and I wanted to take my foot off the accelerator to follow his childhood. Today I work more on the internet, I have a podcast and I support it in everything, I follow it whenever I can. And that’s it, I think we are finding each other and following our path in increasingly better harmony.

Cacau Colucci
Cacau Colucci

What are your expectations and plans for motherhood? Do you already have an idea of how you will balance your professional life with caring for your baby?

I ran a lot in my life, I built a nest egg, thank God, because I knew that when I was going to be a mother, I wanted to take my foot off the accelerator, to dedicate myself more to motherhood. I don’t think we should leave our professional lives aside, not completely. But I planned to become a mother later, so I could really enjoy it , you know? We have to seek happiness in all aspects. So I have my podcast, I record once a week, I make my videos on the internet, my advertisements, but in a lighter, calmer way, with choice, you know? It’s so I can have this option to choose what I want to do or not do. As I said, it was also a choice to come to the interior. But that’s it, I feel more fulfilled this way.

How do you define your trajectory since your participation in Big Brother Brasil until now, considering your foray into the world of acting and digital influence?

About BBB and the digital world, I study BBB 10, from 2010, 14 years ago, when Instagram didn’t even exist. Which participants from that time are remembered today and have a relevant social network? Besides Grazi and Sabrina Sato, there are very few, right? There are few people who are remembered and have a significant presence on social media. I feel like I’ve followed this transformation well into the digital age. Our time was filled with many events, participation in TV shows, magazine covers; it was another reality.

Today, I have a lot of visibility, I am sought after in the digital world, I make videos mainly in my niches of motherhood, couples and animals. I also joined BBB 21 to do a fashion show. I am called to BBB chat tables on Globo, sometimes I participate in TV shows and I continue to do advertising for big brands, like Nokia and Pampers, mainly in my family, couples and animals niches. I am fulfilled and I consider myself a successful person, even though I was 14 years ago.

Do you and your husband have any joint projects related to animal causes that you intend to develop or promote?

Regarding animal cause projects, I actively participate behind the scenes. We discuss everything from bills to stories and content ideas. I contribute more in areas related to my training and experience. For example, Bruno has a bill on including animal causes in the school curriculum, where I can help more, while I have more experience in media and social networks. I am very connected to Bruno’s audience and can offer feedback on the content he shares, ensuring it raises awareness. I receive a lot of complaints and demands, and I filter this information for him. However, I do not seek protagonism; The project is by delegate Bruno Lima and aims to combat animal abuse. I believe that the leading role should be in animals, not us.

Cacau Colucci
Cacau Colucci

What are your main values and principles that guide your personal and professional life?

Nowadays, we greatly value the principle of helping others and animals. We have always had this feeling, but now we act more actively. Even though I work more behind the scenes, I feel like I’m part of it all. We are here to evolve, putting aside ego and vanity to contribute to meaningful social work, especially for our son, leaving a legacy of good education and values. Bruno has left a beautiful legacy, especially in the animal cause. He transformed this cause in Brazil, and that makes us proud. It’s not just for animals, but also for society. He promises nothing and delivers everything. This is not someone who makes empty promises, but rather someone who works and shows results. And Arthur is growing up in this environment, which gives us a solid foundation as a family. We are focused on spiritual evolution, regardless of religion. We feel more complete and with a greater purpose for being here. There is no point in being happy only in your professional life, as this can be very empty.

Given media exposure and public opinions about your life and decisions, how do you take care of your mental health and emotional well-being?

I have always had very good mental and emotional health. Of course, no one likes to hear criticism or deal with haters , but this ends up making us more resilient, stronger. It is part of the exhibition, it has its benefits and bonuses. Currently, we are in a calmer phase, a little away from the media. I’ve been more in the eye of the storm, and I passed on my experiences to Bruno, who entered public life after me. We exchange many experiences and support each other .

Bruno is very loved, has many supporters and a loyal audience. However, we prefer to avoid unnecessary exposure of our personal lives. He is quite reserved in this aspect, preferring to focus on work. At first, I may have overexposed a little, but it made us stronger. Some things should be kept to ourselves, both the good and the bad. Declarations of love, for example, must be made directly to the person, and disagreements must be resolved in private. Not everything needs to be shared on social media.

I’ve had very few criticisms in my life, but I’ve always known how to deal with them well. I accept constructive criticism and ignore those that are unfounded. I’ve always had a very good head for that. I think it’s important to take care of your mental health and have the discernment to listen especially to the opinions of people who really care about you. Others don’t always have good intentions.

Taking care of your mental health is essential, especially in the digital world where people can easily get lost. If you can, going to therapy is a great idea, we all need emotional support at some point.

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