Lari Sumpani, the popular social media influencer, has been using her platform to speak openly about her sexual orientation and fight the prejudice she faces as a bisexual woman. After revealing her bisexuality, Lari has been the target of criticism and facing biphobia, being the target of negative feelings and discrimination by others.
In LGBTQIAPN+ Pride month, Lari considers it essential to address this issue on the internet and raise the flag of diversity. With nearly 230,000 followers on Instagram, she uses her content to raise awareness and normalize bisexuality, seeking to promote equality and respect.
The influencer emphasizes the importance of breaking stereotypes and prejudices, highlighting that the vision of two women together as a male fetish is wrong. Lari argues that the expression of affection and love between people of the same sex should be treated naturally, as with heterosexual couples.
Facing prejudiced comments in her content, Lari looks forward to the day when it will no longer be necessary to deal with this form of discrimination, where everyone can live and love freely, without denial or exclusion by society.
Lari Sumpani’s courage and determination to share her story and fight for LGBTQIAPN+ rights is an inspiring example, reinforcing the importance of visibility and respect for diversity in all spheres of society.
How has your experience been with speaking openly about your sexual orientation and dealing with criticism on the internet?
It’s a mix of feelings. There is a portion of people who are very critical and still see both sexual orientation and the freedom to talk about it as a taboo. However, I have seen a huge increase in the number of followers who identify with the cause and support it. There are also those who feel comfortable assuming their sexual orientation due to the freedom that I promote on my networks. This makes me extremely happy and with the feeling that I am making a difference in their lives.
How do you believe that your visibility as an influencer can help in the fight against biphobia and in the promotion of LGBTQIAPN+ inclusion?
Being an influencer is a very big responsibility. When you expose your position in relation to delicate and/or controversial subjects, you influence the thousands of followers who see you as an example. I believe that my position (from the beginning) defending not only bisexuality but all forms of love, helps in the fight against prejudice and in people’s understanding that there is nothing wrong with different expressions of affection. In addition, the fact that I am bi helps me to speak directly to the public, since I always rely on my personal experience. I believe this corroborates my speech and brings me closer to everyone.
What are the main challenges you face as a bisexual person in today’s society?
Even today, people find it difficult to understand that bisexuality is not a confusing phase in a person’s life. I can fall in love with a woman today and in my next relationship with a man. Our choices have to do with what the person gives us, regardless of gender, and this is still a taboo in society, unfortunately.
How do you deal with the stereotypes and fetishization that some people have towards same-sex couples?
It is a delicate subject, because this relationship is very sexualized, precisely because they are of the same sex. I have already suffered several prejudices in clubs and bars because I was accompanied by a woman and a man arrives “invading” our privacy, thinking he has the right to participate. Unfortunately, to this day, I have to resort to justice for the person to be punished. I hope that one day we will reach a level of general awareness that same-sex couples are normal couples too, who deserve respect.
In LGBTQIAPN+ Pride month, what message would you like to convey to other people who are going through similar situations?
I wish from the bottom of my heart strength and courage to be who you are! And above all: be proud of it! We were all born to be free, happy and loved.

Do you believe that representation on social networks has contributed to awareness and acceptance of sexual diversity?
For sure! Every movement needs strength to be known and reach people who need this message! The internet is a tool of infinite possibilities and with an incomparable reach to other means of communication. That way, when I take a stand, I not only contribute, but also add strength to the movement.
What actions do you believe could be taken to combat prejudice and biphobia in society?
Awareness campaigns on the main communication channels, laws that protect your rights and defend your sexual orientation before society.
How do you see the role of social networks and the internet as tools to promote equality and LGBTQIAPN+ rights?
Social networks have millions of Internet users who spend several hours a day circulating through different platforms. Therefore, this power of communication must be used to promote equality and respect for the LGBTQIAPN+ population on a large scale.
What are your future plans regarding your online platform and advocacy for sexual diversity?
Due to my sexual orientation, my content is very varied, and that’s exactly what my subscribers love! There are videos with men, women, transsexuals… This reinforces what I have always defended, the freedom to be who you are and respect your desires. In terms of content, I intend to continue with this approach to freedom, always creating new experiences for myself and my subscribers.
How do you expect to see society evolving with regard to acceptance and respect for sexual diversity in the coming years?
I hope that conversations about sex, sexual orientation and the like will no longer be taboo. May social media in general begin to address such matters lightly and calmly, so that people understand that there is nothing wrong with loving people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes.
Follow Larissa Sumpani on Instagram