Author: Luca Moreira

Manuel Horácio Francisco da Silva, one of the most respected executives in Brazil, launches his autobiography entitled “O Equilibrista”. The book, published by the publishing house Edições 70, published by Almedina Brasil, portrays the trajectory of this renowned business leader, from his childhood as a flower seller to his controversial dismissal as CEO of Telemar. The work addresses topics such as leadership, company restructuring and the importance of a professional image, with a preface signed by Horácio Lafer Piva. With a narrative organized into thematic blocks, “O Equilibrista” delves into the life and career of Manoel Horácio, exploring his rise…

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In her grand debut in the theatrical universe, the young singer Lívia Corrêa, known for her participation in The Voice Kids in 2020, is ready to delight audiences in Campos dos Goytacazes and beyond. At the age of 14, Lívia will perform in the show “EscolinhaZinha do Professor Raimundo” in Cidade das Artes, in Rio de Janeiro, where she will demonstrate her talent not only in music, but also in dance and interpretation. In this adaptation aimed at children and young people, the artist will represent the character Tati, a teenage student who brings humor and irreverence to the questions…

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Lari Sumpani, the popular social media influencer, has been using her platform to speak openly about her sexual orientation and fight the prejudice she faces as a bisexual woman. After revealing her bisexuality, Lari has been the target of criticism and facing biphobia, being the target of negative feelings and discrimination by others. In LGBTQIAPN+ Pride month, Lari considers it essential to address this issue on the internet and raise the flag of diversity. With nearly 230,000 followers on Instagram, she uses her content to raise awareness and normalize bisexuality, seeking to promote equality and respect. The influencer emphasizes the…

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Gica, the 20-year-old singer born and raised in the community of Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro, is celebrating yet another milestone in her meteoric career. After the resounding success of the project “Pagode da Gica”, which accumulates more than 20 million streams and a schedule full of monthly shows, she has just released the long-awaited music video for “Carência”, her second feat. and official clip. The song, which features the singer Vitinho, is already on the main radio stations in the country and maintains the artist’s unstoppable rise in the independent scene. Since the launch of “Pagode da Gica” in…

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At 19, Judá is a young man who arouses admiration for his passion for the presence of God and for the various artistic gifts he carries. From his mother’s womb, he carries the promise of being a worshiper. Playing four instruments, fluent in three languages ​​and leader of his church’s Worship Ministries, Judah stands out as a multifaceted talent. In addition, he has a remarkable history, having lived in Angola for two years. Now, he is preparing for the release of his first music project titled “Conversion” and “Conversion C/ Oneservice Project”, where he expresses an intimate prayer to God.…

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Kaue Rodrigues, also known as Kauezinho, is shining on screen with appearances in successful series and promising projects. He is currently filming the long-awaited Netflix children’s series “Luz”, while also delighting audiences in the series “Auto Posto, Amigos de Nelson” on Comedy Central. In “Auto Posto”, Kaue plays the charismatic Enzo, a tiktoker and dancer with whom he deeply identifies. Directed by Marcelo Botta and starring Walter Breda, “Auto Posto” has a talented cast, including special appearances by names like Rita Cadillac, Grace Gianoukas, Felipe Torres and Adriano Silva, from the Hermes e Renato group. Kaue Rodrigues has masterfully conquered…

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Juliane Hooper, Neo Soul singer and songwriter, dives into her emotions and transforms her feelings into art through music. After the release of melancholic and danceable tracks, such as “Soulless” and “Wasting Away”, she now presents her long-awaited debut album, titled “Soulful”. The disc, which combines songs in English and Portuguese, reflects the personal and artistic journey of the artist, who sought authentic sounds and lyrics that fully represented her. Initially planned as an EP, the project evolved over a year of production, under the direction of Julio Mossil. Juliane realized the importance of each track written and decided to…

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The father figure has undergone a significant transformation, no longer just a supporting role in raising children. In this context, active fatherhood emerges, challenging men to assume a more involved and present role. But are they prepared for this new reality? René Breuel, author of “It’s not easy being a father”, shares his experience in an honest and fun way, bringing reflections on this challenge. René Breuel holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, a Master’s in Creative Writing from the University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom, and in Theology from Regent College, in Canada.…

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Deborah Tabacof, renowned psychologist and activist, known for her work on the main Brazilian television programs, launches her most recent book entitled “Um Lama Tibetano na Amazônia”. The work recounts her remarkable experience in 1996, when she led a group that took a Tibetan Lama to explore the lush Amazon rainforest. In addition, the book portrays his experience at the NGO Saúde e Alegria in 1989, a prominent environmental organization in Brazil, and records the historical enthronement of the Brazilian Lama Michel Rinpoche. With a preface by Lama Caroline, from England, and by filmmaker and Buddhist Anna Muylaert, who accompanied…

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In Rochelly César’s exciting literary debut, entitled “You can’t stop the girl”, we are introduced to the protagonist Freya, a young Brazilian girl who wins a scholarship at the prestigious University of Oxford. Upon arriving in the UK, she becomes involved with Scot, a charming and famous man, who transports her to a world of luxury and glamour. However, this novel puts her personal goals in check, triggering a major dilemma in Freya’s life. At the age of 23, Freya devoted herself entirely to her studies and her dream of living in England, leaving little room for love experiences. Now,…

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