Renowned actor Marcelo Pio , known for his versatility ranging from biblical plots on Record to controversial roles on streaming, is present in new projects that promise to impact the public. In “Funk – Baile de Favela”, directed by Aly Muritiba and produced by Heitor Dhalia and Manoel Rangel, Pio plays Mauro, a charismatic artistic entrepreneur from Rio, alongside Duda Santos. The film, which reflects the vibrant essence of Rio funk, features a defiant and cunning Mauro who interacts with Sabrina, a determined and inspiring woman.
With more than 20 years of career, Pio is not limited to acting, expanding his work to producing and directing in theater, cinema and TV. His recent work includes films and series such as “Todo Mundo Tem Problems Com Amor” and “ Verônika ”, and he is already preparing for new challenges that will arise in 2024 and 2025. In a deep reflection on his career, the actor reveals the desire to playing Jesus Christ, a role he considers to be the most profound and transformative role an actor can hope for.
Marcelo Pio continues to impress with his passion and dedication, demonstrating that the essence of art lies in constant evolution and learning. With the support of the artistic manager Catapulta, which stands out for promoting talent and prioritizing diversity, Pio continues in search of new horizons and challenges.
How did you prepare to play Mauro in “Funk – Baile de Favela” and what most attracted you to this role?
I went along a naturalistic path, close to the palettes of divergent personas that I have been creating. Aly Muritiba at the helm of an incredible team. I was very happy with the invitation from casting director Alonso Zerbinato . A Paranoid project , produced by Heitor Dhalia and Manoel Rangel.
You mentioned that Mauro is a smart and mischievous character. What aspects of this character were most challenging for you to play?
Everyone has an adventurous side. I went down this path, which wants to experience, live and play. This is my philosophy, being divergent with maximum freedom. I already had a “Virada a festa” party and played DJ, I know a little about how Carioca nightlife works, I got along with a lot of people. Human relationships give you a repertoire to live, understand and respect them. We are all “connected”. I try to be intentional and observe the patterns of living, this helps me with challenges.

What was it like working with the “Funk – Baile de Favela” team, especially with director Aly Muritiba and actress Duda Santos?
The protagonist Duda Santos is great in her performance as Sabrina, a funk singer who seeks to achieve success and her place. She gave me a truth that only good causes have. Aly was calm the entire time with me and the team, he asked me for details on the scene, I was pleased to work with him and his great team . It will be a success!
You have previous experience with communities like Vidigal. How did this experience help you prepare for “Funk – Baile de Favela”?
I feel very comfortable in the communities, they remind me of traditional neighborhoods where kites, roller cars and marbles are flown, where life happens more spontaneity. We have already rehearsed an entire play in the Vidigal community, my cultural partner Glauce Guima and I, in “Grito D’alma” by Tennessee Williams, it was one of the richest experiences I’ve had in human relationships.

With more than 20 years of career, how do you see your performance evolving over the years? Is there a role or project that has been particularly memorable for you?
I see this evolution with great joy and pride. Being an agent of culture in our country means winning a gold medal every day. I am also a theater producer. We need to be strong and creative, artists’ lives have always been like this and will always be a necessary adventure to make the dream possible and palpable. I am very honored to be chosen for this, I greatly respect my art and our audience, who honor and support us. I love all the roles I play and receive, I am passionate about being in the process and on the scene creating, being free and absolute in that present. For life is a gift and always will be.
You mentioned that the secret to transitioning well between different roles and genres is realizing the common essence of art. Can you tell us a little more about this vision and how it influences your work?
Yes, great question. Art is the imponderable, the subtle, the magical, the divine. How to explain the diversity and genius of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, how to explain a goal by King Pelé? We realize that there is art there, it attracts us, magnetizes us, we realize that it transcends. That’s why artists and athletes attract us so much, we realize that the divine nature is intense there, expressing itself and expanding all the time. Art in me is this invisible energy that wants to expand at all times, wants to express itself, wants to exist and bring joy, emotion, fulfillment, satisfaction. You want to reveal something. When I’m on stage I’m completely aligned with the Eternal, mind, soul and spirit. Only this completely absolute and subtle dimension, to make us experience something as big as this.

You have several projects in the works, including “Everybody Has a Love Problem” and “The Golden Man.” How do you balance all these projects and keep your performance consistent?
Your comments about my work will save me some money on therapy. I like the phrase “there is no such thing as a free lunch” we have to run and strive all the time. Preparation is fundamental, studying, getting to know new things outside our radar, always being up to date, reading intelligent books, seeing the work of colleagues in the profession, seeing exhibitions, getting to know the work of directors, understanding life and relationships, experience your internal world as much as the external one, learn about the origins of people and civilizations, I even study quantum physics, I try to prepare myself for life, be a better father, a better husband, a better friend and consequently my art of acting grows .
You have expressed a desire to play Jesus Christ. What draws you to this role and what do you think the experience of playing such a deep and meaningful character would be like?
What attracts me is his uniqueness. It is the creator on earth dialoguing with his creation. It brings the possibility of a possible world with peace, love and respect. He shows the way, the truth and the life. But really, in life, without philosophies. That alone would tell you that we would have a lifetime to discuss and live. Jesus has always been a passion and enigma for me, since I was a child in my beloved city of Muriqui. I would stop my bike in front of the church, look inside and think “Why did they crucify the Son of God?”. I didn’t understand this, but how? Time passed and I began to understand the planet we live on. I have had many beautiful stories with Christ, of healing and blessings. I know he is my friend. Jesus is the central figure of humanity, he divided history. He spoke of the Father’s Kingdom, of the coming mysteries, he said that we have to be pure like children. All the love and spiritual teachings he planted here on earth is so beautiful. I think living this experience puts you in the best place in existence.

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