Luara Fonseca , from a young age, dove headfirst into the digital universe, initially finding her space on YouTube. However, it was on that her online presence began to stand out, gaining followers with her authenticity and dancing skills. Over time, her influence extended to platforms like TikTok and Instagram, cementing her as a prominent figure on the social media scene. In a revealing interview, Luara shares the challenges she faced from her initial shyness to becoming a reference in the digital universe, offering insights into creativity, fame, relationships with fans and her perspectives for the future of her channel and other social media platforms .
Her journey, marked by ups and downs, reflects not only her growth as an influencer, but also the changes in the digital landscape over the years. While Luara seeks to reconnect with her true essence off camera, her impact on the online community continues to be a source of inspiration for millions of followers who follow her journey.
What was your transition like from to other social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube?
I actually started on YouTube and only realized I was excelling on later. I invested in this platform and that’s where most people met me. I only started investing in Instagram after leaving I already had the social network, but I didn’t usually post much there. It was all very peaceful. I reached my first million followers on, then on YouTube and then on Instagram. I was 11 when I made my first million and 12 when I made my first million on YouTube and Instagram. I have always posted on the three networks spontaneously, only when I felt like it, and I continue to do so to this day.
What is the origin of the name of your YouTube channel, “No mundo da Lua”, and how do you decide the themes of your videos?
I’m from the internet era when people created names for their channels. Felipe Neto had ‘ Parafernalha ‘, Kéfera had ‘5 Minutos’, ‘Galo Frito’ was by Paty, ‘Nostalgia’ was by Castanhari, ‘After the Onze’, ‘Jovem Nerd’, ‘Bel Para Girls’ etc. So, I needed to create my name, and that’s how ‘No Mundo da Lua’ came about. After all, my name is Luara and, as you asked, I would like to say that this is how my content is developed, always revolving around the events of my life.
You mentioned that you liked cameras from an early age. What was the process like overcoming your initial shyness to become a famous personality on the internet?
In fact, as I went through a very shy phase due to a lack of self-esteem, I found on camera a place of comfort to be myself. It was as if there I wasn’t afraid to be who I am. Unfortunately, this changed throughout my career, as the opposite happened throughout my life. Online hate hurts us a lot, and I became a person afraid to post. Today, I’m more me when the camera is off. My fans who know me most deeply feel this. I want to be able to be myself again, 100%, but it’s a process that takes time, and I’m looking for that.

How important is creativity in your daily life, whether in producing content or choosing clothes?
100% or at least 90% for sure. When we work in entertainment, we need to be creative and be aware of everything that is happening in the world.
How do you deal with fame and attention from fans, especially considering your shy nature?
As incredible as it may seem, it has always been very natural for me. I have been a public figure since a very early age; At the age of 11, I was already holding meetings and reached 3,000 people in one day. However, on the other hand, in my personal life, I am super discreet and have never really liked the spotlight directed at me.
You rose to prominence on TikTok for your dancing skills. What is the process of creating and sharing choreographies for popular songs like?
As incredible as it may seem, my intention was never to stand out by creating choreography, but when the TikTok wave started, I was already part of the app. Everything flowed very naturally and I received several proposals from record companies to make a song go viral on the app. I ended up becoming a reference, as I was one of the first to become aware of what would possibly be the new internet craze.

In addition to producing content, you mentioned that you like watching series and traveling. What are some of your favorite series and travel destinations?
Watching series and traveling are definitely at the top of my leisure list. The first series I watched was Pretty Little Liars and it will always have a special place in my heart, it’s like my comforting series. Currently, my new addiction is American Horror Story . I’m a big admirer of the work of Ryan Murphy, the creator of the series. He managed to produce something extremely innovative and artistic. It took me a long time to start seeing why I was so scared of anything horror when I was younger.
As for my favorite travel destinations, the USA is certainly in first place, but I still dream of visiting Italy, Egypt, Greece, Thailand, Maldives, Mexico, Japan and several other places. The more, the merrier!
What is it like for you to be a reference for other people, especially young people, who are interested in entering the world of digital content creation?
In recent years, I have gone through a lot of turbulence because I started so early and when everything was still new. Therefore, I ended up making some mistakes that compromised my mental health. Currently, I believe there is no better advice than prioritizing your values and taking care of your emotional well-being. When we are part of the internet bubble, where any and all futility is extremely praised, we need to always connect with real life, so that we never forget what really provides a complete and happy life.
Have you had any most memorable experiences for you when meeting your fans at events or during your travels?
I think each time is special and remarkable, each in its own way. The exchange of energy I have with my fans is something inexplicable, a unique sensation. I can spend more than 8 hours on my feet attending to each one of them and, in the end, I still have the stamina to serve twice as much.
What are your future plans for your YouTube channel and other social media platforms?
I am currently not producing anything for my channel and am mostly absent from all networks in general. I understood that, at this moment, I am going through many changes and meeting a new Luara. Many cycles have ended so that new ones can open. I’m looking forward to experiencing everything the future holds for me!
Follow Luara Fonseca on Instagram